PSAKI: "Even after you’re vaccinated, social distancing / masks will be essential

WTF is it with this woman? she's a gaffe machine (oh right -so is her boss)

No, she's're just a liar who has never once been right about COVID.


Not once.

Not even one time.

Every single thing you have ever said about COVID has been a lie.
Duh, because you can still spread it even if you're vaccinated.

So are you going to tell yet ANOTHER lie about COVID?

link to actual peer reviewed science stating this is true, don't event try with some MSM propaganda article.

No it won't at all.

Just because you are vaccinated doesn't mean you can't still spread the disease.

So you're lying again about COVID, just like you lied before about it.

Just like you lied here about getting an unsolicited mail in ballot:

I didn't ask for a mail in, I would have never known it was sent except my Russian neighbor
( who values American democracy more then most Americans) was kind enough to bring it over
return postage paid envelope included.. what could possibly go wrong?? :palm:

All you do is lie.
As H. L. Mencken wrote:

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of American conservatives.

(Or something like that.)
link to actual peer reviewed science stating this is true, don't event try with some MSM propaganda article.

If I give you what the CDC said, what do I get from you in return?

Because you operate in bad faith, so I'm not going to do the work you're too lazy to do yourself, if I don't get anything out of it.
If I give you what the CDC said, what do I get from you in return?

Because you operate in bad faith, so I'm not going to do the work you're too lazy to do yourself, if I don't get anything out of it.

a groan.

I said peer reviewed study, you muppet!
tell us that mechanism


vaccines prevent infection

Right, they prevent INFECTION, they don't prevent TRANSMISSION.

The vaccine only protects you from suffering the symptoms of it, it doesn't kill the virus in your body.

That's why you can still transmit the flu to people, even if you've had a flu shot, YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

Seriously, you should kill yourself because your lies are killing people.

ALSO - because of your COVID lies that prevented us from tackling this thing at the start, the virus has mutated. Those mutations can and probably will render many the vaccines moot.
Right, you can't CATCH IT, but you can transmit it.

Just like you can transmit the flu to other people even if you've had a flu shot.
the viral load is too small if you are simply infected to transmit.
Yu can have some stray virus in the system, but that is not enough to infect others
Only when there is enough replication do you become an actual carrier

The bad part is people are gong to say WTH -and just not get the vaccine if they think they still gotta mask uop