cancel2 2022
what do you think this evil fucking attitude gets you gerbil wheel brain?
Do you suffer from Tourette's in real life?
what do you think this evil fucking attitude gets you gerbil wheel brain?
Except when you come here splashing peoples personal information for your own self glorification. I bet your dead patient and his family wished you had just jerked off rather than posting his medical history on a political message board.
You did. Having sex with someone incapable of consent is rape. Since you didn't know that, you have no moral compass.
what do you think this evil fucking attitude gets you gerbil wheel brain?
To the OP....No. I'd rather jerk off than take advantage of another person.
You are really obsessed about that, just leave it.
Its a fucking lie.
Its how your side rolls
He posted a patients medical history on a message board to get sympathy from others. That is an abuse of that patients privacy. Sorry if the facts are painful for you
Nope. Its the truth. You hate facts
You don't know what a fact is
fuck you very much you insane gerbil wheel brain
Being drunk doesn't preclude consent, does it?
By the way, speaking of consent and a moral compass, have you met Kaitlyn Hunt?
I know that non whites support voter ID. How do you explain that FACT?
Can you?
Are you racist?
some people support really stupid and evil things.
Do you have any idea how many insane and brainb damaged people there are in the world?
are you saying that these non whites are insane and brain damaged? really?
that seems awfully racist to me
that's a fact jack
You don't know what a fact is
Nope there was a recent study done and republicans are far more racist than black people
some people support really stupid and evil things.
Do you have any idea how many insane and brainb damaged people there are in the world?
You don't know what a fact is
Nope there was a recent study done and republicans are far more racist than black people