Why does the left tend to view all minorities as one monolithic block?


Well-known member
When we all KNOW they arent. No group is. I myself find this to be racist as hell! I bring this up in here only because I have seen posted many times this thing about whites being the minority by 2045. As if that even matters. I see it posted by the likes of people like Guno and Bac like its something to celebrate. WTF? I find it hilarious seeing people who spend most of their time CRYING racism only to go out and make scores of racist posts themselves. Its crazy.

1... Most of us in here will be dead by 2045.

2..It doesnt matter anyway.

3. And this is the big one.... Since there is no such thing as being 85% of a person I am forced to round up for the purposes of this post. As whites are projected to make up a little less then 49% of the population by then. So having said that......If you have 10 people standing in a field together and five of them are white, Two of them are Hispanic, one of them is black, one is Asian, and one is Arab and somehow retard racists think that would mean Whites are in the minority?
Talk about convoluted thinking! :laugh:

You might ask why the GOP thinks minorities are one monolithic block since they are attacking their voting rights as a group.

But as to your claim #3. A majority in math is 50% + 1. If whites are 49% then they are not a majority. If they aren't majority then they must be a minority. This is standard math. Something you seem to be ignorant of.
Strawman. They don't view minorities that way.

Anyone note the irony? I mean beside Stoney, who wouldn't know irony if it came up and bit him in the ass.
You might ask why the GOP thinks minorities are one monolithic block since they are attacking their voting rights as a group.

But as to your claim #3. A majority in math is 50% + 1. If whites are 49% then they are not a majority. If they aren't majority then they must be a minority. This is standard math. Something you seem to be ignorant of.

Right over your head I guess. Reference the 10 people standing in a field for the answer that is right in front of you...... :laugh:
Strawman. They don't view minorities that way.

Anyone note the irony? I mean beside Stoney, who wouldn't know irony if it came up and bit him in the ass.

Stone does not seem to grasp the Fact that many Dems Are Minorities, he just does not understand the Democrat Party or their make up, but that is understandable since few minorities belong to his Party for good reasons, so it is not within his experience.
Boom! The 2045 meme destroyed for the racist nonsense it is and always has been. 10 people standing in a field....;)

Strawman. They don't view minorities that way.

Anyone note the irony? I mean beside Stoney, who wouldn't know irony if it came up and bit him in the ass.

Thanks. I was just going to say that. I always keep in mind that Stoned is a racist. He likes to tell people, for instance, that I live in a trailer on a Rez in the U.P. and am a "drunken Indian." That's because HE is a monolithic thinker who believes that anyone with a drop of native blood, or even merely an interest in the history and culture, is a drunken Indian living on welfare on a reservation. :awesome:
Right over your head I guess. Reference the 10 people standing in a field for the answer that is right in front of you...... :laugh:

The word you are not able to use correctly is majority. The correct word to describe the largest group when it isn't a majority is plurality.
The word you are not able to use correctly is majority. The correct word to describe the largest group when it isn't a majority is plurality.

10 people standing in a field...:laugh: WHO is the majority?


5 whites,....2 Hispanics, 1 black, one Asian, and one Arab.

Here....Ill even do this if it makes you feel better :laugh:.....4.90 whites, 2.1 Hispanics 1 Black, 1 Asian, and 1 Arab.
When we all KNOW they arent. No group is. I myself find this to be racist as hell! I bring this up in here only because I have seen posted many times this thing about whites being the minority by 2045. As if that even matters. I see it posted by the likes of people like Guno and Bac like its something to celebrate. WTF? I find it hilarious seeing people who spend most of their time CRYING racism only to go out and make scores of racist posts themselves. Its crazy.

1... Most of us in here will be dead by 2045.

2..It doesnt matter anyway.

3. And this is the big one.... Since there is no such thing as being 85% of a person I am forced to round up for the purposes of this post. As whites are projected to make up a little less then 49% of the population by then. So having said that......If you have 10 people standing in a field together and five of them are white, Two of them are Hispanic, one of them is black, one is Asian, and one is Arab and somehow retard racists think that would mean Whites are in the minority?
Talk about convoluted thinking! :laugh:


since white people are the new class targetted for destruction, all nonwhites are a single unified blunt instrument to bash us with, at least, thats how globalist human haters see it.
sick of looking at that stupid picture

I set you up again and you fell for it like most dumb asses do. You do remember of course that just the other day you claimed to have me on ignore...right? :laugh: I called you out as a Liar then,...with proof of it. Now I dont even have to call you out this time, as you have proven it YOURSELF. ;) Good to know you are finally openly admitting to being a bald faced habitual liar in front of the forum. Schools out.........;)
10 people standing in a field...:laugh: WHO is the majority?


5 whites,....2 Hispanics, 1 black, one Asian, and one Arab.

Here....Ill even do this if it makes you feel better :laugh:.....4.90 whites, 2.1 Hispanics 1 Black, 1 Asian, and 1 Arab.

Definition of majority

1a : a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total
sick of looking at that stupid picture

Seems our little Biden has went into Hidin just like her namesake...LOL Whatsmatter Biden? Cat got your tongue? Ashamed and embarrassed maybe to have been proven to be a liar AGAIN? Inquiring minds want to know...;)
Thanks. I was just going to say that. I always keep in mind that Stoned is a racist. He likes to tell people, for instance, that I live in a trailer on a Rez in the U.P. and am a "drunken Indian." That's because HE is a monolithic thinker who believes that anyone with a drop of native blood, or even merely an interest in the history and culture, is a drunken Indian living on welfare on a reservation. :awesome:

sounds like you're living the dream.