More Republicans against freedom!

Here's a statement from one of the women those men intimidated with their weapons:

"At no point did I go out there when they were there with their guns,” she said. “I was too afraid to do that. The idea of that was terrifying to me."

Sounds like a textbook definition of bullying. Scaring someone so badly they alter their plans.


She sounds like someone completely ignorant and irrationally fearful.

And that's what you get when you demonize a TOOL and then suppress any education around it. The right to bear arms is a CONSTITUTIONAL about it and those arms should be MANDATORY. How many other amendments are Americans this ignorant about? (Probably a few but apparently they dont strike fear into the hearts of the stupid).
It shouldn't matter.

Not if he truly wanted "the best protection available"
word games and semantics. that's all you have. this from the moron who thinks that cops are highly trained experts, therefore are deserving of breaks and extra rights for the mistakes that they make. hypocritical irony at it's worst.
Here's a statement from one of the women those men intimidated with their weapons:

"At no point did I go out there when they were there with their guns,” she said. “I was too afraid to do that. The idea of that was terrifying to me."

Sounds like a textbook definition of bullying. Scaring someone so badly they alter their plans.

bull shit. plain and simple. i bet she doesn't avoid cops like that, does she?
It's pathetic how that woman reacted and yes, completely ignorant.

Because she's surrounded by concealed weapons all day long....and doesnt even realize it. If she did, I guess she would never even leave the house.

She sounds like someone completely ignorant and irrationally fearful.

And that's what you get when you demonize a TOOL and then suppress any education around it. The right to bear arms is a CONSTITUTIONAL about it and those arms should be MANDATORY. How many other amendments are Americans this ignorant about? (Probably a few but apparently they dont strike fear into the hearts of the stupid).

She sounds "ignorant" and "irrational" for stating that an ARMED contingent of men milling about in the parking lot of the restaurant where she and others were meeting to discuss regulating guns scared her?

Please, do show me where ANYONE has "suppressed any education" regarding guns. That's the kind of hyperbolic crazy talk I expect from the right, not from otherwise rational posters.

Yes, the Right to Bear Arms is a constitutional Amendment...the right to intimidate others by brandishing weapons IS NOT.
bull shit. plain and simple. i bet she doesn't avoid cops like that, does she?

Police Officers are PAID to PROTECT and SERVE.

The only thing a group of armed gun nuts gathered in a parking lot are protecting is their own self-serving interests and the only people they serve are THEMSELVES.

Bullying those who think differently by gathering in front of the restaurant where they were holding their meeting is clearly nothing more than thinly-veiled intimidation.

word games and semantics. that's all you have. this from the moron who thinks that cops are highly trained experts, therefore are deserving of breaks and extra rights for the mistakes that they make. hypocritical irony at it's worst.

Is it my fault you are too ignorant to clearly state what you meant?

I guess it is, since you're obviously just another "personal responsibility" Rightie who won't take responsibility for his own poorly chosen words.
She sounds "ignorant" and "irrational" for stating that an ARMED contingent of men milling about in the parking lot of the restaurant where she and others were meeting to discuss regulating guns scared her?

Please, do show me where ANYONE has "suppressed any education" regarding guns. That's the kind of hyperbolic crazy talk I expect from the right, not from otherwise rational posters.

Yes, the Right to Bear Arms is a constitutional Amendment...the right to intimidate others by brandishing weapons IS NOT.

Speaking of 'education,' legally open carrying guns is not 'brandishing.'

And do kids learn ANYTHING about guns in school except that they are forbidden? Period? They cannot even draw have been disciplined for doing how can they be taught ANYTHING? They are only taught that they are BAD.