Why you dont politicize the Justice system



Cases acrossed the nation are calling for DOJ officials to testify to prove that the DOJ scandal effected their cases.

This fallout is going to keep the DOJ busy for years taking care of the fallout from these scumbags.
The justice department was viewed by the bushists of being in the way of their plans. Just like they view the UN.
The justice department was viewed by the bushists of being in the way of their plans. Just like they view the UN.

They are supposed to be prosecuting terrorists, and if we have another attack, I can only hope that the American people finally wake from their stupors, march on Washington, and rip it apart.
ahh just wait till their congressperson is campaining and whip up on them.
Personal stuff is all that seems to get the attention of those in congress now-a-days.
rotton eggs and such would work fine :)
Don Jr said his dad's first act if he beat Biden last time would be to take over the FBI. He wants control over all 3 branches. He wants his own Gestapo. He feels the need to silence critics and control the opposition. He has control over the Supremes now.
Can you imagine if he got the House and Senate too. He would change the country permanently. Perhaps the United States of Trump.
We get told in the era of the Soros DA's who rewrite law as they see fit, punishing the enemies of the Regime, giving often complete passes to allies of the Regime.
We get told in the era of the Soros DA's who rewrite law as they see fit, punishing the enemies of the Regime, giving often complete passes to allies of the Regime.
Soros" Good grief. That 93-year-old man who lives in Budapest? You rightys never move on from your conspiracies. You find new and crazier ones, but never toss out the oldies, but goodies. Soros.Wow.