Why do liberals focus on what people "are", instead of what people do?

Big Money

New member
Obama, Hillary, and now de Blasio...(because his wife happens to be Black), all celebrated by liberals as "historic", because of accidents of birth like skin color and/or sexual organs, as if those are accomplishments that people had to do something to attain.

It's all about race and gender with liberals, isn't it?

Obama, Hillary, and now de Blasio...(because his wife happens to be Black), all celebrated by liberals as "historic", because of accidents of birth like skin color and/or sexual organs, as if those are accomplishments that people had to do something to attain.

It's all about race and gender with liberals, isn't it?


White, Anti-Gay Republican Wins Local Election After Pretending To Be Black

Did you say something?
Obama, Hillary, and now de Blasio...(because his wife happens to be Black), all celebrated by liberals as "historic", because of accidents of birth like skin color and/or sexual organs, as if those are accomplishments that people had to do something to attain.

It's all about race and gender with liberals, isn't it?


I also heard that Deblasio''s old lady used to be a lesbian. So I guess it is a choice after all. Who knew?

Oh yeah. Nature and God knew
Now, back to the subject:

How many liberals do you suppose would have voted for Obama if they hadn't known he is half-Black?

Now, back to the subject:

How many liberals do you suppose would have voted for Obama if they hadn't known he is half-Black?


Sounds like you are once again promoting racism which means you are going against what Justice Scalia said.
I wonder how much angst liberals felt in 2007-08, comparing Hillarys' womanhood victim status to Obamas' half-Black victim status...must have been excruciating.

Neither one had any real accomplishments or qualifications, apart from accidents of birth, but that seems to be what liberals look for in a candidate.