Biden freezes withdrawal of US troops from Germany


100% recycled karma

Biden "will announce that Secretary Austin will lead a global force posture review and during the pendency of that review will freeze any troop redeployments from Germany," said White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Thursday.

Trump announced the withdrawal of 9,500 troops from Germany - of a total 34,000 stationed in the country - in June 2020 as part of an ongoing spat with Berlin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
so we stay with a bloated force in Germany..what's the mission?
NATO expansion is mindless. Reducing troops in Germany is now impossible
Not a great sign:

The new secretary of state was apparently incredibly frustrated by the fact that the EU completed a trade deal with China just before Biden's inauguration. Biden's people felt it was a "disgrace" that Europe had thus thwarted the attempt to find a common line on Beijing. Publicly, though, Blinken has remained silent on the issue. The president and his secretary of state have also kept their cards close to their chest on other issues as well. Internally, Biden has left no doubt that he views the natural gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 from Russia to Germany as a grave error. Biden simply doesn't understand why the Germans would hand billions of euros to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who first apparently poisoned his main rival Alexei Navalny before immediately arresting him upon his return to Russia after he received medical treatment in Berlin. Many weeks ago, the U.S. Senate agreed to sanctions in an attempt to block the completion of the pipeline in a rare bipartisan vote.

But Biden hasn't yet imposed them. "I think philosophically, the idea that you achieve your ends in foreign policy by sanctioning your allies is something they feel very uncomfortable with," says Michael McFaul, who was the U.S. ambassador to Russia under President Barack Obama, addressing the sanctions against Germany. The issue has become so rancorous that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Biden avoided it completely during their first telephone call a week and a half ago

Biden "will announce that Secretary Austin will lead a global force posture review and during the pendency of that review will freeze any troop redeployments from Germany," said White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Thursday.

Trump announced the withdrawal of 9,500 troops from Germany - of a total 34,000 stationed in the country - in June 2020 as part of an ongoing spat with Berlin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

I don't think you realize what trump was actually doing. He was not bringing troops back to the US, he was going to move them out of Germany to other Nations in Europe simple because he did not like Merkel, this would have cost the us Billions of dollars and would have severed no strategic purpose other than made trump feel better about himself. This was a good move on Biden's part and I can guarantee you that the joint chiefs pushed hard for it.
I don't think you realize what trump was actually doing. He was not bringing troops back to the US, he was going to move them out of Germany to other Nations in Europe simple because he did not like Merkel, this would have cost the us Billions of dollars and would have severed no strategic purpose other than made trump feel better about himself. This was a good move on Biden's part and I can guarantee you that the joint chiefs pushed hard for it.


Nearly 12,000 U.S. troops will pull out of Germany as soon as is feasible, the Pentagon announced on Wednesday, but the ones who will be stationed back in the U.S. may be called up for rotational deployments back to Europe.

Under the plan, troop levels in Germany would drop from 36,000 to just over 24,000, Defense Secretary Esper told reporters, with 5,600 of those re-positioned to other European countries and the remainder shifting to U.S. bases to be determined.
I don't think you realize what trump was actually doing. He was not bringing troops back to the US, he was going to move them out of Germany to other Nations in Europe simple because he did not like Merkel, this would have cost the us Billions of dollars and would have severed no strategic purpose other than made trump feel better about himself. This was a good move on Biden's part and I can guarantee you that the joint chiefs pushed hard for it.

From what I've read our allies were not in favor of withdrawing them either.

You should read the entire article, Skippy, you are just embarrassing yourself, again.

"On balance, the presence of U.S. troops in Europe might only be reducing by several hundred, when all is said and done.

For the roughly 6,300 on tap to return home, some could be returning “in a matter of weeks,” Esper said, though the Pentagon will coordinate with both Congress and the services to decide which U.S. bases will absorb them.

The planned return of the Army’s 2nd Cavalry Regiment, based in Vilseck, Germany, to the United States is expected to leave a mark, according to Hodges.

“That’s a tough one to swallow, because that is their assigned combat unit,” he said.

On Capitol Hill, the decision has been met with bipartisan criticism that it was hasty and will damage America’s alliances. Both the House defense appropriations and policy bills have provisions to bar the Germany drawdown.

U.S. force levels have been lowered gradually over the years, in consultation with Germany and NATO, Sen. Chris Murphy, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senate Appropriations Committee said in a tweet Wednesday.

“Trump is doing this on a lark. Likely just to embarrass Germany,” said Murphy, D-Conn. “No plan. No consultation. Making it a really bad idea.”

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah., called the plan “a grave error,” a “slap in the face at a friend and ally,” and “a gift to Russia coming at a time when we just have learned of its support for the Taliban and reports of bounties on killing American troops.” Romney has introduced an amendment to the fiscal 2021 National Defense Authorization Act to block the removal of troops from Germany."
You should read the entire article, Skippy, you are just embarrassing yourself, again.

"On balance, the presence of U.S. troops in Europe might only be reducing by several hundred, when all is said and done.

For the roughly 6,300 on tap to return home, some could be returning “in a matter of weeks,” Esper said, though the Pentagon will coordinate with both Congress and the services to decide which U.S. bases will absorb them.

The planned return of the Army’s 2nd Cavalry Regiment, based in Vilseck, Germany, to the United States is expected to leave a mark, according to Hodges.

“That’s a tough one to swallow, because that is their assigned combat unit,” he said.

On Capitol Hill, the decision has been met with bipartisan criticism that it was hasty and will damage America’s alliances. Both the House defense appropriations and policy bills have provisions to bar the Germany drawdown.

U.S. force levels have been lowered gradually over the years, in consultation with Germany and NATO, Sen. Chris Murphy, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senate Appropriations Committee said in a tweet Wednesday.

“Trump is doing this on a lark. Likely just to embarrass Germany,” said Murphy, D-Conn. “No plan. No consultation. Making it a really bad idea.”

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah., called the plan “a grave error,” a “slap in the face at a friend and ally,” and “a gift to Russia coming at a time when we just have learned of its support for the Taliban and reports of bounties on killing American troops.” Romney has introduced an amendment to the fiscal 2021 National Defense Authorization Act to block the removal of troops from Germany."

You got caught lying, so you decide that more lying is the thing to do?

You used to be a lot better than this.

How Sad.
After January 6th it might be better to station German troops in Washington.

This arrogant ' world policeman ' posture is yesterday.

Yeup, there might be a need to have troops stationed closer to DC since we now obviously have a right-wing terror threat.
Yeup, there might be a need to have troops stationed closer to DC since we now obviously have a right-wing terror threat.

.........and international observers for elections- like all banana republics. El Trumpo isn't gone.
It was nothing more than a trump hissy fit that would have cost the US Billions, and of course trumps master, Putin, would have been pleased, so much for that BS.

Yep, the Russians would like nothing better than to see NATO fall apart and our alliances with European nations broken.
I don't think you realize what trump was actually doing. He was not bringing troops back to the US, he was going to move them out of Germany to other Nations in Europe simple because he did not like Merkel, this would have cost the us Billions of dollars and would have severed no strategic purpose other than made trump feel better about himself. This was a good move on Biden's part and I can guarantee you that the joint chiefs pushed hard for it.
I know EXACTLY what he was doing. he was moving them to Poland -which DOES have strategic purpose
a fucked up confrontational style with Putin - making the Cold War2 even more dangerous, but it had a "purpose"
Poland like Ukraine would gladly suck at our military teat as greadily as possible

Trump got waylaid by the Russian Hoax. It's why he never got a chance for his Russian Reset, and why even attempts by him to do diplomacy with Putin got him called "Putin's Bitch" by Russiaphobes and Democrats