America is becoming ungovernable: the visceral political hatreds behind the shutdown

cancel2 2022

Max Hastings really nails the truth behind the posturing.

Washington this week has basked in autumnal sunshine and bitter hatred. Like players in one of those Hollywood movies about a divided hick town with lynch mobs baying, the legislators of the greatest nation on earth trade insults about blame for the government shutdown, resulting from the stand-off on the U.S. budget.

‘These people are Neanderthals,’ thundered a Democratic congressman. The Senate’s chaplain, Barry Black, rolled his eyes skywards and said: ‘Save us from this madness.’

The ‘madness’ is, of course, the insistence of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives that they will vote to enable the federal government to pay its bills only if the White House agrees to suspend or scrap its national health scheme, which they loathe to the point of obsession.

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hyper-partisanship is becoming built in gridlock; this time it's the Republican (Tea Party) stuck on stupid; but i have no doubt the Dem's would do the same
if the situation was reversed.

There is this idea of party before sanity; used to be country before partisanship; but now with media darlings (Cruz this time) there is some indivual gain by the player at the expense of the others, and the people.

Only thing I can do is eschew this crap -treat it as the poison that it is, and vote for anyone but the MS partys.
If you vote or support the (D's) or (R's) don't bitch about institutional kamazazi
hyper-partisanship is becoming built in gridlock; this time it's the Republican (Tea Party) stuck on stupid; but i have no doubt the Dem's would do the same
if the situation was reversed.

There is this idea of party before sanity; used to be country before partisanship; but now with media darlings (Cruz this time) there is some indivual gain by the player at the expense of the others, and the people.

Only thing I can do is eschew this crap -treat it as the poison that it is, and vote for anyone but the MS partys.
If you vote or support the (D's) or (R's) don't bitch about institutional kamazazi

Obama told us all flat out at the start....."I will not negotiate"...but its the republicans, huh ?......

The House has passed several bills and sent them to the Senate....Reid says they are DOA, and will not bring them before the Senate for consideration......but its the republicans, huh ?......

Susan Collins proposal....., which has bipartisan support, offered a six-month extension of government funding and an increase in the government's borrowing limit through January. It was also calling for a two-year delay on Obamacare's medical device tax as well requiring income verification for Americans seeking subsidies for President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
Rejected out of hand by Obama and Reid WITHOUT going to an up or down vote in the Senate.....
..but its the republicans, huh ?

Why is the D's "my way or the highway" approach always ok with the pinheads....

Just because the left repeats the same lie about the TP over and over doesn't mean its the truth.

Obama told us all flat out at the start....."I will not negotiate"...but its the republicans, huh ?......

The House has passed several bills and sent them to the Senate....Reid says they are DOA, and will not bring them before the Senate for consideration......but its the republicans, huh ?......

Susan Collins proposal....., which has bipartisan support, offered a six-month extension of government funding and an increase in the government's borrowing limit through January. It was also calling for a two-year delay on Obamacare's medical device tax as well requiring income verification for Americans seeking subsidies for President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
Rejected out of hand by Obama and Reid WITHOUT going to an up or down vote in the Senate.....
..but its the republicans, huh ?

Why is the D's "my way or the highway" approach always ok with the pinheads....

Just because the left repeats the same lie about the TP over and over doesn't mean its the truth.

the bigger NON PARTISAN POINT is that either of these 2 subsets of Dysfunctional DC are liars, neerdo wells, camara junkies.

I am SO not into the blame game - it's moronic and petty.
This is why we need someone to suspend the constitution, declare martial law, and rule by decree. Only one candidate has the balls to take these vital steps and stick it to the know-nothings in congress: vote Watermark 2016!
hyper-partisanship is becoming built in gridlock; this time it's the Republican (Tea Party) stuck on stupid; but i have no doubt the Dem's would do the same
if the situation was reversed.

There is this idea of party before sanity; used to be country before partisanship; but now with media darlings (Cruz this time) there is some indivual gain by the player at the expense of the others, and the people.

Only thing I can do is eschew this crap -treat it as the poison that it is, and vote for anyone but the MS partys.
If you vote or support the (D's) or (R's) don't bitch about institutional kamazazi
This has far less to do with hyper partisan politics and just about everything to do with radicalized southern politics. Who are these tea baggers that are having such a profound impact on radicalizing the GOP? They are predominantly southern radical conservatives, financed largely by ubber wealthy oligarchs. They represent approximately 5% of the nation mostly in the south and rural Midwest.

Unfortunately they have a constituency who have bought into southern nullification, a completely discredited political philosophy. Why is it discredited? At the most fundamental level because it cannot govern.

The Democrats have often been criticized for their lack of organization and correctly too. Dems are famous for their circular firing squads. Repubs on the other hand can't stand prosperity and have a tendency to let radicals lead the party and they usually lead the party to obscurity. That appears to be happening again.
hyper-partisanship is becoming built in gridlock; this time it's the Republican (Tea Party) stuck on stupid; but i have no doubt the Dem's would do the same
if the situation was reversed.

There is this idea of party before sanity; used to be country before partisanship; but now with media darlings (Cruz this time) there is some indivual gain by the player at the expense of the others, and the people.

Only thing I can do is eschew this crap -treat it as the poison that it is, and vote for anyone but the MS partys.
If you vote or support the (D's) or (R's) don't bitch about institutional kamazazi


every time the right screws this country some fool has to try and say "oh those Dems are just as bad"

when the dems screw up its all about "oh look at those dems".

I have seen this pattern all my life
This has far less to do with hyper partisan politics and just about everything to do with radicalized southern politics. Who are these tea baggers that are having such a profound impact on radicalizing the GOP? They are predominantly southern radical conservatives, financed largely by ubber wealthy oligarchs. They represent approximately 5% of the nation mostly in the south and rural Midwest.

Unfortunately they have a constituency who have bought into southern nullification, a completely discredited political philosophy. Why is it discredited? At the most fundamental level because it cannot govern.

The Democrats have often been criticized for their lack of organization and correctly too. Dems are famous for their circular firing squads. Repubs on the other hand can't stand prosperity and have a tendency to let radicals lead the party and they usually lead the party to obscurity. That appears to be happening again.
beats me. I really don't follow partisan politics -southern nullification> I suppose so,

I'm late for work, and I can't argue the fine points you make. I am seeing a new degee of built in gridlock.
Maybe with the new Democratic majority "baked in" ( voter affiliation) we'll see more movement.
I leave that up to better political minds then myself.

every time the right screws this country some fool has to try and say "oh those Dems are just as bad"

when the dems screw up its all about "oh look at those dems".

I have seen this pattern all my life
it's re: built in gridlock, see the response to Mott - it may change, but the tendency towards hyperpartisanship by all ideologies, is manifest.
when we get all dems or mostly dems things get fixed.

then the republicans pretend the fix is horrible and will end the world as we know it.

then they spend all their energy in office tearing the hell out of government.

then we get a crash of some kind and the dems get back in fix the mess and start to get things done and then the republican scream the things they are doing are killing grandma or some other lie and it starts all over again.

savings and loan crashes.

energy crashes

housing crashes

they are all due to republican deregulation.
it's re: built in gridlock, see the response to Mott - it may change, but the tendency towards hyperpartisanship by all ideologies, is manifest.

lie all you want

this is right wing nutters once again trying to throw wrenches into the governments funtions to KILL IT.

why the hell do you think they sign Grover pledge?

they want to weaken it until they can kill government outright and hand the levers of power to the wealthy who pay for all their elections