Why Should Republicans Care?


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Have you noticed that the RINO Neo-Con Republicans are running around scared shitless that the libertarian element Republicans in the Congress are gonna get Republicans thrown out of Congress on their ear? John McCain and Lindsey Graham running around badmouthing the libertarian element that actually have the balls to stand on principles and take this socialist bastard President and Harry Reid on.

Why should any Republican Congress Critter give a flying fuck if the minions throw their asses out of Congress if they believe in their principles? WTF, if voted out, they still get a full government pension no matter how long they’ve been in Congress.

If the Democrats take back all of Congress like they had it for Obama’s first 2 years, the fucking idiot minions can count on more train wrecks like Obama-Care. How long do you think the idiot minions will keep a total Democrat government in power before they grab their pitchforks and revolt and landslide Republicans back into power and give them another turn to fuck the country up some more?

What’s really bothering McCain and Graham is they’re scared shitless that the RINO Neo-Con Career Criminal Republicans will get thrown out too and eventually the libertarians will take over the Party and folks like me will be tempted to vote for libertarian Republicans like Barry Goldwater and Ron Paul.
Have you noticed that the RINO Neo-Con Republicans are running around scared shitless that the libertarian element Republicans in the Congress are gonna get Republicans thrown out of Congress on their ear? John McCain and Lindsey Graham running around badmouthing the libertarian element that actually have the balls to stand on principles and take this socialist bastard President and Harry Reid on.

Why should any Republican Congress Critter give a flying fuck if the minions throw their asses out of Congress if they believe in their principles? WTF, if voted out, they still get a full government pension no matter how long they’ve been in Congress.

If the Democrats take back all of Congress like they had it for Obama’s first 2 years, the fucking idiot minions can count on more train wrecks like Obama-Care. How long do you think the idiot minions will keep a total Democrat government in power before they grab their pitchforks and revolt and landslide Republicans back into power and give them another turn to fuck the country up some more?

What’s really bothering McCain and Graham is they’re scared shitless that the RINO Neo-Con Career Criminal Republicans will get thrown out too and eventually the libertarians will take over the Party and folks like me will be tempted to vote for libertarian Republicans like Barry Goldwater and Ron Paul.

Vote for confused treason and pitchforks against modern armies! Bound to win, the wild nutters!
Im telling you when these nutters have to face that they were paid for Koch brother shills and that their historically failed ideas will never work or be in place they will hurt someone.

They are going to go all McVeigh on someone
Spirits are high in the Democratic Party more than a week after the start of the government shutdown.

"We are winning," a senior administration official said to the Wall Street Journal.

Representative Jim McDermott of Washington state told Slate that Republicans "have lost, and they can't figure out how to admit it".

But behind that rhetoric lies an uncomfortable truth for some: the entire budget showdown is being fought on Republican terms.

A Constitutional Republic is a form of government where the head of state and other officials are elected as representatives of the people, representatives mandated to govern according to existing constitutional law.

It is because of this mandate that the elected class in a Constitutional Republic is limited in their power over the citizenry.

The United States of America was created as and intended to survive as a Constitutional Republic.

Our Constitutional Republic is separated into three separate but equal branches of government; the Executive, Legislative and Judicial, represented by the Presidency, Congress and the Courts.

Because of this no branch has a rein on absolute power thus assuring that there will be checks and balances to the governmental system and protection for the rule of law.

Through the elected representation employed by our Constitutional Republic the influence of the majority is tempered by protections for individual rights as mandated by constitutional law.

Our form of government is deliberate in its attempt to thwart majoritarianism, thereby protecting political dissent and individuals and minority groups from the "tyranny of the majority" by placing checks on the power of the majority of the population.

The power of the majority of the people is checked by limiting that power to electing representatives who are required to legislate with limits of overarching constitutional law which a simple majority cannot modify.


Even if the Democrats get what they want - a "clean" continuing resolution funding the government and a vote to raise the debt ceiling - conservatives will end up ahead, thanks to the results of debt limit negotiations two years ago.

Have you noticed that the RINO Neo-Con Republicans are running around scared shitless that the libertarian element Republicans in the Congress are gonna get Republicans thrown out of Congress on their ear? John McCain and Lindsey Graham running around badmouthing the libertarian element that actually have the balls to stand on principles and take this socialist bastard President and Harry Reid on.

Why should any Republican Congress Critter give a flying fuck if the minions throw their asses out of Congress if they believe in their principles? WTF, if voted out, they still get a full government pension no matter how long they’ve been in Congress.

If the Democrats take back all of Congress like they had it for Obama’s first 2 years, the fucking idiot minions can count on more train wrecks like Obama-Care. How long do you think the idiot minions will keep a total Democrat government in power before they grab their pitchforks and revolt and landslide Republicans back into power and give them another turn to fuck the country up some more?

What’s really bothering McCain and Graham is they’re scared shitless that the RINO Neo-Con Career Criminal Republicans will get thrown out too and eventually the libertarians will take over the Party and folks like me will be tempted to vote for libertarian Republicans like Barry Goldwater and Ron Paul.

Agreed. It is time for conservatives to take back over the GOP.

The Establishment repukes are more scare of Citizens United than the dems
The 4 politicians in Washington these days that make me want to puke are Obama, Harry Reid, John McCain and Lindsey Graham.
Im telling you when these nutters have to face that they were paid for Koch brother shills and that their historically failed ideas will never work or be in place they will hurt someone.

They are going to go all McVeigh on someone

If they don't know by now who pulls their strings then they must have a learning disability. Or these facts conflict with their conditioning.

"The billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David, have been deeply involved with financing the overall effort. A group linked to the Kochs, Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, disbursed more than $200 million last year to nonprofit organizations involved in the fight..."

I know it's 4 pages which might be a bit long for the average teabagger but every one of them should read this...

yep, the minority should have no protected rights at all. mob rule baby.

Sorry you hate our Constitution. It clearly states that the people control the Government, not the other way around. It clearly states that the people can vote for changes of the Constitution as well, because our founders were not stupid and knew we would need change as time goes by.

The minority will always have protected rights. But if you confuse that with ignorant refusal to do something about a relative situation then you might find yourself voted against.

The pen is mightier than the sword........Read more, type more, shoot less..
Have you noticed that the RINO Neo-Con Republicans are running around scared shitless that the libertarian element Republicans in the Congress are gonna get Republicans thrown out of Congress on their ear? John McCain and Lindsey Graham running around badmouthing the libertarian element that actually have the balls to stand on principles and take this socialist bastard President and Harry Reid on.

Why should any Republican Congress Critter give a flying fuck if the minions throw their asses out of Congress if they believe in their principles? WTF, if voted out, they still get a full government pension no matter how long they’ve been in Congress.

If the Democrats take back all of Congress like they had it for Obama’s first 2 years, the fucking idiot minions can count on more train wrecks like Obama-Care. How long do you think the idiot minions will keep a total Democrat government in power before they grab their pitchforks and revolt and landslide Republicans back into power and give them another turn to fuck the country up some more?

What’s really bothering McCain and Graham is they’re scared shitless that the RINO Neo-Con Career Criminal Republicans will get thrown out too and eventually the libertarians will take over the Party and folks like me will be tempted to vote for libertarian Republicans like Barry Goldwater and Ron Paul.

There's a lot of truth in this post. Career inside the beltway Republicans are, and should be, in fear of their more Constitutionally oriented peers. There's a much needed house cleaning going on right now within the party that's striking fear in the Leftist Big Government Democrats and their media allies. They should be afraid. As this change evolves, big spending career politicians on all sides fear the demise of the gravy train.

Democrats are not going through any similar soul searching which, I believe, will continue eroding their support.

2014 will be interesting politically; 2016 more so.
If they don't know by now who pulls their strings then they must have a learning disability. Or these facts conflict with their conditioning.

"The billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David, have been deeply involved with financing the overall effort. A group linked to the Kochs, Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, disbursed more than $200 million last year to nonprofit organizations involved in the fight..."

I know it's 4 pages which might be a bit long for the average teabagger but every one of them should read this...


You really are THAT stupid. :rolleyes:
Sorry you hate our Constitution. It clearly states that the people control the Government, not the other way around. It clearly states that the people can vote for changes of the Constitution as well, because our founders were not stupid and knew we would need change as time goes by.

The minority will always have protected rights. But if you confuse that with ignorant refusal to do something about a relative situation then you might find yourself voted against.

The pen is mightier than the sword........Read more, type more, shoot less..

Another dimwitted version of this nation and it's Constitution. Morons like Obama are counting on you! ;)