Yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family homes, driving up prices


Verified User
Yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family homes, competing with ordinary Americans and driving up prices

"You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house," said John Burns, whose eponymous real estate consulting firm estimates that in many of the nation's top markets, roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. "That's going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive," he said.

The consulting firm found Houston to be a favorite haunt of investors who have lately accounted for 24% of home purchases there. Investors' slice of the housing market grows -- as it does in other boomtowns, such as Miami, Phoenix and Las Vegas -- among properties priced below $300,000 and in decent school districts.

"Limited housing supply, low rates, a global reach for yield, and what we're calling the institutionalization of real-estate investors has set the stage for another speculative investor-driven home price bubble," the firm concluded.


The USA is a greed filled shit hole which cares nothing for people and society as a whole.
The USA is a greed filled shit hole which cares nothing for people and society as a whole.

This is what happens when the Fed keeps interest rates so low.

Do you think people in America are the only ones who chase yield?
This is what happens when the Fed keeps interest rates so low.

Do you think people in America are the only ones who chase yield?

Can you honestly name a democrat, particularly one on this board, that actually understands what you are talking about?
The Real Estate Market is out of control, has been for many years

It's just about priced home ownership out of reach for a majority of Americans.

Home Ownership and even the rent on run down slum properties are not affordable to most Americans now.

Real Estate prices are souring like a rocket, and wages are more stagnant now than ever before!

It's time for the Federal Housing Agency to step up efforts that help AVERAGE AMERICANS back with a roof over their heads again- OR ABOUT HALF US ARE GOING TO BE OUT ON THE STREET- HOMELESS!


The Real Estate Market is out of control, has been for many years

It's just about priced home ownership out of reach for a majority of Americans.

Home Ownership and even the rent on run down slum properties are not affordable to most Americans now.

Real Estate prices are souring like a rocket, and wages are more stagnant now than ever before!

It's time for the Federal Housing Agency to step up efforts that help AVERAGE AMERICANS back with a roof over their heads again- OR ABOUT HALF US ARE GOING TO BE OUT ON THE STREET- HOMELESS!



You've got a good point, has home prices climb faster than wages, at some point something will happen.
An interesting OP claim.

If true, it might help explain what's going to happen when the Nazicrat eviction moratorium is finally lifted.

The people being bailed out will be the investor class.

Makes sense.
Can you honestly name a democrat, particularly one on this board, that actually understands what you are talking about?

I can. That would be me. That's why the stock markets are up so high as well; it's one of the few ways to get a decent yield on investments.

Cawacko is not correct, by the way. The real estate market is soaring because of low inventory due to the pandemic curtailing construction, rising interest rates (= ppl want to buy NOW instead of waiting), and more young ppl entering the market for a home.
What drives up the price of housing more than anything else is a combination of government regulation and policy combined with large corporate housing constructors in collusion with government.
Right now, one of the big drivers of rising cost of homes is the outrageous cost of materials brought on in part by the economic shutdown forced on the economy by government over Chinese Disease. A year ago or so, something as basic as a 2 x 4 x 8' piece of lumber sold for about $2. Now they're selling at about $6 each. I just had to buy 50 feet of 2-3/G NM-B copper cable (that is #2 AWG 3 conductor with ground wire "Romex") for a job. That cost over $800. I was stunned by that price. A year ago that would have gone for about $200.

Now, add in zoning laws, code compliance, requirements for professional services, and a whole raft of other government mandated regulations and requirements and it all drives the cost of a home through the rafters. For example, all new homes in California are required to have a solar array now. That adds anywhere from $5000 to $20,000 to the cost of a home. You can also bet that any developer building tract homes is using the cheapest 10 year lifespan solar panels in doing that while charging off the cost as if they were higher quality say 20 year ones...
The Real Estate Market is out of control, has been for many years

It's just about priced home ownership out of reach for a majority of Americans.

Home Ownership and even the rent on run down slum properties are not affordable to most Americans now.

Real Estate prices are souring like a rocket, and wages are more stagnant now than ever before!

It's time for the Federal Housing Agency to step up efforts that help AVERAGE AMERICANS back with a roof over their heads again- OR ABOUT HALF US ARE GOING TO BE OUT ON THE STREET- HOMELESS!



you can thank the FDR democrats for that fuckup
The USA is a greed filled shit hole which cares nothing for people and society as a whole.

Hey! You stupid ignorant leftist fuck!

The reason rent is so high is because the government wants to make more money off the property than the owners.

Like twice or 3x as much. In order to not have go into debt to rent people houses, landlords have to increase rent to meet the city/county/parish's demands.

This is all fouled up. The government does not deserve that money, but they have the power, and demand that high price, and so everybody's (and I mean every fucking body's) rent gets jacked because the government is greedy AF.

If you don't like it, say something about it. Mob the motherfuckers, they deserve it.

They are cheating every single American that pays taxes and rent. They are fucking everybody, and nobody realizes it. Did you, you leftist retard? Of course not. You're fucking braindead.

You're all good with all that, amirite?
After all, the government demands it, no matter the harm to the people. You're all good with paying $1100/mo for rent vs. $550, huh?

Especially when taxpayer dollars have to subsidize that, which kicks it up to an entirely new and crazy level.

Things have changed since I was a young man.

One of them being how much taxes municipalities charge to citizens that rent property. Currently it is super-rape level (to be mild).

That drives the cost of living up for everyone.
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