Why Donald Trump could melt away


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(CNN) Donald Trump followed Sen. Joseph McCarthy's how-to-be-a-demagogue playbook to the letter throughout his shocking rise to power and stormy four-year presidency.

Now, with the Senate set to launch his second impeachment trial, Trump should take one more lesson from McCarthy. The Red-baiting lawmaker vowed to fight on after the political establishment shunned him in 1954 -- and his millions of boosters were ready to rally yet again -- but instead the seemingly shameless Republican from Wisconsin quietly decamped in a way that helped the nation heal.

Trump's debt to "Low Blow" Joe was apparent from the first. In lieu of solutions, the former president, like the senator, pointed fingers. Attacked, both bullies aimed wrecking balls at their assailants. When one charge against a manufactured enemy was exposed as specious, they lobbed fresh bombshells.

Each made his name into a ubiquitous brand. Neither had a master plan other than accruing and hanging onto power. Both astounded the world and themselves by rising as far and fast as they did.




(CNN) Donald Trump followed Sen. Joseph McCarthy's how-to-be-a-demagogue playbook to the letter throughout his shocking rise to power and stormy four-year presidency.

Now, with the Senate set to launch his second impeachment trial, Trump should take one more lesson from McCarthy. The Red-baiting lawmaker vowed to fight on after the political establishment shunned him in 1954 -- and his millions of boosters were ready to rally yet again -- but instead the seemingly shameless Republican from Wisconsin quietly decamped in a way that helped the nation heal.

Trump's debt to "Low Blow" Joe was apparent from the first. In lieu of solutions, the former president, like the senator, pointed fingers. Attacked, both bullies aimed wrecking balls at their assailants. When one charge against a manufactured enemy was exposed as specious, they lobbed fresh bombshells.

Each made his name into a ubiquitous brand. Neither had a master plan other than accruing and hanging onto power. Both astounded the world and themselves by rising as far and fast as they did.




Trump** (Q-FL) is the type that melts quickly once its pointed out sufficiently that the emperor had not clothes.