Will Reuters be cancelled now?

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head

In early February, 57 people arrived at a Nebraska military base, among the first Americans evacuated from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the new coronavirus outbreak. U.S. health officials knew very little then about the mysterious new virus, and the quarantined group offered an early opportunity to size up the threat.

The federal government sought help from a team at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, including Dr. James Lawler, an experienced infectious disease specialist. Lawler told Reuters he immediately asked the world-renowned U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for permission to test the quarantined group, deeming it crucial to know whether people without symptoms were infected and could spread the deadly pathogen.

Agency officials worried that detained people couldn’t give proper consent because they might feel coerced into testing. “CDC does not approve this study,” an official at the quarantine site wrote to Lawler in a Feb. 8 email obtained by Reuters. “Please discontinue all contact with the travelers for research purposes.”

More than two months passed before the CDC expanded its testing guidelines to include all asymptomatic people, saying soon afterward that this silent spread “may meaningfully contribute to the propagation of the COVID-19 pandemic.” By November, the agency estimated that more than half of cases were spread by people not currently experiencing symptoms.

Critics have widely asserted that the CDC fumbled key decisions during the coronavirus scourge because then-President Donald Trump and his administration meddled in the agency’s operations and muzzled internal experts. The matter is now the subject of a congressional inquiry.

Yet Reuters has found new evidence that the CDC’s response to the pandemic also was marred by actions – or inaction – by the agency’s career scientists and frontline staff.

At a crucial moment in the pandemic when Americans were quarantined after possible exposure to the virus abroad, the agency declined or resisted potentially valuable opportunities to study whether the disease could be spread by those without symptoms, according to previously undisclosed internal emails, other documents and interviews with key players.

Soon after balking at testing the returnees from Wuhan, the agency delayed testing asymptomatic passengers among 318 evacuees from the Diamond Princess, a contaminated cruise ship in Japan.

In addition, the agency failed at that time to make effective use of outside experts and appeared at times unprepared for the crisis on the ground, lacking adequate personal protective gear and ignoring established protocols, Reuters found.

Lawrence Gostin, director of the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University,said the CDC’s argument against testing was “unreasonable” under the circumstances. “You are asking for consent and not imposing any harm,” he said. “There is a good reason to do it.”

Four top public health experts or ethicists told Reuters that the question of whether to test or engage in research on detained people has always been a sensitive topic. But all said the CDC should have proceeded given the fast-moving public health emergency.

Moreover, the CDC finalized rules in 2017 providing that medical testing was expressly allowed in quarantine, as long as participants were given the opportunity to give “informed consent” or opt out. Informed consent means giving people adequate information to understand the risks and benefits of a test or procedure.

The CDC was not the only agency that struggled with this issue. Notably, an official with the World Health Organization called asymptomatic spread “very rare” in June, only to say a day later “we don’t actually have that answer yet.” In recent months, the WHO has said infected people without symptoms can be contagious, but “it is still not clear how frequently this occurs.”

CDC scientists infamously botched the creation of a test for the coronavirus and took weeks trying to fix it, making widespread testing - well beyond those with symptoms - impossible during the pandemic’s first months.

In response to detailed inquiries from Reuters, a CDC spokesman said the agency declined to comment.

Anything that takes responsibility away from Trump will be denied or ignored.

Remember that the truth is irrelevant to the left and every person got Covid because of Trump.

That is what they demand you believe.
Anything that takes responsibility away from Trump will be denied or ignored.

Remember that the truth is irrelevant to the left and every person got Covid because of Trump.

That is what they demand you believe.

You are raising the bar for rt wing lies. Is that your purpose?
More than enough blame to go around but the Dems refuse to accept any, choosing to tell massive porkies instead. The truth will out soon enough, the GOP are just Biden their time!
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In early February, 57 people arrived at a Nebraska military base, among the first Americans evacuated from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the new coronavirus outbreak. U.S. health officials knew very little then about the mysterious new virus, and the quarantined group offered an early opportunity to size up the threat.

The federal government sought help from a team at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, including Dr. James Lawler, an experienced infectious disease specialist. Lawler told Reuters he immediately asked the world-renowned U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for permission to test the quarantined group, deeming it crucial to know whether people without symptoms were infected and could spread the deadly pathogen.

Agency officials worried that detained people couldn’t give proper consent because they might feel coerced into testing. “CDC does not approve this study,” an official at the quarantine site wrote to Lawler in a Feb. 8 email obtained by Reuters. “Please discontinue all contact with the travelers for research purposes.”

More than two months passed before the CDC expanded its testing guidelines to include all asymptomatic people, saying soon afterward that this silent spread “may meaningfully contribute to the propagation of the COVID-19 pandemic.” By November, the agency estimated that more than half of cases were spread by people not currently experiencing symptoms.

Critics have widely asserted that the CDC fumbled key decisions during the coronavirus scourge because then-President Donald Trump and his administration meddled in the agency’s operations and muzzled internal experts. The matter is now the subject of a congressional inquiry.

Yet Reuters has found new evidence that the CDC’s response to the pandemic also was marred by actions – or inaction – by the agency’s career scientists and frontline staff.

At a crucial moment in the pandemic when Americans were quarantined after possible exposure to the virus abroad, the agency declined or resisted potentially valuable opportunities to study whether the disease could be spread by those without symptoms, according to previously undisclosed internal emails, other documents and interviews with key players.

Soon after balking at testing the returnees from Wuhan, the agency delayed testing asymptomatic passengers among 318 evacuees from the Diamond Princess, a contaminated cruise ship in Japan.

In addition, the agency failed at that time to make effective use of outside experts and appeared at times unprepared for the crisis on the ground, lacking adequate personal protective gear and ignoring established protocols, Reuters found.

Lawrence Gostin, director of the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University,said the CDC’s argument against testing was “unreasonable” under the circumstances. “You are asking for consent and not imposing any harm,” he said. “There is a good reason to do it.”

Four top public health experts or ethicists told Reuters that the question of whether to test or engage in research on detained people has always been a sensitive topic. But all said the CDC should have proceeded given the fast-moving public health emergency.

Moreover, the CDC finalized rules in 2017 providing that medical testing was expressly allowed in quarantine, as long as participants were given the opportunity to give “informed consent” or opt out. Informed consent means giving people adequate information to understand the risks and benefits of a test or procedure.

The CDC was not the only agency that struggled with this issue. Notably, an official with the World Health Organization called asymptomatic spread “very rare” in June, only to say a day later “we don’t actually have that answer yet.” In recent months, the WHO has said infected people without symptoms can be contagious, but “it is still not clear how frequently this occurs.”

CDC scientists infamously botched the creation of a test for the coronavirus and took weeks trying to fix it, making widespread testing - well beyond those with symptoms - impossible during the pandemic’s first months.

In response to detailed inquiries from Reuters, a CDC spokesman said the agency declined to comment.


big deal, bitch. trump told woodward he knew how infectious and lethal this virus was in a phone call on Feb 7, so that means he had been briefed about it before then. but trump lied to us, refused to take any real emergency action to control the few cases that were here at that time, under 100 in the whole country!!!, when we could have closed our borders, quarantined those few who had the disease, and their close contacts, and get the mofo under control and keep it under control.....BECAUSE HE WAS AFRAID IF HE TOLD THE TRUTH IT WOULD HURT HIS PRECIOUS STOCK MARKET ECONOMY, the only thing that had not blown up in his face so far....and pigs like you keep trying to blame China or WHO, like hypocritical, lying trump stooges.
More than enough blame to go around but the Dems refuse to accept any, choosing instead to tell massive porkies instead. The truth will out soon enough, the GOP are just Biden their time!

It remains to be seen just how much truth comes out because the ChiComs are sitting on the truth.

And yes, on sufficient blame to go around; but, it all starts with the communist bastards in China. The West treats China like a damned sacred cow and there’s no one worse about it than our domestic Democrats.

Set aside whether the virus is a product of gain function experiments and was released accidentally or on purpose. The CCP *knowingly* flew tens of thousands of their infected nationals to here, Italy and most of Europe. While knowing, there was human to human transmission.

Boom, pandemic and boom guilty. China owns it and little else matters. The rest is politics, in fact. Depending on the political agenda, the finger can be pointed at Trump, Fauci, the CDC, certain Democrat governors and the rest and you wouldn’t be wrong to do it.

But it kinda misses the whole point.
It remains to be seen just how much truth comes out because the ChiComs are sitting on the truth.

And yes, on sufficient blame to go around; but, it all starts with the communist bastards in China. The West treats China like a damned sacred cow and there’s no one worse about it than our domestic Democrats.

Set aside whether the virus is a product of gain function experiments and was released accidentally or on purpose. The CCP *knowingly* flew tens of thousands of their infected nationals to here, Italy and most of Europe. While knowing, there was human to human transmission.

Boom, pandemic and boom guilty. China owns it and little else matters. The rest is politics, in fact. Depending on the political agenda, the finger can be pointed at Trump, Fauci, the CDC, certain Democrat governors and the rest and you wouldn’t be wrong to do it.

But it kinda misses the whole point.

yeah, it is the chi-coms!! they made trump lie about how dangerous it was, about not taking any real action to control it when there were so few cases here!! those damn chi-coms!!
It remains to be seen just how much truth comes out because the ChiComs are sitting on the truth.

And yes, on sufficient blame to go around; but, it all starts with the communist bastards in China. The West treats China like a damned sacred cow and there’s no one worse about it than our domestic Democrats.

Set aside whether the virus is a product of gain function experiments and was released accidentally or on purpose. The CCP *knowingly* flew tens of thousands of their infected nationals to here, Italy and most of Europe. While knowing, there was human to human transmission.

Boom, pandemic and boom guilty. China owns it and little else matters. The rest is politics, in fact. Depending on the political agenda, the finger can be pointed at Trump, Fauci, the CDC, certain Democrat governors and the rest and you wouldn’t be wrong to do it.

But it kinda misses the whole point.

Holding the CDC accountable should not be partisan, everyone should be able to get behind that.
It remains to be seen just how much truth comes out because the ChiComs are sitting on the truth.

And yes, on sufficient blame to go around; but, it all starts with the communist bastards in China. The West treats China like a damned sacred cow and there’s no one worse about it than our domestic Democrats.

Set aside whether the virus is a product of gain function experiments and was released accidentally or on purpose. The CCP *knowingly* flew tens of thousands of their infected nationals to here, Italy and most of Europe. While knowing, there was human to human transmission.

Boom, pandemic and boom guilty. China owns it and little else matters. The rest is politics, in fact. Depending on the political agenda, the finger can be pointed at Trump, Fauci, the CDC, certain Democrat governors and the rest and you wouldn’t be wrong to do it.

But it kinda misses the whole point.

The Dems truly make me want to vomit, they just refuse to accept that the major part of the blame is the ChiComs. I just jlhave so much contempt for those bastards now.