Speaker Boner supports President Obama's request for authority!

I think desh is a hypocrite because she is always talking about what the american people think, how important democracy is (asking ridiculous strawmen like "why do you hate democracy," always bowing down to the what the majority want, but when she is on the other side of mass consensus she just plainly ignores it.

I believe in democracy as long as the people believe in facts.

when you start sucking down lies democracy doesn't work.

stop sucking down lies
I believe in democracy as long as the people believe in facts.

when you start sucking down lies democracy doesn't work.

stop sucking down lies

Translation: I believe in democracy when it supports what I believe/want.

Funny thing is I think there are many people on the right and left who would agree with that.
I believe in democracy as long as the people agree with what I believe

you HATE democracy desh.

A majority of Americans, conservatives and liberals do not want this, but you want to go against the will of the people.


Interesting read.


"America used various chemical agents including white phosphorus in Vietnam (where it was known as "Willie Pete") and in Fallujah (Iraq) in 2005. We encouraged or at least did not object to the use of chemical agents, although we later blamed him for so doing, by Saddam Husain. Just revealed documents show that the Reagan administration knew of the Iraqi use in the Iraq-Iran war of the same poison gas (Sarin) as was used a few days ago in Syria and Tabun (also a nerve gas). According to the US military attaché working with the Iraqi army at the time, the US government either turned a blind eye or approved its use (see the summary of the documents in Shane Harris and Matthew Aid, "Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran," Foreign Policy, August 26, 2013) We were horrified when Saddam Husain used poison gas against the Kurdish villagers of Halabja in 1988 (killing perhaps 4-5 thousand people) but by that time we had dropped our support for the Iraqi government. Finally, Israel is believed to have used poison gas in Lebanon and certainly used white phosphorus in Gaza in 2008."


"Finally, if the missile attacks do succeed in "degrading" the Syrian government, it may read the signs as indicating that fighting the war is acceptable so long as chemical weapons are not employed. They may regard it as a sort of license to go ahead in this wasting war. Thus, the action will have accomplished little. Thus, as General Zinni points out, America will likely find itself saddled with another long-term, very expensive and perhaps unwinnable war. We need to remind ourselves what Afghanistan did - bankrupting the Soviet Union - and what Iraq cost us -- about 4,500 American dead, over 100,000 wounded, many of whom will never recover, and perhaps $6 trillion.
Can we afford to repeat those mistakes?"
Iraq we knew was boots on the ground and that it would go on for a LONG time. We also knew it was going to take many many innocent lives.

I haven't made up my mind on Syria, but I was against Iraq. It was also obvious that the Bush Administration was overstating the case for the war in Iraq.

You don't get any fear mongering about some mushroom cloud from the current administration.
You don't get any fear mongering about some mushroom cloud from the current administration.

After the meeting with the president, Rep. Eliot Engel (D., N.Y.), the ranking member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the situation is a test of American credibility with implications that extend beyond Syria's borders.

"When we tell Iran that they will not be allowed to have a nuclear weapon, Iran is watching us very carefully to see how we respond in Syria as a test of how we will respond if and when they create a nuclear weapon," he said.

