Why is it OK for rappers actors and comedians to use this word?

Incredible. :0)

Why is it OK for country singers to call themselves rednecks?

Because they're white.

Any bells going off yet? :0)
Why do white people and comedians get to use the 'C' (cracker) word?

Because they are white.

Magic, huh?

Patriot, why so much focus on this word? For the sake of argument let's say it is a double standard that blacks can use it and other races can't why does it matter still? Is it having an affect on your life somehow? I'm just trying to understand here.

Incredible. :0)

Why is it OK for country singers to call themselves rednecks?

Because they're white.

Any bells going off yet? :0)

Why....you can call them rednecks too.....no one is stopping you or gonna call you a racist for it....won't get you kicked off TV or radio or cause you to loose your job.

WTF's your point ?
Patriot, why so much focus on this word? For the sake of argument let's say it is a double standard that blacks can use it and other races can't why does it matter still? Is it having an affect on your life somehow? I'm just trying to understand here.

Don't you stand for any principles at all....like equality for instance ?
Patriot, why so much focus on this word? For the sake of argument let's say it is a double standard that blacks can use it and other races can't why does it matter still? Is it having an affect on your life somehow? I'm just trying to understand here.
WTF Wacko.....why in the world are you trying to understand the incomprehensible? You been drinking again? You promised not to drink and post anymore.
Don't you stand for any principles at all....like equality for instance ?

Yes I do but equality isn't going to come about because either non-blacks can say the n-word or no one can. I truly don't get the obsession among non-blacks with this word.
Maybe it has something to do with the way white people have used it for over 300 years. Get over the fact it is one of the few words you don't have privileges to use. Especially in the way you would use it.