yard sell for funeral costs: the republican plan sees reality

Its what you want to see the poor in this country face.

all your policies are designed with this being the result
Its what you want to see the poor in this country face.

all your policies are designed with this being the result


so between 2007 and 2011 I guess that republicans were to blame for everything even though Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress with a Super Majority...

between 2007 and 20011 all policy was set by Liberals

Republicans havent set policy in years.... and you cant prove otherwise.
do you want people to have healthcare?


do you want people to lose everything trying to afford treatment?


so why get mad at me for your own ideas?

Roxanne Allen's set-up in vacant lot in Ozark, Mo. Allen is in the end stages of cancer and is determined not to create a burden for those she leaves behind. So she's selling off her belongings to pay for a funeral and cremation, and has been astonished both by the traffic and to have shoppers "buy a $5 doll and leave $40."

Since you decided to make this about politics, I find it odd that you didn't post the last two sentences which are key to our philosophical differences.

Now an area funeral home has stepped in to cover the cremation, she's been offered a trip on the Branson Belle showboat and a Facebook page has been set up to help her cause, and donors are talking about a trip to the ocean.

Look at that, her funeral expenses are being covered and she is even getting a vacation or two to enjoy her final days. All with private (I would guess Christian) charity. None of your meddlesome, big gobblement bureaucracy involved. Thanks for posting such an uplifting article on the kindness and goodness of people. You should take a lesson away from this about your failed ideas. Mine seem to be working here.

BTW, do you have an air nipple in the back of your neck to make sure your head stays properly inflated?
do you want people to have healthcare?


do you want people to lose everything trying to afford treatment?


so why get mad at me for your own ideas?

You are jumping to major conclusions. This article says nothing about healthcare and whether she received adequate treatment or not. Do you just assume that because she is dying of cancer that she didn't receive any treatment? You do know that people die from cancer despite treatment right? This article was about her covering her funeral costs not her healthcare. Why are you conflating the two?

Seriously. Do you have an air nipple in the back of your neck to keep your head inflated to the proper PSI?
and if this becomes a regular thing like you people want then there wont be such a long line of people ready to help her huh.

This is what your policies will deliever.

GREAT PAIN to dying people.

remember you always say they should just deal with their medical expenses themselves right?

Most people don't make enough money to pay for cancer treatment
and if this becomes a regular thing like you people want then there wont be such a long line of people ready to help her huh.

This is what your policies will deliever.

GREAT PAIN to dying people.

remember you always say they should just deal with their medical expenses themselves right?

Most people don't make enough money to pay for cancer treatment

Prove that this is the case with this woman? Prove that she did not get treatment for her cancer. You started off with an article about funeral expenses and use that to launch into a tirade about medical expenses. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.

Now are you implying that the gobblement should be picking up the cost of peoples funerals now?
dude your not getting it.

why does she need to have to sell he last earthy belonging before she dies to pay for her funeral?

because she has such great insurance?
do you want people to have healthcare?


do you want people to lose everything trying to afford treatment?


so why get mad at me for your own ideas?

Before Ted Kennedy messed with Healthcare back in the early 1980's it ran fine.

The implementation of HMO's and other changes the Liberal House and Senate pushed through put us in the position we're in today.

I know that Liberals wont acknowledge this... but willful ignorance of the facts doesn't change what happened.
do you EVER get sick of fucking lying all the god damned time?

man up you peckerwoods and campaign on what you REALLY believe.

Like you did back in the primary where you dint realize the whole world watched you cheer death repeatedly
the internets is killing your lies and fewer and fewer Americans are falling for your diaper load of a platform
dude your not getting it.

why does she need to have to sell he last earthy belonging before she dies to pay for her funeral?

because she has such great insurance?

Or because she didn't plan for her final expenses like many people don't?

You cannot prove what you claim. You are making ASSumptions. That is typical for you, but it is laughable because other than your leap to healthcare, your article disproves your claim and proves mine.

My philosophical view is superior to your failed ideas which are playing out in Detroit. Private charity has helped this woman. That is a good thing. Only a complete statist would see this as a bad thing.

Now find me proof that she could not afford and did not receive treatment or STFU already.

Grind get the JPP air compressor, Desh's head is starting to deflate again
ayn rand railed about it all her life.

she sold millions of books.

she ended up on SS huh

what you proffess as a way to deal with the failing of people and people who have had extrememly bad luck is just what I said in the OP huh?

thanks for confirming it
aint got the swing of the sacks to face me huh?

stop fucking lying.

stop fucking lying.

Accept the facts and quit pretending only the bible has facts in it.

and stop twisting everything in the bible that is good to harm people and excuse your complete lack of compassion for others.

would jesus have whipped the money changers if they were working with the local government to feed the poor?

Jesus would have whipped every one of your dead asses

so between 2007 and 2011 I guess that republicans were to blame for everything even though Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress with a Super Majority...

between 2007 and 20011 all policy was set by Liberals

Republicans havent set policy in years.... and you cant prove otherwise.


they still got the healthcare bill through huh

now your team wants it dead so bad they do nothing but put up bills to remove it and refuse to do the people business to achieve it.


because they want more of what is happening to this woman.