Yet another shining example of Liberal fail!!!

The quality of schooling should be based on how much the parents spend...(R)ight?

Until you realize that not all kids want to be like their parents and actually want education when their parents may happen to be druggies.

This is survival of the fittest on HUMAN scale and ignores "United We Stand"
does the constitution give the government the duty to provide a free education?

No. It does not.

Education is a power of government, it being not one listed to be utilized by the Federal government, that power is relegated to the state or local entities. Can you tell me where it says such an education must be "free"? (Nothing is free, ask Detroit).

This isn't an argument against funding education, only pointing out that the constitution does not give government the "duty" to educate your children for "free"...

No. It does not.

Education is a power of government, it being not one listed to be utilized by the Federal government, that power is relegated to the state or local entities. Can you tell me where it says such an education must be "free"? (Nothing is free, ask Detroit).

This isn't an argument against funding education, only pointing out that the constitution does not give government the "duty" to educate your children for "free"...


Guess you didn't read past the 2A and never made it to the 10A.
Maybe you kids should specify "State" vs. "Federal" in your arguments.

Government haters always claim they have no power. Constitution readers know States have the power to be their own State and have their own laws. Constitution breakers force America as a whole to do something the majority of the states did successfully without amendment.