Syria, why and what for?


Well-known member
The United States has been blessed with AWSOME military power and with it the ability to affect the outcome of battles and wars worldwide. In most cases we generally choose not to do so, but we have said in the past that there are certain things we choose not to allow.

The question currently before Congress is IF the United States will back up the Red Line about the use of chemical weapons we have blustered about for decades. We have the ability to make the use of chemical weapons a net loss for any group planning on using them in the future. If we hit the Syrian regime for using the chemical weapons any group in the future that considers using chemical weapons will have to weigh in the risk that the United States will cause more harm than benefit the Chemical Weapons will have provided. It does not appear to me that we are taking sides, in this instance, other than to back up a threat we have made for decades. If the rebels had used Chemical Weapons I would hope we would be considering hitting them.

So will the Congress allow politics to weaken a stance taken by both parties for decades or will they stand with the Current President in such a time?
The funny thing is we have awesome military power as you say but get our asses handed to us constantly and even more importantly from ragtag groups with nothing more than rifles and mortars in most instances.

We no longer have the will to fight war as it was intended to be fought.

The rest is hogwash.
The funny thing is we have awesome military power as you say but get our asses handed to us constantly and even more importantly from ragtag groups with nothing more than rifles and mortars in most instances.

We no longer have the will to fight war as it was intended to be fought.

The rest is hogwash.

I would agree that our military power is not useful attempts to alter regimes or to rule other peoples, but it is useful in the current situation. We have the will and the power to take out the Syrian ability to use Chemical Weapons, and/or at least to deter them from doing so in the future. We have that ability to do this with VERY little risk to the US interests. What is contemplated in Syria is also not an ongoing event, I suspect at most it will be ongoing for less than a week.

I consider my argument pretty strong when the only response I can get from the peanut gallery is "LOL".
I would agree that our military power is not useful attempts to alter regimes or to rule other peoples, but it is useful in the current situation. We have the will and the power to take out the Syrian ability to use Chemical Weapons, and/or at least to deter them from doing so in the future. We have that ability to do this with VERY little risk to the US interests. What is contemplated in Syria is also not an ongoing event, I suspect at most it will be ongoing for less than a week.

I consider my argument pretty strong when the only response I can get from the peanut gallery is "LOL".

Ok I agree with you in this situation, what you must remember is Repubs know this, its all politics. If this were Romney as pres. the cruise missiles would already be launched.
one has to wonder if Romney were president and pursuing these actions, how loudly the libs would be screaming about innocent lives that will be lost due to bombing. you are wrong so often your psyche must have a big callous on it.


Are you denying that if Romney were president and pursuing these actions, the libs would be screaming about innocent lives that will be lost due to bombing?

Are you denying that if Romney were president and pursuing these actions, the libs would be screaming about innocent lives that will be lost due to bombing?

Ive seen quite a few libs screaming about it.
The funny thing is we have awesome military power as you say but get our asses handed to us constantly and even more importantly from ragtag groups with nothing more than rifles and mortars in most instances.

We no longer have the will to fight war as it was intended to be fought.

The rest is hogwash.

we are NOT partaking in a war.

we are bombing the delivery system of a country that has proven it will gas its own people to retain control of a dictatorship.

listen to your self

Are you denying that if Romney were president and pursuing these actions, the libs would be screaming about innocent lives that will be lost due to bombing?

Not if the UN said he was telling the truth.

You forget the UN did not back the Iraq war
it was reported world wide that emergency care givers were dying from secondary exposure by treating patients