Why have they not brought up how Trumplethinskin tried to kill the USPS?


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They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!
They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!

You're choking your chicken over this arent you fucked up little cretin?
They are making the case of him getting his minions to attack America

Not his election cheating
They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!

Teabaggers have wanted to privatize, not only the USPS but many government agencies, in the guise of reducing "gubmint".

Decades of trickery of trying to turning this country into a corporatocracy.
They are making the case of him getting his minions to attack America

Not his election cheating

They have no fucking case. He isn't going o be convicted you stupid fuck. This has already been decided. You fucking syphilitic cunts are just wasting more time and money. You are suppose to be running a fucking country but instead you're being owned by trump. What a bunch of retards you people are.
Teabaggers have wanted to privatize, not only the USPS but many government agencies, in the guise of reducing "gubmint".

Decades of trickery of trying to turning this country into a corporatocracy.

You have no idea what the fuck those words mean do you? Did you read them in Dumbass Leftist Monthly magazine?
They have no fucking case. He isn't going o be convicted you stupid fuck. This has already been decided. You fucking syphilitic cunts are just wasting more time and money. You are suppose to be running a fucking country but instead you're being owned by trump. What a bunch of retards you people are.

The American people are watching

They will watch Moscow Mitch and other republicans owned by Putin shit all over the constitution on Putin’s command

The American people will hate the republicans after this

So eat shit you Russo bot hole
Teabaggers have wanted to privatize, not only the USPS but many government agencies, in the guise of reducing "gubmint".

Decades of trickery of trying to turning this country into a corporatocracy.

This country is already corporate run so let's not pretend otherwise. That being said, Trump's reason was not to privatize the USPS, although that would have been a byproduct and gift to the GOP and its donors, but rather Trump just wanted to stop the mail-in vote count and it should be mentioned at these hearings.
They have no fucking case. He isn't going o be convicted you stupid fuck. This has already been decided. You fucking syphilitic cunts are just wasting more time and money. You are suppose to be running a fucking country but instead you're being owned by trump. What a bunch of retards you people are.

Why keep advertising the fact that you're brain dead????????????????
They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!

#fakenews he was attempting to end the corporate welfare for the tech oligarch bezos through the postal service.
They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!

What does that have to do with the impeachment, oh I know, it's not a real impeachment it's just a giant liberal hatefest where they all whine about Trump....gotcha.

Just vote and be done with it cause you guys need to arrest Trump if you are putting him in Prison for something.

How are those cases coming since you have a whole slew of criminal activity to charge him with.

I heard about this and is atrocious but it has nothing to so with why this should not be brought up at the hearings. Trump knew that mail-voting would decimate his chances and he had this prick DeJoy do his destructive bidding. This POS needs to go no matter what they need to do to dispose of him.

You have no idea what the fuck those words mean do you? Did you read them in Dumbass Leftist Monthly magazine?

You must be a "genius" like Dotard, in his graduate program for the intentional, blind and deaf.

Teabagger governors have sold or leased state owned toll roads to private corporations, almost doubling the tolls.

Teabagger legislators have turned our space program over to corporations.

Teabagger legislators have have given NSA's IT program over to private contractors, see Edward Snowden, 75% of the intelligence spending goes to private contractors.

Teabagger legislators insist the postal service create a fund for retirement and health benefits for 75 years in the future, they made no no other company or agency do that.

Teabaggers gave Halliburton a contract to provide logistics and services to the military in Iraq, cost to the US to do ONE load of laundry $99, whereas the previous cost was about $0.50.

Teabagger legislators have given companies millions of tax payer $$$ for schools.

Teabagger legislators have given billions of taxpayer $$$ for private, corporate owned, prisons.

Corporations write teabagger legislation.
You must be a "genius" like Dotard, in his graduate program for the intentional, blind and deaf.

Teabagger governors have sold or leased state owned toll roads to private corporations, almost doubling the tolls.

Teabagger legislators have turned our space program over to corporations.

Teabagger legislators have have given NSA's IT program over to private contractors, see Edward Snowden, 75% of the intelligence spending goes to private contractors.

Teabagger legislators insist the postal service create a fund for retirement and health benefits for 75 years in the future, they made no no other company or agency do that.

Teabaggers gave Halliburton a contract to provide logistics and services to the military in Iraq, cost to the US to do ONE load of laundry $99, whereas the previous cost was about $0.50.

Teabagger legislators have given companies millions of tax payer $$$ for schools.

Teabagger legislators have given billions of taxpayer $$$ for private, corporate owned, prisons.

Corporations write teabagger legislation.

Yours a raging fucking idiot.
Sarcasm alert

They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!
The post office, public libraries, and National Parks are socialism. Anyone who does not see the ideological philosophy of Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky underpinning them is utterly naive.
PUBLISHED: February 15, 2013 at 4:01 a.m. | UPDATED: August 12, 2016

All but five of Congress’s 255 DEMOCRATS and independents received campaign donations from postal worker union groups in the past six years, raising the political risk of Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe’s move to end Saturday mail delivery.

Political action committees for the seven postal unions contributed $9.6 million from 2007 to 2012 to current members of Congress, 91 percent of it to DEMOCRATS and two independents who caucus with them, according to data compiled by Bloomberg from the Federal Election Commission and the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington-based research group.

DEMOCRATS control the U.S. Senate, which must agree to most of the changes Donahoe says are needed to save the Postal Service from insolvency. Many of his proposals are intended to reduce labor costs accounting for 80 percent of the service’s expenses.

That puts Donahoe in conflict with post office unions, which would lose most of the estimated 22,500 jobs that would be cut if Saturday delivery ends, and have spent years making friends on Capitol Hill.

“That’s why it’s been so hard to come up with a plan for the Postal Service,” said Bill Allison, editorial director of the Sunlight Foundation, a Washington-based watchdog group. “The obvious thing you want to do is cut back on the number of employees, cut back on services, cut back on benefits. That’s something DEMOCRATS haven’t wanted to do because of the support they’ve gotten from the unions.”

Donahoe is trying to cut $20 billion a year in costs after the Postal Service, in the face of declining mail volume due in part to e-mail and online commerce, lost $15.9 billion last fiscal year and an additional $1.3 billion in the quarter that ended Dec. 31.

The postmaster general stood by his position that ending Saturday mail delivery in August is legal, even though appropriations bills for three decades have required six-day mail, with the government operating under temporary funding.
