Women with extreme PMS will now be deemed 'mentally ill'.


[h=1]Women with extreme PMS will now be deemed 'mentally ill' following controversial revision of health manual[/h]
Women who suffer from consistently severe mood swings during their menstrual periods are now being diagnosed with mental illness.


Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), sometimes referred to as 'PMS on steroids', is formally recognized in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

But the decision to categorize this condition as full-fledged disorder has divided opinion, with critics stating that it only contributes to stereotypes about women being emotionally unstable once a month.

Indeed, one commentator wrote on Jezebel.com: 'I actually have PMDD and take birth control to help it (which does work, btw [sic]). Personally, I do find it insulting that PMDD is lumped into the category of psychological disorders.

'Although I do sometimes get intensely depressed for a short amount of time before my period, I think the physical symptoms that accompany the emotional stuff and the fact that it's entirely period related should qualify it as a body problem and not a mental one.

'Admitting you have PMDD definitely has some social stigma also.'

The criteria for diagnosis include 'marked irritability', 'anger', 'increased interpersonal conflicts', 'feelings of hopelessnes', 'lethargy', 'insomnia' and a 'marked change in appetite' during 'most' menstrual cycles.

Women with extreme PMS will now be deemed 'mentally ill' following controversial revision of health manual

Women who suffer from consistently severe mood swings during their menstrual periods are now being diagnosed with mental illness.


Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), sometimes referred to as 'PMS on steroids', is formally recognized in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

But the decision to categorize this condition as full-fledged disorder has divided opinion, with critics stating that it only contributes to stereotypes about women being emotionally unstable once a month.

Indeed, one commentator wrote on Jezebel.com: 'I actually have PMDD and take birth control to help it (which does work, btw [sic]). Personally, I do find it insulting that PMDD is lumped into the category of psychological disorders.

'Although I do sometimes get intensely depressed for a short amount of time before my period, I think the physical symptoms that accompany the emotional stuff and the fact that it's entirely period related should qualify it as a body problem and not a mental one.

'Admitting you have PMDD definitely has some social stigma also.'

The criteria for diagnosis include 'marked irritability', 'anger', 'increased interpersonal conflicts', 'feelings of hopelessnes', 'lethargy', 'insomnia' and a 'marked change in appetite' during 'most' menstrual cycles.


This is funny why?
brain chemistry

yes it is an aberration to have severe symptoms brought on by natural human cycles.

Now what is you fucking point OP?
Desh is old and dried up, but the younger Sob Sisters seem to have synchronized their cycles.

Does Obamacare cover that?

Im 55 and likely able to kick your fucking ass.

you ever threaten me and you will be in BIG trouble from this 55 year old not so dried out chick.

Insulting people personally because your a brain dead dick bag with the compassion for others of a garden snake makes you such a great person huh?

Your what is wrong with this country.
see these tiny dicked men just all twisted up with FEAR of women who don't just "stay in their place" when you go off your fucking brains and pretend your some fucking he man on the internets.

Your a dick weed with no real human emotion and there for cant seem to manage any REAL relationship with a woman.

fuck you very much
Everyone has an excuse to act like a raging child. I almost wonder why I want to enter a field which enables this shit
do the world a favor and work with machines and NOT human beings.

You fucking hate people so stick with your own kind.

emotionless cold machines
Everyone has an excuse to act like a raging child. I almost wonder why I want to enter a field which enables this shit

If you mean psychology, your post couldn't make it any more clear that the field is not for you.

Try accounting, maybe you'll do better with numbers than with humans.
Sociopaths don't make good leaders of humans.

They are a better fit for things like cleaning our sewers.

they should NEVER have ANY power over human life.
I have a deep interest in the mind, or as I casually tell people what we believe and why. And futthermore, whilewhat I say here I believe, I am fully capale of at least understanding, even emotionally, why people adopt differing, views.
i think you fall into the belief that all psychologists are emotional, compassionate creatures.
I have a deep interest in the mind, or as I casually tell people what we believe and why. And futthermore, whilewhat I say here I believe, I am fully capale of at least understanding, even emotionally, why people adopt differing, views.
i think you fall into the belief that all psychologists are emotional, compassionate creatures.

You have to have some empathy for the human condition if you want to help those who are damaged. It doesn't mean you let it override training.
I have a deep interest in the mind, or as I casually tell people what we believe and why. And futthermore, whilewhat I say here I believe, I am fully capale of at least understanding, even emotionally, why people adopt differing, views.
i think you fall into the belief that all psychologists are emotional, compassionate creatures.

You will fail in your attempt.

its NOT the field for you.

You hate people remember
Should I go get your quote?

anyone who thinks most people are NOT GOOD should not be working with human beings.

You should be SITTING on the couch not in the helpers seat