When we all KNOW they arent. No group is. I myself find this to be racist as hell! I bring this up in here only because I have seen posted many times this thing about whites being the minority by 2045. As if that even matters. I see it posted by the likes of people like Guno and Bac like its something to celebrate. WTF? I find it hilarious seeing people who spend most of their time CRYING racism only to go out and make scores of racist posts themselves. Its crazy.
1... Most of us in here will be dead by 2045.
2..It doesnt matter anyway.
3. And this is the big one.... Since there is no such thing as being 85% of a person I am forced to round up for the purposes of this post. As whites are projected to make up a little less then 49% of the population by then. So having said that......If you have 10 people standing in a field together and five of them are white, Two of them are Hispanic, one of them is black, one is Asian, and one is Arab and somehow retard racists think that would mean Whites are in the minority?
Talk about convoluted thinking!

1... Most of us in here will be dead by 2045.
2..It doesnt matter anyway.
3. And this is the big one.... Since there is no such thing as being 85% of a person I am forced to round up for the purposes of this post. As whites are projected to make up a little less then 49% of the population by then. So having said that......If you have 10 people standing in a field together and five of them are white, Two of them are Hispanic, one of them is black, one is Asian, and one is Arab and somehow retard racists think that would mean Whites are in the minority?
Talk about convoluted thinking!