The Republicans in the last 7 years, while controlling the legislative and executive branches, turned the government into the largest economic entity the world has ever seen, spending $3,000,000,000,000 per day MORE than when Clinton was in office. They're NOT for limited Government. Strike 1.
I'm not going to give them a pass on spending, but you compare this to Clinton, did Clinton lose a major city to natural disaster?
Did he have to recover from a recession?
Did he have to deal with attacks on the homeland?
Did he have to prosecute two separate wars in a boarder war on terror
Did Clinton have to do anything other than V Chip?
See above. Strike 2.
The only one to author a balanced budget was the Republican Congress under Newt Gingrich, the only ones wanting a balanced budget amendment are Republicans, The one's today fighting the dims in the trenches as they try to pass out welfare to people making 80,000 a year, Republicans. Are they perfect? No. Do they sway in the right direction? Yes
Starting wars for no good reason does not equate to strong defense. We're weaker now because we're spread so thin than we were prior to 9-11. Strike 3.
We are not weaker, we are a battle hardened force whose put to practical use many technological advances, and perfected many tactics through experience. Our troops today are some of the most battle hardened, best equipped force in the world. And get some long term perspective.
The founders we against entangling alliances, they were against wars of choice, they most certainly wouldn't have approved of warrantless wiretapping of its citizens, nor would they approve of disregarding the Geneva Convention, nor would they approve of the expension in government the Republicans have spear headed.... Strike 4.
So against them they pleaded with the French for help, right... Like the war of independence, they surely would recognize the need to spy on the enemy as they try and make covert connections in our nation, the Geneva Conventions is a specific set of conditions to a specific set of people, you want to expand just who is included, whatever, that's for a new thread.
You'll be long dead Larry, before the Republicans look anything like what you describe above.