In Less Than a Week, Biden Was Able to Stop a New Arms Race


Back To Reality
The last nuclear arms control treaty, New START, was set to expire on February 5th. Putin was fine with that, he wants to put Russian to work making nuclear weapons. America has no interest in spending hundreds of billions a year on new nuclear weapons, and Putin knows this. The only problem is he does not want to be seen as the cause of the new arms race.

trump had four years to come up with a new deal that would be so much better than the old deal. The problem was trump is not good at working on things, and Putin had no interest in any deal. For four years, trump ranted like a lunatic, while the world laughed at him.

Biden came to office, and made a firm statement that we would get a 5 year extension on New START, and then start working on better deals. Putin tried to weasel it down to 1 year, but Biden stood firm. In 6 days, Putin gave in. We now have time to improve New START.
Hello Walt,

The last nuclear arms control treaty, New START, was set to expire on February 5th. Putin was fine with that, he wants to put Russian to work making nuclear weapons. America has no interest in spending hundreds of billions a year on new nuclear weapons, and Putin knows this. The only problem is he does not want to be seen as the cause of the new arms race.

trump had four years to come up with a new deal that would be so much better than the old deal. The problem was trump is not good at working on things, and Putin had no interest in any deal. For four years, trump ranted like a lunatic, while the world laughed at him.

Biden came to office, and made a firm statement that we would get a 5 year extension on New START, and then start working on better deals. Putin tried to weasel it down to 1 year, but Biden stood firm. In 6 days, Putin gave in. We now have time to improve New START.

Right on, President Biden!

Feather in his cap.
The last nuclear arms control treaty, New START, was set to expire on February 5th. Putin was fine with that, he wants to put Russian to work making nuclear weapons. America has no interest in spending hundreds of billions a year on new nuclear weapons, and Putin knows this. The only problem is he does not want to be seen as the cause of the new arms race.

trump had four years to come up with a new deal that would be so much better than the old deal. The problem was trump is not good at working on things, and Putin had no interest in any deal. For four years, trump ranted like a lunatic, while the world laughed at him.

Biden came to office, and made a firm statement that we would get a 5 year extension on New START, and then start working on better deals. Putin tried to weasel it down to 1 year, but Biden stood firm. In 6 days, Putin gave in. We now have time to improve New START.
the new deal is as worthless as the old deal..
Russia is building new nuclear weapons outside of the New START: a new ICBM capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads, a nuclear cruise missile, and an autonomous nuclear-armed underwater torpedo.
The relevance of New START decreases every day.

Perhaps New START’s greatest flaw, however, is that it left Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons unscathed. It’s a huge problem, because Russia has at least a 10:1 advantage in this class of weapons.
To make matters worse,
Russia seems keen on adopting and exercising strategies that envision using tactical nuclear weapons first in conventional conflict — as a way to communicate resolve and make the United States back down.
Biden is not for America and is bought and paid for by the Chinese, you fucking idiots!.
Are you proud of voting for him (if you even did?)

He's a piece of shit! We all will feel the pain of what he does soon.
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the new deal is as worthless as the old deal..

The new deal has not been made yet, so how would you know? Biden's success is keeping the old deal. Now we can move on to the new deal.

trump was never able to make any progress on the new deal, and was willing to let the old deal collapse.
Real clear is right wing crap idiot

Politico is aggressively leftist:

Some in the arms control community argue that because Russia has cheated only on the INF Treaty, but has not cheated on the New START Treaty, which limits longer-range missiles, a new treaty to reduce the latter category of weapons makes sense. That’s like saying that someone can be trusted because he cheats only in poker, but not in blackjack. It is hard to imagine that the U.S. Senate will ratify another arms control treaty of any kind with Russia until the INF controversy is resolved.

Russia’s violation of another major—this time multilateral—treaty, the Chemical Weapons Convention, will likely be another sticking point in negotiations over new treaties in the future. Russian security personnel have used Novichok, a banned nerve agent, in two known assassination attempts in recent years—against Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in 2020 and former Russian spy Sergei Skripal in 2018. Both uses have been confirmed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. As with its violation of the INF Treaty, Russia has also denied these reports. These controversies, too, will have to be resolved before any administration could win Senate approval for a new arms control treaty
It feels so good

That Putin's Oligarchs are pimping the leader of our country?

Why does that feel good to you, and why do you not deserve high velocity copper jacketed lead through your skull?

There's nothing wrong with pimping, as long as it's a mutually beneficial thing.
In this case, it's not. Wtf is up with you, bitch?
The new deal has not been made yet, so how would you know? Biden's success is keeping the old deal. Now we can move on to the new deal.

trump was never able to make any progress on the new deal, and was willing to let the old deal collapse.

Biden has no success, unless you count fucking America up. That's going to piss a lot of Americans off. It is.