7 dead in shootings at 3 massage parlors across metro Atlanta


In Yo Face!
Seven people are dead and at least two more are injured after a spate of shootings Tuesday at massage parlors around metro Atlanta.

In Cherokee County, a suspect is on the run after a shooting that left three people dead and two more injured at Young’s Asian Massage Parlor near Acworth, officials said.

Less than an hour later, four more people were killed in shootings at two separate massage parlors near one another on Piedmont Road, according to interim Atlanta police Chief Rodney Bryant. Piedmont Road is shut down in both directions by heavy police activity in the area.

Although no suspects have been captured in northeast Atlanta, there is no immediate danger to the public, Bryant told Channel 2 Action News.



Four of the seven victims are reportedly Asian women.

It takes a really Skilled "White Man" to Kill UN-Armed Women
almost all mass shooters look like incredibly wimpy losers who use their lethal guns as a penis-substitute to manifest their sexual identity. and some do not want assault weapons and high cap mags banned when so many sick ass punks like this are walking around thinking about doing some mass shooting to deal with their loser issues?
Just have some balance - can we display ALL the blacks killing people - including by drug pushing. I am NOT racist but I do like balance.
Just have some balance - can we display ALL the blacks killing people - including by drug pushing. I am NOT racist but I do like balance.
When you have to tell people you’re NOT a racists, there’s a good chance, you ARE a racists.
Just have some balance - can we display ALL the blacks killing people - including by drug pushing. I am NOT racist but I do like balance.

there are assholes here almost every day who cherry pick black guys being murderers, boy. quit being such a racist moron.
Seven people are dead and at least two more are injured after a spate of shootings Tuesday at massage parlors around metro Atlanta.

In Cherokee County, a suspect is on the run after a shooting that left three people dead and two more injured at Young’s Asian Massage Parlor near Acworth, officials said.

Less than an hour later, four more people were killed in shootings at two separate massage parlors near one another on Piedmont Road, according to interim Atlanta police Chief Rodney Bryant. Piedmont Road is shut down in both directions by heavy police activity in the area.

Although no suspects have been captured in northeast Atlanta, there is no immediate danger to the public, Bryant told Channel 2 Action News.



Four of the seven victims are reportedly Asian women.

It takes a really Skilled "White Man" to Kill UN-Armed Women

I find it interesting you ignore all the attacks on Asian people until you found a white guy who did the attacking, the left and the media have all been silent on the violent racist attacks on Asian folk in this country because the perpetrators of the vast majority of these crimes are not those evil white dudes.
I find it interesting you ignore all the attacks on Asian people until you found a white guy who did the attacking, the left and the media have all been silent on the violent racist attacks on Asian folk in this country because the perpetrators of the vast majority of these crimes are not those evil white dudes.
I need to see your data backing this claim, because everything I’ve read says it’s white nationalist who are the majority of the offenders.
When you have to tell people you’re NOT a racists, there’s a good chance, you ARE a racists.

that's bullshit given your tribe calls anyone they disagree with racist all day and all night long, your ilk cheapened the very real issue of racism by using POC's as a bat and a weapon to attack others. So no, when you say you are not racist, it does not mean you are racist. The poster has a point, Attacks on asians has been on the rise since covid most of the perpetrators of these attacks have been african american and your media, and your tribe has remained silent. as soon as you find some white idiot doing something like this, suddenly its a story. The race of the attackers are never mentioned in the stories unless the attacker is white.

Don't you ever get resentful the media thinks you all are easy dupes?
that's bullshit given your tribe calls anyone they disagree with racist all day and all night long, your ilk cheapened the very real issue of racism by using POC's as a bat and a weapon to attack others. So no, when you say you are not racist, it does not mean you are racist. The poster has a point, Attacks on asians has been on the rise since covid most of the perpetrators of these attacks have been african american and your media, and your tribe has remained silent. as soon as you find some white idiot doing something like this, suddenly its a story. The race of the attackers are never mentioned in the stories unless the attacker is white.

Don't you ever get resentful the media thinks you all are easy dupes?
So, no proof, thanks
I need to see your data backing this claim, because everything I’ve read says it’s white nationalist who are the majority of the offenders.

No you haven't.

Anyway, here is the problem. when the media refuses to name the race of a bias attacker unless they are white, what you ask for can only be given by examples.

Of course we have some nodding to the reality but they downplay it:


So perhaps you should expand your sources as no, it's not the white nationalists who are out attacking asians, not that I would put it past the scumbags, but in this case, most of the attacks on Asian Americans have been by African Americans.

So lets see your data saying it's mostly white nationalists.
No you haven't.

Anyway, here is the problem. when the media refuses to name the race of a bias attacker unless they are white, what you ask for can only be given by examples.

Of course we have some nodding to the reality but they downplay it:


So perhaps you should expand your sources as no, it's not the white nationalists who are out attacking asians, not that I would put it past the scumbags, but in this case, most of the attacks on Asian Americans have been by African Americans.

So lets see your data saying it's mostly white nationalists.
There have been over 3,000 cases nationwide. They have not been done by a majority of blacks. A couple of cases in CA doesn’t make a majority. Black and Asian communities have formed alliances because of the threat of white nationalism. Perhaps it’s you that needs to expand your references.
Seven people are dead and at least two more are injured after a spate of shootings Tuesday at massage parlors around metro Atlanta.

In Cherokee County, a suspect is on the run after a shooting that left three people dead and two more injured at Young’s Asian Massage Parlor near Acworth, officials said.

Less than an hour later, four more people were killed in shootings at two separate massage parlors near one another on Piedmont Road, according to interim Atlanta police Chief Rodney Bryant. Piedmont Road is shut down in both directions by heavy police activity in the area.

Although no suspects have been captured in northeast Atlanta, there is no immediate danger to the public, Bryant told Channel 2 Action News.



Four of the seven victims are reportedly Asian women.

It takes a really Skilled "White Man" to Kill UN-Armed Women

I guess not all "endings" are "happy."

Homicidal sickos are a product of letting just anybody breed,
Let everybody fuck to their hearts' content.
But we should probably have government licensed breeders to handle procreation.
Our "open" gene pool is a fucking disaster and results in murders like this.
There have been over 3,000 cases nationwide. They have not been done by a majority of blacks. A couple of cases in CA doesn’t make a majority. Black and Asian communities have formed alliances because of the threat of white nationalism. Perhaps it’s you that needs to expand your references.

So I provided you several examples, you have provided none.

yes they have formed alliances because they want the attacks by black people on asian people to stop. why else would you form such an alliance? you are just making shit up now from a position of ignorance. Please provide proof of your claim that everything you read it's white nationalist attacking asians. you made the claim, you demanded proof for mine, I Gave you mine, now unless you wish to concede this debate, provide yours.

over 3000 attacks, if it were white nationalists it would be on every single news source with this fact, so you need to prove your contention. white nationalists suck, but it does not help to solve the very real issue of racism when we refuse to see facts as they are, not how we wish them to be.

Thanks in advance.
There have been over 3,000 cases nationwide. They have not been done by a majority of blacks. A couple of cases in CA doesn’t make a majority. Black and Asian communities have formed alliances because of the threat of white nationalism. Perhaps it’s you that needs to expand your references.

And if you are going to pretend you read my links, you probably should delay responding so it looks legit. this was an important one you missed.


Our double standard on race: African-Americans attack Asians and the nation yawns

If you live in or near Philadelphia, you know about the brutal December attacks on Asian students at a local high school. Seven kids were hospitalized with injuries sustained mostly at the hands of African-American students, who beat Asians in classrooms, hallways, the cafeteria and the streets outside the school.

But the incident has barely registered outside of southeastern Pennsylvania, generating a few wire stories and little else. To understand why, try a thought experiment: Imagine the victims were black and the attackers white, or the other way around.

The whole nation -- indeed, the whole world -- would know about it. The president would go on TV to denounce the episode and demand a speedy remedy. Members of Congress would eagerly join in, competing with each other to condemn the racism in our midst. And hordes of reporters would descend on the school to seek the inside scoop.

You can't stop racism by hiding from it. You should stop yawning.