STUDY: The mRNA Shot is Dangerous

I dont work for you.

Of course you don't sweetie. No one said you did. I understand all you want to do is stamp your feet and scream. Go right ahead.

It won't make you any more well educated on virology or public health but it might make you feel better.
You really do show your ignorance when you repeat names like horse wormer. Ivermectin is a truly remarkable drug with multi-use. Studies are ongoing about it's ability to fight cancer as well. Secondly, they are releasing substances in the atmosphere to deflect the sun's rays. It is idiotic but is not a conspiracy theory. And finally, ingesting fluoride is drinking water is not healthy.
I am the mother of, daughter of, and wife of scientists. I am also scientifically-literate and educated as a licensed health care professional. I am a nurse. What you are saying is unproven, incorrect, and dangerous to anyone else stupid enough to believe it. Why do you want to harm others with your conspiracy stuff? This doesn't make you look smart or educated; it makes you look like a gullible and unstable person.
I am the mother of, daughter of, and wife of scientists. I am also scientifically-literate and educated as a licensed health care professional. I am a nurse. What you are saying is unproven, incorrect, and dangerous to anyone else stupid enough to believe it. Why do you want to harm others with your conspiracy stuff? This doesn't make you look smart or educated; it makes you look like a gullible and unstable person.
You're talking to someone called Goyboy. Not only does that scream troll but so do his posts. He was probably one of the quickest to land on my ignore list.

Vaccines’ Are ‘Far More’ Dangerous than Covid, Study Warns​

Notably, the researchers state that it would be more accurate to refer to “mRNA vaccines” as “modified mRNA gene therapies” or “modmRNA” shots.

In the “Abstract” section of the study’s paper, the researchers write:

“The COVID-19 modified mRNA (modmRNA) lipid nanoparticle-based ‘vaccines’ are not classical antigen-based vaccines but instead prodrugs informed by gene therapy technology.”

They found that the modmRNA injections carry such a high risk of dangerous adverse events, that it would be safer to catch the virus without being vaccinated than to take one of the shots.

The study categorizes the principal adverse events associated with the mRNA products with a brief systems-based synopsis of each of the six domains of potential harm:

  1. cardiovascular
  2. neurological
  3. hematologic
  4. immunological
  5. oncological
  6. reproductive
They found that the Covid modmRNA shots dramatically increase the risk of becoming severely ill or dying from potentially fatal conditions such as cancer or heart failure.

Funny how your bogus article talks about a "study" but they never bother to mention who did this study?
My Grapevine is saying that taking 3 Death Jabs is orders of magnitude worse than taking 2.

The situation only gets worse from there.

Vaccines’ Are ‘Far More’ Dangerous than Covid, Study Warns​

Notably, the researchers state that it would be more accurate to refer to “mRNA vaccines” as “modified mRNA gene therapies” or “modmRNA” shots.

In the “Abstract” section of the study’s paper, the researchers write:

“The COVID-19 modified mRNA (modmRNA) lipid nanoparticle-based ‘vaccines’ are not classical antigen-based vaccines but instead prodrugs informed by gene therapy technology.”

They found that the modmRNA injections carry such a high risk of dangerous adverse events, that it would be safer to catch the virus without being vaccinated than to take one of the shots.

The study categorizes the principal adverse events associated with the mRNA products with a brief systems-based synopsis of each of the six domains of potential harm:

  1. cardiovascular
  2. neurological
  3. hematologic
  4. immunological
  5. oncological
  6. reproductive
They found that the Covid modmRNA shots dramatically increase the risk of becoming severely ill or dying from potentially fatal conditions such as cancer or heart failure.

Let's start with the low-hanging fruit.....

How many people do you believe died from the COVID vaccines vs died from COVID?
Funny how your bogus article talks about a "study" but they never bother to mention who did this study?
There is a study if you follow the link in the article. The title of the study has the word vaccine in quotes, which tells you where the "researchers" are coming from. They're coming from the conspiracy theory arm of the far-right

Let's start with the low-hanging fruit.....

How many people do you believe died from the COVID vaccines vs died from COVID?
It is years of life that matters....the Death Jabs takes people very young....COVID takes only the old near death generally.
There is a study if you follow the link in the article. The title of the study has the word vaccine in quotes, which tells you where the "researchers" are coming from. They're coming from the conspiracy theory arm of the far-right

Far Right by definition being anyone who disputes the Regime, to include Progressives such as me.
Let's start with the low-hanging fruit.....

How many people do you believe died from the COVID vaccines vs died from COVID?
It's hard to say because:
1) The US government has not taken the correct statistical information
2) The US government is hiding the data that is adverse to vaccine use
3) Hospital protocols were so horrible as to have actually killed hundreds of thousands who did not need to die
4) False cause of death on countless death certificates in oder to pump up Covid deaths
It's hard to say because:
1) The US government has not taken the correct statistical information
2) The US government is hiding the data that is adverse to vaccine use
3) Hospital protocols were so horrible as to have actually killed hundreds of thousands who did not need to die
4) False cause of death on countless death certificates in oder to pump up Covid deaths
3)....if the intent was to kill what would have been done differently?
It is years of life that matters....the Death Jabs takes people very young....COVID takes only the old near death generally.
The vaccine took many of the elderly and infirm as well who died or contracted Covid (probably from the vaccine) shortly after receiving he jab. The data on this has not been recorded or has been falsely recorded as Covid death or is being hidden.
"Athletes in the prime of their life are dropping dead on the pitch, but move along, nothing to see here!"
Numbers like this had never happened in history. But as I remember we told to walk on by and not be concerned by the MSM who is funded by the Pharmaceutical giants and censored by the government.
3)....if the intent was to kill what would have been done differently?
Very little. People were advised to tuff it out at home. Nothing was advised to help prevent, such as important vitamins such as D3, Zinc and C that are cheap and easily obtainable. Doctors were coerced to NOT subscribe Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin.
Once someone felt bad enough to enter the hospital, they were given Remdesivir (a failed Ebola drug) and put on a ventilator.
The death sentence.
The vaccine took many of the elderly and infirm as well who died or contracted Covid (probably from the vaccine) shortly after receiving he jab. The data on this has not been recorded or has been falsely recorded as Covid death or is being hidden.
There is no live virus in the vaccine so it is impossible to get COVID from it. Again if it is more dangerous than Covid we would have seen a massive spike in excess deaths. There isn’t one. You are badly uninformed.
It's hard to say because:
1) The US government has not taken the correct statistical information
2) The US government is hiding the data that is adverse to vaccine use
3) Hospital protocols were so horrible as to have actually killed hundreds of thousands who did not need to die
4) False cause of death on countless death certificates in oder to pump up Covid deaths
Please provide a link to evidence of a government coverup. I’ll wait. How did hundreds of thousands of people die as a result of hospital protocols. Please provide the evidence. Thanks.