They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!
They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!
They are making the case of him getting his minions to attack America
Not his election cheating
Teabaggers have wanted to privatize, not only the USPS but many government agencies, in the guise of reducing "gubmint".
Decades of trickery of trying to turning this country into a corporatocracy.
They have no fucking case. He isn't going o be convicted you stupid fuck. This has already been decided. You fucking syphilitic cunts are just wasting more time and money. You are suppose to be running a fucking country but instead you're being owned by trump. What a bunch of retards you people are.
Teabaggers have wanted to privatize, not only the USPS but many government agencies, in the guise of reducing "gubmint".
Decades of trickery of trying to turning this country into a corporatocracy.
You're choking your chicken over this arent you fucked up little cretin?
They have no fucking case. He isn't going o be convicted you stupid fuck. This has already been decided. You fucking syphilitic cunts are just wasting more time and money. You are suppose to be running a fucking country but instead you're being owned by trump. What a bunch of retards you people are.
They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!
They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!
They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!
I hope that you find this article useful.
I heard about this and is atrocious but it has nothing to so with why this should not be brought up at the hearings. Trump knew that mail-voting would decimate his chances and he had this prick DeJoy do his destructive bidding. This POS needs to go no matter what they need to do to dispose of him.
You have no idea what the fuck those words mean do you? Did you read them in Dumbass Leftist Monthly magazine?
You must be a "genius" like Dotard, in his graduate program for the intentional, blind and deaf.
Teabagger governors have sold or leased state owned toll roads to private corporations, almost doubling the tolls.
Teabagger legislators have turned our space program over to corporations.
Teabagger legislators have have given NSA's IT program over to private contractors, see Edward Snowden, 75% of the intelligence spending goes to private contractors.
Teabagger legislators insist the postal service create a fund for retirement and health benefits for 75 years in the future, they made no no other company or agency do that.
Teabaggers gave Halliburton a contract to provide logistics and services to the military in Iraq, cost to the US to do ONE load of laundry $99, whereas the previous cost was about $0.50.
Teabagger legislators have given companies millions of tax payer $$$ for schools.
Teabagger legislators have given billions of taxpayer $$$ for private, corporate owned, prisons.
Corporations write teabagger legislation.
The post office, public libraries, and National Parks are socialism. Anyone who does not see the ideological philosophy of Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky underpinning them is utterly naive.They are presenting a timeline and that is a major piece but I have heard nothing about it yet. I hope it come up as it was pathetically disgusting!
Yours a raging fucking idiot.