Why Trump should drop out and be allowed to retire


Nemo me impune lacessit

The Republican presidential nominee, now 78, was frustrated with news coverage describing his speeches as rambling and speculating about cognitive decline, and decided to brand his habit of going off on wide-ranging tangents as the mark of a vibrant and sophisticated mind.

Trump’s recent public appearances have been strikingly erratic, coarse and often confusing, even for a politician with a history of ad-libbing in three consecutive presidential runs.

His speeches have gotten longer and more repetitive compared with those of past campaigns. He promotes falsehoods and theories that are so far removed from reality or appear wholly made up.

He jumps more abruptly between subjects and from his script to improvising, sometimes offering what sound like non-sequiturs. He occasionally mixes up words or names, and some of his sentences are meaningless or nonsensical. As he delivered more speeches in October, he has made multiple slip-ups per day. He has become more profane in public.

I'm all in with Trump retiring to Mar A Lago
...but with an ankle monitor, of course.

Let him play golf in his own 200 acre yard until he dies,
but never make us see his face again.
The big mistake conservatives have made over the last decade at least is to behave as if they are dealing with human beings who are trying to tell the truth.....are trying to be good humans.

This is not the case all too often.....they are dealing with Evil......they are being abused.....and they suck too much to do anything about it.

Conservatives have failed, and they have failed all the way, just look at where we are.

Buckle Up!