Why wouldn't Hillary run for President?


Well-known member
She was here in SF last week speaking to the American Bar Association so there's been a lot of local write-up on her political future. I know it's not a fait accompli until she makes her announcement in a couple of years but other than a health issue or something unforeseen does anyone here not see her running for President?
Lots can change in the next two years, but as it sits not it certainty appears she will be our next president.
She was here in SF last week speaking to the American Bar Association so there's been a lot of local write-up on her political future. I know it's not a fait accompli until she makes her announcement in a couple of years but other than a health issue or something unforeseen does anyone here not see her running for President?

She's already sacrificed so many years to our country, I would understand if she decides to sit this one out. She's also not getting any younger. But guess we'll see what happens.

(Clinton/Warren 2016! goooooo !)
She's already sacrificed so many years to our country, I would understand if she decides to sit this one out. She's also not getting any younger. But guess we'll see what happens.

(Clinton/Warren 2016! goooooo !)

That's the only reason I would suspect she would not run, if she wanted to relax... but I don't think people like her like to relax.
She's already sacrificed so many years to our country, I would understand if she decides to sit this one out. She's also not getting any younger. But guess we'll see what happens.

(Clinton/Warren 2016! goooooo !)

Sacrificed? What sacrifice? What is it with you people deifying these political types. It is no wonder Hitler types can come to power with mush brained individuals like you getting caught up in the cult of personality.
She was here in SF last week speaking to the American Bar Association so there's been a lot of local write-up on her political future. I know it's not a fait accompli until she makes her announcement in a couple of years but other than a health issue or something unforeseen does anyone here not see her running for President?

The question isn't whether Her Thighness is running or not. That is signed, sealed and delivered. The question is how long it will take the democrat party to throw her under the bus like they did when a big eared black guy came out of nowhere.

Based on the lefts qualifications, she was perfect back then. The only difference was that Obama opposed Iraq and she voted to go to war. Well, she still voted to go to war. That hasn't changed.

So when some hispanic comes out of the blue and wants to run for President, will the left flock to support him for the symbolism of voting for the firs hispanic like they did Obama?

Everyone seems to forget that Hillary was a shoe in in 2008 too.
wow I sure hope the republican party starts calling Hilary your thighness.

That would really be great
The question isn't whether Her Thighness is running or not. That is signed, sealed and delivered. The question is how long it will take the democrat party to throw her under the bus like they did when a big eared black guy came out of nowhere.

Based on the lefts qualifications, she was perfect back then. The only difference was that Obama opposed Iraq and she voted to go to war. Well, she still voted to go to war. That hasn't changed.

So when some hispanic comes out of the blue and wants to run for President, will the left flock to support him for the symbolism of voting for the firs hispanic like they did Obama?

Everyone seems to forget that Hillary was a shoe in in 2008 too.

I like Senator/Secretary Clinton, she has her flaws including voting for the Iraq war. She is significantly different than President Obama, she is more conservative. For the nomination I will likely support the most liberal candidate, that's not likely to be Senator Clinton. VP Biden, for example, is clearly more liberal than her. I think Senator/Secretary Clinton has great experience, more than she had in 08. She is arguably the most qualified person for the job alive today.
she is bad news, an exponent of American Exceptionalism ( wondering how Obama got to be so Hawkish?), incompetent/self serving/ a crony capitalist.

I'll look to "someone else" (3rd party) if the Democrats nominate her; other wise i'd probably vote Democratic.

enough of the same old ways.
your a con
me? assuming below my post? - far from it; I support the quantitative easing, it has to be done.

I support much of Obama's agenda, if not the executive over-reach, i'd rather he work with Congress.

2 things i am not - easier to define me that way, is a neo-con; whether (D. or R.) [proponent of American Exceptionalism]

A religious fanatic - being a Buddhist, or one whom wants all powers to flow to the executive (Unitary POTUS), or the Fed'l gov't (Federalist).

I try to stay politically detached allows critical thought; my critcisms of Hillary is genuine. I have no use for modern 'conservative thought' ( an oxymoron)

OK more then 2 things....
me? assuming below my post? - far from it; I support the quantitative easing, it has to be done.

I support much of Obama's agenda, if not the executive over-reach, i'd rather he work with Congress.there IS NO working with these republicans and you would have to be a con to pretend there were

2 things i am not - easier to define me that way, is a neo-con; whether (D. or R.) [proponent of American Exceptionalism]

A religious fanatic - being a Buddhist, or one whom wants all powers to flow to the executive (Unitary POTUS), or the Fed'l gov't (Federalist).

I try to stay politically detached allows critical thought; my critcisms of Hillary is genuine. I have no use for modern 'conservative thought' ( an oxymoron)

OK more then 2 things....

I think your confused or faking

it happens a lot on the internets
She was here in SF last week speaking to the American Bar Association so there's been a lot of local write-up on her political future. I know it's not a fait accompli until she makes her announcement in a couple of years but other than a health issue or something unforeseen does anyone here not see her running for President?
Yea sure. She may just decide it's not what she wants to do withher senior years. You're talkinga bout a job that has visibly aged younger men and turned Ronald Reagan into a drooling vegetable. She may decide that she's worked enough and would prefer to enjoy a life of well earned leasure.
sacrificed? LMAO...

I agree that from Senator/Secretary Clinton's perspective it likely is not sacrifice, but to an average American it looks a lot like sacrifice.

To me, serving as president appears to be huge sacrifice for anyone who accepts the job. I believe parents of young children should not seek the job, as it seems impossible to me that one could be an involved and good parent and serve at the same time.
I think your confused or faking

it happens a lot on the internets
a valid point on the obstructionist Congress; still to simply usurp the role of POTUS, and try to steer legislation,
in favour of executive regs/actions..
Nor am i a "paulbot" - although Ron Paul sums this up well (if you can stand another p.o.v.)

notice the criticism is generalized, it is "nuanced", make of it what you will
Yea sure. She may just decide it's not what she wants to do withher senior years. You're talkinga bout a job that has visibly aged younger men and turned Ronald Reagan into a drooling vegetable. She may decide that she's worked enough and would prefer to enjoy a life of well earned leasure.

I doubt that a person with that much ambition will change that quickly. I might be wrong.
She was here in SF last week speaking to the American Bar Association so there's been a lot of local write-up on her political future. I know it's not a fait accompli until she makes her announcement in a couple of years but other than a health issue or something unforeseen does anyone here not see her running for President?
I thought big ears was running again.

Oh,,, excuse me, become official king/dictator.