Teenager who killed her pimp in 1994 is set free after Arnie commuted sentence

cancel2 2022

This is just an amazing story, especially as California is supposed to be a liberal state, it sounds to me that she did the world a favour.

California Gov. Jerry Brown has decided to allow freedom to a woman who received a life sentence when she was a teenager for killing her former pimp. Brown decided late Friday not to take action on a state parole board's decision to grant parole to Sara Kruzan, thereby allowing the decision to go into effect, his spokesman Evan Westrup said Saturday.

Kruzan was 17 when she was sentenced to die in prison for the 1994 shooting death of George Gilbert Howard in a Riverside motel room. She contended that he sexually abused her and had groomed her since she was 11 to work for him as a child prostitute.

Refreshing for a change! Something that isn't totally immersed in teabagger hate for Obama. At least Californis is growing up and showing some social responsibility for women in general and people overall!
Social Responsibility would have been applying capital punishment for her murder, not mitigating her crime or wasting taxpayer money on her. Irony be damned.
Or at least convicting her of a lesser crime with less of a sentence.

she did the crime. Period. If there's a law, it needs to be consistently enforced.
Social Responsibility would have been applying capital punishment for her murder, not mitigating her crime or wasting taxpayer money on her. Irony be damned.
Or at least convicting her of a lesser crime with less of a sentence.

she did the crime. Period. If there's a law, it needs to be consistently enforced.

Are you taking the piss?
I am speaking for myself, if you mean that.

The law is instituted for a reason. Why did we sentence her to prison to free her prematurely?
How are we supporting 'woman's rights' by freeing a murderer?
I am speaking for myself, if you mean that.

The law is instituted for a reason. Why did we sentence her to prison to free her prematurely?
How are we supporting 'woman's rights' by freeing a murderer?

Fuck that, she was groomed by this bastard from an early age. She was doing the world a favour by getting rid of the cockroach.
I am speaking for myself, if you mean that.

The law is instituted for a reason. Why did we sentence her to prison to free her prematurely?
How are we supporting 'woman's rights' by freeing a murderer?

It reads like she legitimately came up for parole...that is not 'prematurely,' it would have been part of the original sentencing guidelines.
Have you considered that according to the Darlaks, any woman who murders you is doing the world a favor, Tom?

No, I consider extenuating circumstances and there is no fucking way that she should have been sentenced to life without parole. In the UK I doubt she would even get 10 years.
Then she should have been sentenced to a manslaughter charge. At her trial.

I'd be interested to know why she was given life in the first place.

--- "A parole board reduced her sentence to 15 years, plus four years, in January 2013 effectively freeing her"

During her trial, Kruzan testified that she had killed Howard because Hamilton had ordered it and had threatened to kill both her and her mother if she did not carry out his orders. As a result, defense attorney, David Gunn, told the court of information provided to the police by Hamilton.[further explanation needed] Neither Hamilton nor Otis were charged with the crime due to a lack of legally sufficient corroborating evidence to support Kruzan's statement.

In his closing arguments at her trial, Freer cautioned jurors not to be swayed by the appearance of an attractive, petite teenager who might not fit their image of a murderer. On Thursday May 11, 1995, a Riverside Superior Court jury of seven women and five men found her guilty of first-degree murder, affirming two special circumstances – that Howard was murdered during a robbery, and that Kruzan had been lying in wait to kill him – to justify a sentencing of life, with no possibility of parole
It was on the harsh side, sure. Extenuating circumstances being what they were. But a lawful jury convicted her, and justified it. And it was lawful for all this time, over 15 years. where the outrage then?

What happens to her now? A prostitute who spent 15 years in prison learning the talk and tricks, becoming institutionalized?
Refreshing for a change! Something that isn't totally immersed in teabagger hate for Obama. At least Californis is growing up and showing some social responsibility for women in general and people overall!
Oh, if you were in political office we'd hate you too, monty1. ;)