STUDY: The mRNA Shot is Dangerous

Please provide a link to evidence of a government coverup. I’ll wait. How did hundreds of thousands of people die as a result of hospital protocols. Please provide the evidence. Thanks.
Oh, coming right up. I have the evidence right at my fingertips.
Would you also like the hidden files on the JFK assassination as well?
Wooden head Goyboy's ability to walk about freely
among actually functional people
clearly illustrates the failure of our mental health system.
Oh, coming right up. I have the evidence right at my fingertips.
Would you also like the hidden files on the JFK assassination as well?
If you have, then, yes. But you don’t. Somehow you clowns can never offer proof for your goofy conspiracy theory., Wuthout evidence no one will believe you. So you just make shit up and post it. Did you think you’d get away with that? Russian Trillsd
It's hard to say because:
1) The US government has not taken the correct statistical information
2) The US government is hiding the data that is adverse to vaccine use
3) Hospital protocols were so horrible as to have actually killed hundreds of thousands who did not need to die
4) False cause of death on countless death certificates in oder to pump up Covid deaths
1. What statistical information are they missing?
2. Literally anyone with an Internet connection can access the VAERS database where believed adverse reactions are documented. The VAERS database is how myocarditis, as a reaction was discovered.
3. What's an example of such protocols?
4. Nope. There were mistakes made and there were assumptions made very early on when testing methods weren't available, but it was a very small number relative to total deaths. BTW, do you believe the WHOLE world, including China where Covid originated, were in on the conspiracy to inflate deaths?

BTW, there's a 99.99999999999999999999999999% chance you've never even tried to access the VAERS database to see the entries for yourself. Much more likely is that you believed the lies from people like Tucker Carlson.
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Not a peer reviewed scientific journal. It is an oasis for quacks. The editor in chief is a LINGUISTICS PhD. Utter nonsense. Again you are too lazy to research your sources.

You need to stop being lazy and making us intelligent people do your homework. There are a dozen red flags in the description of how to submit.

THIS IS NOT A STUDY. Studies have a methodology and results. This is a conspiracy laced opinion piece.
And you're a syphilis laced moron. So what?
1. What statistical information are they missing?
2. Literally anyone with an Internet connection can access the VAERS database where believed adverse reactions are documented. The VAERS database is how myocarditis, as a reaction was discovered.
3. What's an example of such protocols?
4. Nope. There were mistakes made and there were assumptions made very early on when testing methods weren't available, but it was a very small number relative to total deaths. BTW, do you believe the WHOLE world, including China where Covid originated, were in on the conspiracy to inflate deaths?

BTW, there's a 99.99999999999999999999999999% chance you've never even tried to access the VAERS database to see the entries for yourself. Much more likely is that you believed the lies from people like Tucker Carlson.
VAERS is the equivalent of Wikipedia. Self reporting of two events that happened with no causality demonstrated is pretty meaningless.

Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety​

From the surgeon general of Florida, a hand picked anti vaxxer who was supposed to help DeSantis become president. How’d that work out? About as well as anything you post, dumbfuck. We’ve already discussed VAERS. Try to keep up.
From the surgeon general of Florida, a hand picked anti vaxxer who was supposed to help DeSantis become president. How’d that work out? About as well as anything you post, dumbfuck. We’ve already discussed VAERS. Try to keep up.
You've got an answer for everything. How's your cruise going?
You've got an answer for everything. How's your cruise going?

An actual surgeon general would understand what VVAERS. Is and not EVER make a public health recommendation based on it. It would be the same as making a recommendation based on something you read in Wikipedia. That recommendation was made for only one reason. DeSantis was running for President.

This is a guy who actually refused to recommend the measles vaccine for school children IN THE MIDDLE IF A MEASLES IUTBREAK. INSANE.

An actual surgeon general would understand what VVAERS. Is and not EVER make a public health recommendation based on it. It would be the same as making a recommendation based on something you read in Wikipedia. That recommendation was made for only one reason. DeSantis was running for President.

This is a guy who actually refused to recommend the measles vaccine for school children IN THE MIDDLE IF A MEASLES IUTBREAK. INSANE.

You don't mass vaccinate during a pandemic.
The vaccine took many of the elderly and infirm as well who died or contracted Covid (probably from the vaccine) shortly after receiving he jab. The data on this has not been recorded or has been falsely recorded as Covid death or is being hidden.

Where are you hiding all these dead people because it appears their relatives don't know they are dead and no one has issued a death certificate .