CNN Poll: Majority says raise debt

You will need to note that Bush refused to pay for the wars he started and Obama had to do it

Another incredible lie from the forums most prolific liar and hyper partisan asshat. Once again you are a caricature of the brain dead low information idiots who vote Democrat and mindlessly parrot their talking points.

You're an idiot.
how much of the debt left Obama was the Bush war debt?

go get the number if your so sure your correct
your doing nothing but lying here.

why are you pretending Obama is at fault for the wars Bush refused to pay for but insisted on waging?

do you DENY that Bush put the Iraq and afgan war on the credit card and didn't pay any of it until the last year he was in office leaving a HUGE debt burden as well as crashing the entire world economy right before he walked?

Wron again asshat; the deficits during Bush's Presidency were directly attributable to war spending. Can you find a time in history where any country fights wars with surpluses? Dumbass.

Obamas deficits can be directly attributed to his and Democrats incredible propensity to spend vast sums of others money on failed economic policies that have done NOTHING to create any net new jobs in this country.

But then, you're a hyper partisan asshat hack; you could care less about truth or the facts.
how much of the debt left to Obama was Bush responsible for ?

do you even know?

Another amusingly ignorant claim that must also presume that as a Senator, Obama didn't vote FOR the spending that created the massive deficits he inherited.

But it is also laughably stupid for partisan hacks like you, and idiots like Obama, to constantly point the finger of blame elsewhere as if no one knew what they were getting into. Do you know why? Because this buffoon you desperately defend lied to the American people and can't back up his rhetoric with results.

But your too stupid and partisan to comprehend that; you're an idiot.
Another incredible lie from the forums most prolific liar and hyper partisan asshat. Once again you are a caricature of the brain dead low information idiots who vote Democrat and mindlessly parrot their talking points.

You're an idiot.

Bullshit. He fought a war on two fronts and cut taxes. I suggest you stop lying to yourself instead of calling other people liars.
Notice how the Bush deficits skyrocketed after Democrats won big majorities in the House and Senate taking over when the deficit was a mere $161 billion? Remember how Democrats were telling the American sheeple how irresponsible Republican deficits were irresponsible and they needed to pay for those deficits?

make up your mind. It is the president's fault, or is it congress's fault? Republicans forget how Americans punished them the last time they shut down government. Do y'all really think that you can do the same thing and achieve different results this time?
This one is even more blatently partisan.

Its repealing a law that is duly certified LAW OF THE LAND

Recent US Federal Deficit Numbers

Obama Deficits
FY 2015*: $577 billion
FY 2014*: $744 billion
FY 2013*: $973 billion
FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion

Bush Deficits
FY 2009†: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $458 billion
FY 2007: $161 billion
FY 2006: $248 billion
FY 2005: $318 billion

I saw this the other day, after a lot of digging, you'd think the "liberal" media would report it.
make up your mind. It is the president's fault, or is it congress's fault? Republicans forget how Americans punished them the last time they shut down government. Do y'all really think that you can do the same thing and achieve different results this time?

SPENDING is always Congress fault. Presidents can only do one of two things; they can sign the legislation, or they can veto it. They cannot do anything else.

That said, Obama was a Senator during the Democrat control of both House and Senate and agreed to all the spending you lefttards want to blame on Bush. In addition, he was instrumental in getting the $850 billion pork laden "stimulus" bill passed that did nothing to "stimulate" anything but the ballooning deficit and instrumental in passing Obamscare which will turn out to be another multi trillion dollar failure foisted onto the sheeple who will be straddled with the bills to pay for all of it; and with little to show for it.

I would like you lefttards to make up your minds; are deficits good or bad? For eight years you whined, railed and politicized the deficits, unemployment numbers and gas prices that were far lower than under your beloved idol Obama; yet you still think it is all Bush's fault.

I would like you lefttards to make up your minds; are high gas prices good or bad?

I would like you lefftards to make up your minds; is high unemployment good or bad?

I would like you lefttards to make up your minds; is it right to distrust your Government and question it or is it racist?

I don't expect you to comprehend the ignorance contained in your arguments, the hypocrisy you wallow in or your dullard belief in Obama; you're an unthinking idiot, how could you be aware of it?
I saw this the other day, after a lot of digging, you'd think the "liberal" media would report it.

Even the brain dead Liberal media knows not to report the incredible wishful thinking of these budget projections in 2014 and 2015; but you're just too stupid and naive to comprehend the reasons why.
your doing nothing but lying here.

why are you pretending Obama is at fault for the wars Bush refused to pay for but insisted on waging?

do you DENY that Bush put the Iraq and afgan war on the credit card and didn't pay any of it until the last year he was in office leaving a HUGE debt burden as well as crashing the entire world economy right before he walked?

Your claim is incredibly stupid and not based on any credible facts; this is why you are an asshat and hyper partisan buffoon whose main claim to fame on this forum is empty headed parrotting of DNC talking points.

Dismissed dumbass.
Bullshit. He fought a war on two fronts and cut taxes. I suggest you stop lying to yourself instead of calling other people liars.

Yes dumbass; he did fight two wars that morons on the Democrat side of the aisle supported before they were against it.

Yes he cut taxes and unemployment was half of what it is now and revenues increased; unlike what they are doing now.

Yes Republicans were kicked out of office when the deficit was $161 billion and after Democrats took over, balooned to $1,4 trillion.

It's official; you're a clueless idiot.
This one is even more blatently partisan.

Its repealing a law that is duly certified LAW OF THE LAND

So were the Bush Tax cuts, yet Democrats constantly tried to revoke them as bad for the economy, so now what, it's only a law because the supreme court deemed it a tax