Seattle parking lot fight background

Im banned from this thread so this is the only way I can comment on it.

now you know why they banned me.

Look at this lady and her money wins me anything outlook
I guess grind has figured out I don't just accept the right wing propaganda on things but actually then look further into the case
So if she was not rich and this parking lot was all she had (even tho there is a market value being offered) would be ok for the city to *take* her property against her will thru Eminent Domain?
I bet she would have accepted a deal that would have been reasonable so she could get her money and help her city.

Not this lady.

she wanted things for her money like a good daddys rich spoiled child

your city comes to you and says

we will give you market compensation for your property and you will help all the other businesses in the city survive and make money so they can pay taxes and the city can grow and function much better.

what does she do?

try to force her will on the city so SHE can keep one of her many investments that is bringing her more money than she can spend with the years she has left.

maybe they got tired of her DEMANDS that the city do her bidding ?
So if she was not rich and this parking lot was all she had (even tho there is a market value being offered) would be ok for the city to *take* her property against her will thru Eminent Domain?

Government at all levels has been doing this for decades. They did it in case after case in building the interstate highway system in the 1950s. George W. Bush did it to build the Rangers a baseball stadium in Texas. The Supreme Court already ruled such action is perfectly and completely legal! What are you going to bitch about next fluoride in the water?

your city comes to you and says

we will give you market compensation for your property and you will help all the other businesses in the city survive and make money so they can pay taxes and the city can grow and function much better.

what does she do?

try to force her will on the city so SHE can keep one of her many investments that is bringing her more money than she can spend with the years she has left.

maybe they got tired of her DEMANDS that the city do her bidding ?

This sounds like some bitter fantasy you've cooked up. WHat do you have to back it up?

And my previously discussed well-off family had land condemned by eminent domain. THey had bought an old building on property that they wanted to develop into commercial property and the state decided they wanted it....the 'well-off' family made a profit. How do you feel about that? Do you think they should have DONATED it to the state?

In 2005, she agreed to make a $3.2 million donation to re-create some public gardens in Spokane's Pioneer Park. But she subsequently decided not to complete the payments because the city had not cut down a dozen view-blocking trees in the park that were near her home.

she was BORN of money and likes to get what she wants with the money daddy left her

maybe you should read this
Government at all levels has been doing this for decades. They did it in case after case in building the interstate highway system in the 1950s. George W. Bush did it to build the Rangers a baseball stadium in Texas. The Supreme Court already ruled such action is perfectly and completely legal! What are you going to bitch about next fluoride in the water?

I do disagree with it. Esp. residential property. The fed govt fought to steal the gorgeous land of Teton Nat. Park in WY and the ranchers fought and fought it. A couple won thru deals that turned the land over to the park after their deaths.

See how the people of Escalante/Grand Staircase feel about that federal land grab. I have a friend who worked for Zion Nat. Park and lived right next to Escalante....and was against it. She had some stories to tell.

Land can have value beyond $$ for people. Do you think money would buy those people the views, the solitude, the gold panning out their back doors (not very profitable, but fun), the wildlife? Probably the $$ they get wont buy something *comparable* somewhere else if that place even existed.
maybe you should read this
Desh proves herself to be a Communist. She hates the concept or private property ownership. She's just another clueless collectivist who thinks that nobody should be able to own anything, that everything belongs to "the people" (whatever that garbage means) and so forth. So she's 103 and still making money hand over fist on one of her investments? Bully for her. She can do whatever the fuck she wants with HER PROPERTY!!!!
I bet she would have accepted a deal that would have been reasonable so she could get her money and help her city.

Not this lady.

she wanted things for her money like a good daddys rich spoiled child

Yeah, screw principles! Screw private property laws! If you have money, you dont deserve the same protections under the law, since you've screwed people your whole life to get your money.

In 2005, she agreed to make a $3.2 million donation to re-create some public gardens in Spokane's Pioneer Park. But she subsequently decided not to complete the payments because the city had not cut down a dozen view-blocking trees in the park that were near her home.

she was BORN of money and likes to get what she wants with the money daddy left her

So you are saying that she should be denied her right to her property because of the things you listed?

How would you feel if it was you? Would you be so compliant?
Im banned from this thread so this is the only way I can comment on it.

now you know why they banned me.

Look at this lady and her money wins me anything outlook

So you are saying she shouldn't be equal under the law with regards to her property? Her money disqualifies her from equal treatment?

Here is a woman trying to make it in the world and Desh in all of her jealous rage tells her to FUCK OFF.

You sure like totalitarianism. Hell, why stop there Deshy? Why not put her in a gulag for her insolence?
Desh proves herself to be a Communist. She hates the concept or private property ownership. She's just another clueless collectivist who thinks that nobody should be able to own anything, that everything belongs to "the people" (whatever that garbage means) and so forth. So she's 103 and still making money hand over fist on one of her investments? Bully for her. She can do whatever the fuck she wants with HER PROPERTY!!!!

Actually it is worse than that with dear old Deshy. She loves the concept of PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP for DESHY. For others who have more money than Deshy? Not so much.

your city comes to you and says

we will give you market compensation for your property and you will help all the other businesses in the city survive and make money so they can pay taxes and the city can grow and function much better.

what does she do?

try to force her will on the city so SHE can keep one of her many investments that is bringing her more money than she can spend with the years she has left.

maybe they got tired of her DEMANDS that the city do her bidding ?

But it is my property right? I should be able to decide? You don't think you get to decide what to do with your property?

Hey, why don't you ask the Kelo folks how it all worked out? I bet you LOVED that decision didn't you Deshy? Where is all of that tax income and city growth that was supposed to come out of Kelo?
This sounds like some bitter fantasy you've cooked up. WHat do you have to back it up?

And my previously discussed well-off family had land condemned by eminent domain. THey had bought an old building on property that they wanted to develop into commercial property and the state decided they wanted it....the 'well-off' family made a profit. How do you feel about that? Do you think they should have DONATED it to the state?

Desh says she owns two properties and I actually hope Las Vegas decides that they need that land and take it by imminent domain; because she'll finally learn how the government deals with the public, when the government wants something.