Yes, we need a national converstaion about race


Before we discuss it, there are a few ground rules.

1) It can only be discussed from the black point of view.

2) There is no white point of view allowed

3) We can only talk about the few instances of white on black crime and lynchings of 100 years ago

4) We are not allowed to talk about black on black crime.

5) We are not allowed to talk about black on white crime

6) We are not allowed to talk about affirmative action and how it leads to quotas

7) We are not allowed to talk about the hypocrisy of blacks using the word nigger even thought it is supposed to be the most offensive word in the world

8) We are not allowed to point out that Jesse Jacskon said it made him nervous if he saw a black man following him

9) We are not allowed to talk about Al Sharpton inciting riots

10) We are not allowed to talk about the racist New Black Panther Party or the New BAC Panther Party

11) We are not allowed to talk about the high rate of high school dropouts in the black community

12) We are not allowed to talk about the hight rate of drug use in the black community

13) We are not allowed to talk about the high rate of single motherhood in the black community

14) We are only allowed to talk about all of the bad things that white people do whether real or made up.

OK let the national conversation on race begin.
Before we discuss it, there are a few ground rules.

1) It can only be discussed from the black point of view.

2) There is no white point of view allowed

3) We can only talk about the few instances of white on black crime and lynchings of 100 years ago

4) We are not allowed to talk about black on black crime.

5) We are not allowed to talk about black on white crime

6) We are not allowed to talk about affirmative action and how it leads to quotas

7) We are not allowed to talk about the hypocrisy of blacks using the word nigger even thought it is supposed to be the most offensive word in the world

8) We are not allowed to point out that Jesse Jacskon said it made him nervous if he saw a black man following him

9) We are not allowed to talk about Al Sharpton inciting riots

10) We are not allowed to talk about the racist New Black Panther Party or the New BAC Panther Party

11) We are not allowed to talk about the high rate of high school dropouts in the black community

12) We are not allowed to talk about the hight rate of drug use in the black community

13) We are not allowed to talk about the high rate of single motherhood in the black community

14) We are only allowed to talk about all of the bad things that white people do whether real or made up.

OK let the national conversation on race begin.

I'm out. I'll converse with anyone, but I'm not going to be lectured to or apologize for things that happened centuries ago.
Don't you guys get it? You're not supposed to make racial distinctions while you learn to understand racial diversity. We're all the same
only liberal Blacks and those guilty liberals who appointed themselves to speak for Blacks are allowed to represent.
Blacks in American have gone through several hundred years of oppression. The effects of that don't just go away over night. Even if we living today weren't apart of what happened in the past it's still something we all have to deal with. Whites and others have to acknowledge that if there is to be an "honest" discussion.

On the flip side the idea that most whites are racist and most whites are all bad doesn't really fly either. At a certain point those in the black community must take a stronger stand internally to work toward making group improvements. And that statement is not 'a white guy lecturing a black guy' I'm simply repeating one said by many blacks before.

So there is work that needs to be done by both sides.
I'm out. I'll converse with anyone, but I'm not going to be lectured to or apologize for things that happened centuries ago.

Amen bro. My ancestors had jack shit squat to do with slavery and dealt with it themselves. I am sick and tired of the race hustlers and those afflicted with white guilt.

This tragedy had ZERO to do with race other than the race pimps making it about race.