CNN Poll: Majority says raise debt


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this is what happens when you allow your party to be made into a stepping stool for self promoting celebrity wantabes
yes we know you want to weaken the government until your hero grover can kill it outright

If you don't think $17 trillion in debt doesn't weaken Government and strap the American taxpayer with paying for it, you're an incredibly dense ignoramus.
Now please EXPLAIN to us all why the Bush ones were fine with you but the lessor Obama debts make you so mad?
should a country have NO debt?

I am not sure any country can have no debt; but I can tell you that we should never accept the trillion dollar deficits that have been a signature of a Democrat controlled Congress and this President that massively ran up more debt in five short years than Bush and Republicans in eight years.

I do know that $17 trillion is unconscionable and unacceptable; yet this buffoon of a President wants to pass another pork laden $550 billion spending bill he can't pay for and euphamistically calling it a "jobs" bill.

If you think $17 trillion and climbing at an accelerating rate is acceptable debt, you just might be a brain dead dullard.

Recent US Federal Deficit Numbers

Obama Deficits
FY 2015*: $577 billion
FY 2014*: $744 billion
FY 2013*: $973 billion
FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion

Bush Deficits
FY 2009†: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $458 billion
FY 2007: $161 billion
FY 2006: $248 billion
FY 2005: $318 billion

Notice how the Bush deficits skyrocketed after Democrats won big majorities in the House and Senate taking over when the deficit was a mere $161 billion? Remember how Democrats were telling the American sheeple how irresponsible Republican deficits were irresponsible and they needed to pay for those deficits?
I am not sure any country can have no debt; but I can tell you that we should never accept the trillion dollar deficits that have been a signature of a Democrat controlled Congress and this President that massively ran up more debt in five short years than Bush and Republicans in eight years.

I do know that $17 trillion is unconscionable and unacceptable; yet this buffoon of a President wants to pass another pork laden $550 billion spending bill he can't pay for and euphamistically calling it a "jobs" bill.

If you think $17 trillion and climbing at an accelerating rate is acceptable debt, you just might be a brain dead dullard.

your doing nothing but lying here.

why are you pretending Obama is at fault for the wars Bush refused to pay for but insisted on waging?

do you DENY that Bush put the Iraq and afgan war on the credit card and didn't pay any of it until the last year he was in office leaving a HUGE debt burden as well as crashing the entire world economy right before he walked?

Recent US Federal Deficit Numbers

Obama Deficits
FY 2015*: $577 billion
FY 2014*: $744 billion
FY 2013*: $973 billion
FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion

Bush Deficits
FY 2009†: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $458 billion
Democrats take control of Congress
FY 2007: $161 billion
FY 2006: $248 billion
FY 2005: $318 billion
