Will Congress deny Obama?

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The White House has begun a full-scale lobbying mission to convince skeptics that a bombing campaign is justified and will deter further use of chemical weapons by Assad’s regime.

No U.S. president has ever been turned down by Congress when asking to use military force.

In the House, where an alliance of Tea Party members and left-leaning Democrats is coalescing against using force in Syria.

So far, Obama has had little success swaying Congress on much of anything.

Lawmakers rejected his call for tougher regulations on gun sales, haven’t adopted a budget in both chambers in four years and, so far, disagree over immigration changes he’s requested.

Repealing or defunding Obama’s health care law, his signature domestic policy accomplishment, remains a priority for Republicans.

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Representative Charlie Rangel, a New York Democrat, said they oppose the resolution.

If lawmakers deny Obama’s request for force in Syria, it would be a historic moment.
