Will Obama's Syrian debacle blot his legacy?

Will Obama's Syrian debacle blot his legacy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Npt sure/no opinion

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
The Left has always embraced diplomacy without war while the Right constantly talks "War now! Think later!"

I think that since Obama was pushing for invasion, yes, it does, has and will hurt his reputation.....But the Left hasn't been stating he is Mr.Perfect since about '11. Try to keep up with Left media.
Not sure. There will be a war against Syria but I don't know whether or not Obama will get the credit for it. If he does then it will take quite a while for the real facts to come out that the evidence against Assad was faked.

Therefore, we would be looking at a similar situation to Bush2's legacy. Was it tarnished by his lies for a phony criminal war?

Not really. The American people still haven't come to accept that it was a phony criminal war. And so why would Obama be any different.

My prediction would be that both of them will remain popular with their own supporters regardless.

But in any case, isn't this poll just an attempt to take the light off my own poll? Now how about you going there and registering your opinion?
The Left has always embraced diplomacy without war while the Right constantly talks "War now! Think later!"

I think that since Obama was pushing for invasion, yes, it does, has and will hurt his reputation.....But the Left hasn't been stating he is Mr.Perfect since about '11. Try to keep up with Left media.

If the decision for war is left to the congress then it will be quite indeciseive on who to blame. That is the only saving factor in Bush's case with Iraq. He gets to distribute the blame on the congress except for the fact that it was his cohorts and accomplices who fabricated the lies.

This situation with Obama is somewhat different and I think it's likely to play out differently. The push for war will be spearheaded by the US congress eventually and that will have the potential of leaving Obama's hands relatively clean.
The Left has always embraced diplomacy without war while the Right constantly talks "War now! Think later!"

I think that since Obama was pushing for invasion, yes, it does, has and will hurt his reputation.....But the Left hasn't been stating he is Mr.Perfect since about '11. Try to keep up with Left media.

An excerpt from President Clinton's speech 8-20-1998 concerning the attacks on Afghanistan and Sudan.
Good afternoon. Today I ordered our Armed Forces to strike facilities in Afghanistan and Sudan

Between 1999 and 2001, the U.S. and British-led air forces in Iraq dropped 1.3 million lbs of bombs on Iraq

Kosovo:" 38,000 combat missions."

Ever hear of Korea ?

Ever hear of Vietnam ?
I say yes because it was a terrible reason to even be discussing war and/or strikes. The Muslim Brotherhood are not allies with the US so it is none of our concern. Plus to my knowledge there was only suspicions of who used the gas and no one could say they were 100% who used it.

It will be lost in time now as the discussion of "Did Obama scare Assad with a false threat" It's the American way, it's what we did with the indians.
An excerpt from President Clinton's speech 8-20-1998 concerning the attacks on Afghanistan and Sudan.
Good afternoon. Today I ordered our Armed Forces to strike at terrorist-related facilities in Afghanistan and Sudan

Between 1999 and 2001, the U.S. and British-led air forces in Iraq dropped 1.3 million lbs of bombs on Iraq

Kosovo:"NATO's bombing campaign lasted from March 24 to June 11, 1999, involving up to 1,000 aircraft operating mainly from bases in Italy and aircraft carriers stationed in the Adriatic. Tomahawk cruise missiles were also extensively used, fired from aircraft, ships and submarines. All of the NATO members were involved to some degree—even Greece, despite publicly opposing the war. Over the ten weeks of the conflict, NATO aircraft flew over 38,000 combat missions."
Ever hear of Korea ?
Ever hear of Vietnam ?

Kosovo was Clinton's war and was another phony war for phony reasons that never was discovered completely. Suffice to say that the reasons for war which were mass graves of ethnic Albanians never were found. And then there's also the fact that the UN wouldn't grant the US it's war and it had to resort to NATO.

Most Americans will remain completely in the dark over the details of this one and not care one bit about the slaughter their country took part in for phony reasons. In fact, most Americans probably aren't even able to make the connection with Clinton only 14 years later.

Fwiw, the political right was opposed to Kosovo because it wasn't their president's war.
An excerpt from President Clinton's speech 8-20-1998 concerning the attacks on Afghanistan and Sudan.
Good afternoon. Today I ordered our Armed Forces to strike facilities in Afghanistan and Sudan

Between 1999 and 2001, the U.S. and British-led air forces in Iraq dropped 1.3 million lbs of bombs on Iraq

Kosovo:" 38,000 combat missions."

Ever hear of Korea ?

Ever hear of Vietnam ?

First I would like you to google when the Vietnam war was started, then google the president that was in office at that time.....

Then I would like you to tell me why things that happened 50+ years ago are significant but the Left isn't supposed to talk about Bush because he's not in office anymore............

Also tell me what did more damage to Americans armed forces and the tax payers wallets.....Clintons bombing or Bush's war.....

Political newbie..
First I would like you to google when the Vietnam war was started, then google the president that was in office at that time.....

Then I would like you to tell me why things that happened 50+ years ago are significant but the Left isn't supposed to talk about Bush because he's not in office anymore............

Also tell me what did more damage to Americans armed forces and the tax payers wallets.....Clintons bombing or Bush's war.....

Political newbie..

I guess you could go back to September 1950, the United States created the Military Assistance Group to screen French requests for aid, advise on strategy, and train Vietnamese soldiers. By 1954, the US spent US$1 billion in support of the French military effort, 80 percent of the cost of the war.
US advisors might have been present, but not combat troops
Truman was President (D) or

First U.S. Ground Troops Sent to Vietnam

As the fighting between the Viet Cong and the South Vietnamese continued, the U.S. continued to send additional advisers to South Vietnam. When the North Vietnamese fired directly upon two U.S. ships in international waters on August 2 and 4, 1964 (known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident), Congress responded with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. This resolution gave the President the authority to escalate U.S. involvement in Vietnam. President Lyndon Johnson used that authority to order the first U.S. ground troops to Vietnam in March 1965.

All history is significant....feel free....
This Anti-Party post was bullshit...:The Left has always embraced diplomacy without war while the Right constantly talks "War now! Think later!"
as history proves....

:"tell me what did more damage to Americans armed forces and the tax payers wallets.....Clintons bombing or Bush's war.....:"

Why? its quite irrelevant....but neither cost the country more in lives or dollars as much as LBJ's fiasco in Vietnam...we lost that war....
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2-0 Obama blew it so far. Keep the votes coming. Is Obama a hero or a zero?

Try to make it at least look like you have something in your makeup other than pure Obama hate. Don't you understand that you're supposed to keep up the appearance at least?
How could it? Are Americans going to believe Assad is going to give up his chemical weapons just because? Obama is winning, despite the efforts of the Conservatives to bring America down.
How could it? Are Americans going to believe Assad is going to give up his chemical weapons just because? Obama is winning, despite the efforts of the Conservatives to bring America down.

Honestly, you are like a good spelling Desh.