Why no one takes the TEA Party seriously.

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
I do not dismiss the tea party. It is, after all, a racist, know nothing, proto-fascist movement. That is to say you can't seperate culture from politics. Their fundamentally un-American rhetoric is irrational and has no credibility. First it's obvious that most tea partiers are people who lack critical thinking skills and who serve their GOP masters. Go to any Teabagger candidates website and on virtually all of them you will see the same thing. $4 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy and $18 billion in spending cuts to programs that mainly help racial minorities and the poor to fix the debt. Ask a teabagger how they plan on doing that and you'll quickly find out that they have no plans, just gimmicks, but no real plans. The fact are that the tea party is a media creation funded by corporations and billionaires with the goal of decreasing taxes and oversight for corporations and billionaires.

Ultimately that is why the tea party isn't taken seriously.

Tea Parties, after all, were meant for little girls.
I do not dismiss the tea party. It is, after all, a racist, know nothing, proto-fascist movement. That is to say you can't seperate culture from politics. Their fundamentally un-American rhetoric is irrational and has no credibility. First it's obvious that most tea partiers are people who lack critical thinking skills and who serve their GOP masters. Go to any Teabagger candidates website and on virtually all of them you will see the same thing. $4 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy and $18 billion in spending cuts to programs that mainly help racial minorities and the poor to fix the debt. Ask a teabagger how they plan on doing that and you'll quickly find out that they have no plans, just gimmicks, but no real plans. The fact are that the tea party is a media creation funded by corporations and billionaires with the goal of decreasing taxes and oversight for corporations and billionaires.

Ultimately that is why the tea party isn't taken seriously.

Tea Parties, after all, were meant for little girls.

>Smaller Government

Pick one.
And the most comical thing about them is that their agenda is totally against their best interests and totally for the best interests of the very wealthy.

It's got to be the best con job ever played on poor and middle class Americans.
Remarkably similar in a lot of way to Canada's reform party which was a made in hell marriage of the hard left and the rabid right. It didn't last lone and neither will your bagger party.

Our Reform party was a rightwing scam of the working class and the poor which appealed to the lowest dregs of society. It was doomed from the start. People soon wake up and discover what side their bread is buttered on.
No, Mott the clueless, the tea party mentioned above was named after the on held in Boston harbor by citizens opposed to paying unfair taxes... which might be part of that $18 billion you seem needs to go to 'racial minorities' (BTW, can you list those, or is it really one?). Whose footing that bill? I'm never opposed to helping the poor, but assigning my taxes to a specific race is racist in itself... and continues that 300 yr disenfranchised policy you need to sleep at night.
And the most comical thing about them is that their agenda is totally against their best interests and totally for the best interests of the very wealthy.

It's got to be the best con job ever played on poor and middle class Americans.

who are you to tell them what their best interests are? maybe they have different priorities than you. Maybe they don't want to put their hands in other peoples pockets.
No, Mott the clueless, the tea party mentioned above was named after the on held in Boston harbor by citizens opposed to paying unfair taxes... which might be part of that $18 billion you seem needs to go to 'racial minorities' (BTW, can you list those, or is it really one?). Whose footing that bill? I'm never opposed to helping the poor, but assigning my taxes to a specific race is racist in itself... and continues that 300 yr disenfranchised policy you need to sleep at night.

oh gawd, another newbie - another fake one, I assume. Who are you really?

But in case you're just clueless (You, SJBBF, not Mott)- the colonists who dumped tea over the side didn't mind being taxed; they just wanted to have representation in determining the taxes. The tea party wasn't about high taxes. The TEA party people in this country HAVE representation for taxes. (AND they are celebrating the destruction of property - wonder how Koch Brothers feel about that?)

The Tea act actually lowered the cost of tea for the colonies in order to undercut the smugglers; and it basically gave the E. India company a monopoly.

The protest movement that culminated with the Boston Tea Party was not a dispute about high taxes. The price of legally imported tea was actually reduced by the Tea Act of 1773. Protesters were instead concerned with a variety of other issues. The familiar "no taxation without representation" argument, along with the question of the extent of Parliament's authority in the colonies, remained prominent.[41] Some regarded the purpose of the tax program—to make leading officials independent of colonial influence—as a dangerous infringement of colonial rights.[42] This was especially true in Massachusetts, the only colony where the Townshend program had been fully implemented.[43]
Colonial merchants, some of them smugglers, played a significant role in the protests. Because the Tea Act made legally imported tea cheaper, it threatened to put smugglers of Dutch tea out of business.[44] Legitimate tea importers who had not been named as consignees by the East India Company were also threatened with financial ruin by the Tea Act.[45] Another major concern for merchants was that the Tea Act gave the East India Company a monopoly on the tea trade, and it was feared that this government-created monopoly might be extended in the future to include other goods.[46]

The issue was never the tax but how the tax was passed without American input; United States Congress taxed tea from 1789 to 1872.[74]


Bolding mine.
who are you to tell them what their best interests are? maybe they have different priorities than you. Maybe they don't want to put their hands in other peoples pockets.

And anyone who read that argument should know immediately that it's a phony one. As if! Teabagger lowlifes who are proven racist actually not wanting other people's money? Can't you make it a little more convincing than that kind of bullshit?

Priorities? People without a pot to piss in not wanting money divided a little more equitably amongst Americans? Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.