Are you suggesting we pull back and be annihilated? Assuming your answer is no, what is your plan to keep America safe? Those verses are referring to our personal conduct, Care4all, not the defense of an enitre Nation, nor to even a household. If an intruder broke into a Christian man's home, I certain'y don't expect him to "turn the other cheek" and permit the intruder to rape his wife and murder his children.
We have a duty to protect each other, Care4all. Jesus is saying we should stand firm when we are persecuted and not lash back with tactics of the enemy; He is NOT saying we should just lay down and die. That's a very serious misinterpretation of the Bible, in my opinion.
Many times, the Lord commanded the Israelites to war, including the destruction of "civilians." The Bible is correct when it says "The LORD is a man of war." (Exodus 15:3) Just as I often need to be reminded of the Grace of God, I think you need to be reminded of the righteous anger of the Lord, and that whatever He commands, we may not question.
This is, of course, my interpretation, Care.
I can only follow the convictions I have.
May God bless you richly,