I do not know, Yakuda. I don't remember that issue being discussed...and I am not aware that one side of the political aisle favors one side of your proposed question over the other. I, personally, think that most right and wrong decisions are a matter of personal opinion...but there seem to be many objective truths about right and wrong that I can see.Ok. I'll start with a simple question, which side of the political aisle has suggested that right and wrong is really a matter of personal opinion and not based on any objective truth?
Torturing a fellow being would seem objectively to fall under wrong...while helping a fellow being seems a lot closer to right. Taking a dump out in the streets of a city seems that way also...as does most kinds of stealing or wonton destruction of property.
Giving special significance to a particular day of the week, though, seems to be a "right or wrong" decision, rather than something intrinsic.
Have I been asleep about this? Is there one side that politically favors one evaluation over the other...with the other side favoring the opposite over the other?
I'd prefer the discussion to be open...so others can contribute if they choose.If you prefer a private conversation make it happen.