The GOP is looking for a way to bail


New member
The senate who rejected Ted Cruzs call for a shutdown over obamacare is looking to distances themselves from the house who got sucked in by cruz and fell into the pit while he stood on top.
The house and Boehner are looking for an out and have dropped the Obamacare defunding tied to the shutdown. They have literally gotten spanked by the american people and their poll numbers are at a historical low.

Mitch McConnell, Senate GOP search for way out

Of course loudmouth Cruz will call him a rino and various other names but the more Cruz talks the more america dislikes him

After taking a back-seat role in this fall’s fiscal battles, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and fellow Republican senators are quietly seeing whether they can break the political impasse between House Republicans and Senate Democrats.
the big money is now about sick of the tea party.
all that needs to happen is for the big money to have a battle with the Koch brothers.

Hell even the Koch brothers have bailed on the shut down they PAID for
The senate who rejected Ted Cruzs call for a shutdown over obamacare is looking to distances themselves from the house who got sucked in by cruz and fell into the pit while he stood on top.
The house and Boehner are looking for an out and have dropped the Obamacare defunding tied to the shutdown. They have literally gotten spanked by the american people and their poll numbers are at a historical low.

Mitch McConnell, Senate GOP search for way out

Of course loudmouth Cruz will call him a rino and various other names but the more Cruz talks the more america dislikes him

After taking a back-seat role in this fall’s fiscal battles, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and fellow Republican senators are quietly seeing whether they can break the political impasse between House Republicans and Senate Democrats.

I hope Mitch gets beat soundly in his reelection bid.
this is going to hang arround the necks of everyone who voted for the shut down.
those who voted for both shut downs are gone.

the big money in the R party will heave a mountain of money on them in the midterms.
People keep saying this, but I think his opponent will remind them.

Sure they will. But that means very little. If the election happened today, people would ignore party loyalties and vote against them. But in a year? Two years? It will be something that nags at a few of them, but won't cause any massive crossing of party lines.
the internets makes it so they can find what they forget about easily.

I remember the days when I would hear a politician say something that didn't comport what I remembered had happened a couple of years ago.

the press wouldn't say anything about the lie but it would be much harder to go find the PROOF they were lying about something.

now anyone can do it with a google search in minutes.

the tactics of the republican lie machine don't work so well anymore
Sure they will. But that means very little. If the election happened today, people would ignore party loyalties and vote against them. But in a year? Two years? It will be something that nags at a few of them, but won't cause any massive crossing of party lines.

We will see, but I think people are tired of this crap in Washington.
We will see, but I think people are tired of this crap in Washington.

I would have thought they were tired of the crap when Nixon was in office. Reagan promised conservatives the world and never made any attempt on many of his promises, but they didn't get tired of it then. George W. spent the first 4 years bungling everything and then got reelected.

I don't have much faith in our population. Look at the number of birther websites, lies being told about the shutdown, and then go out and watch people. Look at how many people didn't vote in the last election because they would have to wait in line for 30 mins in order to help decide the fate of their nation. Look at the volume of people watching the worst, most inane tv programs.

I admire your optimism. I simply do not share it.
Bush was only EVER president because the republican party cheated in elections.

the people never wanted Bush

James Lee's testimony[edit]

On 17 April 2001, James Lee testified, before the McKinney panel, that the state had given DBT the directive to add to the purge list people who matched at least 90% of a last name. DBT objected, knowing that this would produce a huge number of false positives (non-felons).[7]

Lee went on saying that the state then ordered DBT to shift to an even lower threshold of 80% match, allowing also names to be reversed (thus a person named Thomas Clarence could be taken to be the same as Clarence Thomas). Besides this, middle initials were skipped, Jr. and Sr. suffixes dropped, and some nicknames and aliases were added to puff up the list.

"DBT told state officials", testified Lee, "that the rules for creating the [purge] list would mean a significant number of people who were not deceased, not registered in more than one county, or not a felon, would be included on the list. DBT made suggestions to reduce the numbers of eligible voters included on the list". According to Lee, to this suggestion the state told the company, "Forget about it".

"The people who worked on this (for DBT) are very adamant... they told them what would happen", said Lee. "The state expected the county supervisors to be the failsafe." Lee said his company will never again get involved in cleansing voting rolls. "We are not confident any of the methods used today can guarantee legal voters will not be wrongfully denied the right to vote", Lee told a group of Atlanta-area black lawmakers in March 2001.[8]

About That "Flipping" Vote -- What You Should Know

October 29, 2008|

Ballot Design & Machines,

Voting Rights & Elections

Lawrence Norden

In recent days during early voting, we've seen a rash of reports from voters using touch-screen machines who say they pressed the name of one candidate and watched in horror as the screen lit up for another. This is known as "vote-flipping," and—for obvious reasons—can be very disconcerting to voters.
when you have a democracy you have to stop election cheating if you want truly democratic results.

No matter how much you tire of the FACT that republicans have cheated in elections for decades It still damages our Democracy.

No clean elections no peoples will
Sadly, the American people have an attention span of about 15 minutes. I doubt the shutdown will have much effect on the 2016 elections.

I believe youre right and youre wrong, the american people have short memories on non events but some things "stick" and are never forgotten I believe the teaparty has erred greatly this time and the ill feelings toward them will linger. Once you have a bad rep its hard to overcome.
This imo was a classic shot their wad event.
when you have a democracy you have to stop election cheating if you want truly democratic results.

No matter how much you tire of the FACT that republicans have cheated in elections for decades It still damages our Democracy.

No clean elections no peoples will

The oligarchy is going to be hard to dismantle. It's had over 30 yrs to entrench itself and has an army of loyal paid-for fascist soldiers like Cruz. They will spend billions to keep control by running teabaggers against moderate Republicons, gerrymandering, vote switching, lying thru their propaganda machine and many other methods. A lot of their money will come from foreign sources thru Citizens United. Their obstruction has only one goal and that is to bring this country down to 3rd world status and to drive the American middle class into poverty. I consider them traitors. FDR called them Economic Royalists.

They've said for years that they don't believe in govt, that they want to drown it in the bathtub, that they don't want everyone to vote, and this means the end of democracy to anyone with half a brain. They are proving that when elected they won't govern in behalf of the people but for profits for their rich backers and international corporations. Let them stop SS checks to the elderly and see what happens to the Republicon party.

The wingnuts here will scream 'it's Obama's fault' but the people are realizing it's the teabaggers, Koch and Adelson money and foreigners that are holding us hostage. Like ILA they want this country to fail.
Sure they will. But that means very little. If the election happened today, people would ignore party loyalties and vote against them. But in a year? Two years? It will be something that nags at a few of them, but won't cause any massive crossing of party lines.

If you read both sides of issues meaning right leaning sites and left there is a definite move by moderate republicans and independents to dump the teaparty far right, they are very unhappy with thier antics and their non performance. They have done "NOTHING" for working america or the the country, they have done nothing but try to defund obamacare 44 times and spent endless hours debating and bemoaning obamacare. Which I would like to remind everyone was upheld by the right leaning supreme court. Everyone in american KNEW they wouldnt be successful and knew they were pissing up a rope and they just shut down the govt for nothing. Senseless
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The oligarchy is going to be hard to dismantle. It's had over 30 yrs to entrench itself and has an army of loyal paid-for fascist soldiers like Cruz. They will spend billions to keep control by running teabaggers against moderate Republicons, gerrymandering, vote switching, lying thru their propaganda machine and many other methods. A lot of their money will come from foreign sources thru Citizens United. Their obstruction has only one goal and that is to bring this country down to 3rd world status and to drive the American middle class into poverty. I consider them traitors. FDR called them Economic Royalists.

They've said for years that they don't believe in govt, that they want to drown it in the bathtub, that they don't want everyone to vote, and this means the end of democracy to anyone with half a brain. They are proving that when elected they won't govern in behalf of the people but for profits for their rich backers and international corporations. Let them stop SS checks to the elderly and see what happens to the Republicon party.

The wingnuts here will scream 'it's Obama's fault' but the people are realizing it's the teabaggers, Koch and Adelson money and foreigners that are holding us hostage. Like ILA they want this country to fail.

Very good point about the foreign money.

its part of what the right is after.

they want to control the US with money so they can control the world.

Its the wealthy sociopaths against the rest of us.

some idiots are teaming up with the sociopaths