Speaker Boner supports President Obama's request for authority!


Well-known member
If I were in Syria, Id be digging a bunker or bugging out. Looks like rain is about to pour down on the regime's assets.

Lets pray for the safety of innocents who are in range.
they are going after clear military sites of delievery.

if there are people near them they will move Unless of course this dictator forces people near the sites.
the leftists will simply blame any loss of innocent life on Assad. he obviously gun marched all his civilians to the military sites getting bombed
they are going after clear military sites of delievery.

if there are people near them they will move Unless of course this dictator forces people near the sites.

although there have been rumors that he has put prisoners or military of doubtful loyalty at some military sites. Using his people as a shield. If true - and it's just a rumor so far, as far as I know -just shows yet again he isn't worthy of leading the country.
although there have been rumors that he has put prisoners or military of doubtful loyalty at some military sites. Using his people as a shield. If true - and it's just a rumor so far, as far as I know -just shows yet again he isn't worthy of leading the country.

So nation-building and regime change are OK as long as the C in C is a Democrat?
Now wait a minute, when Al Queda terrorists in Iraq detonated bombs at local markets killing innocent civilians, those deaths were blamed on Bush, how is this different?
So nation-building and regime change are OK as long as the C in C is a Democrat?

Are you really so young that your memory extends only to the presidency of George W. Bush? I mean, the whole nation-building thing with Bush flows from his campaign in 2000 when he was advocating against the nation-building policies of Clinton and then did a 180 when in office. So, I don't really get the above comment at all.
If I were in Syria, Id be digging a bunker or bugging out. Looks like rain is about to pour down on the regime's assets.

Lets pray for the safety of innocents who are in range.

That my good brother is hypocrisy.

You want the US to bomb Syria ,, but then you want to pray for those innocent people who will inevitably get killed. Makes no sense.

Additionally, are you aware of how many innocent people are being displaced over this?

You can't have it both ways.
although there have been rumors that he has put prisoners or military of doubtful loyalty at some military sites. Using his people as a shield. If true - and it's just a rumor so far, as far as I know -just shows yet again he isn't worthy of leading the country.

The vast majority of Syrians support Assad.

Why would they support Assad if all that's being said is true?

What gave us the authority to decide who sovereign nations should have as their leader?