The prevailing theme from the lefties is that Zimmerman should have just left the scene and if he had Trayvon would still be alive today. Of course that is a false argument, because even if Trayvon and Zimmerman hadn't crossed paths that fateful day, how does anyone know that Martin would still be alive today? He might have gotten hit by a bus. He might have died from a drug overdose or gang violence or hit by a meteor or have gone to the Boston Marathon. Any number of things could have happened. So to say he would still be a alive isn't really accurate.
But, would he have been been shot that night? Well true, if Zimmerman had not been there their paths would not have crossed. However, that presupposes that there was only one person that could have made an alternate decision that evening.
We know it was raining. Why didn't Trayvon go right home from the 7-11? Why, when he saw Zimmerman did he call his girlfriend if he was scared and not call the cops? Why, most importantly did he not just go to his dads girlfriends house?
Why does nobody ask WHY Trayvon couldn't have done something different?
Here is a nice timeline of the events of that night. As you can see. Trayvon had plenty of time to get from 7-11 to his house. Had he gone straight home, he "might still be alive today". Had he "run right home" after he saw Zimmerman he "might still be alive today". He chose to confront Zimmerman and the left with their wonderful cognitive dissonance want us to believe that it is a normal reaction for a teenager to confront a strange man when in fear for ones safety. Really? I guess if you suspend disbelief long enough, you can believe that.
We could also ask the question. If Trayvon hadn't been suspended from high school he wouldn't have had to go to that development and even been there in the first place, thus "he might still be alive today"
The prevailing theme from the lefties is that Zimmerman should have just left the scene and if he had Trayvon would still be alive today. Of course that is a false argument, because even if Trayvon and Zimmerman hadn't crossed paths that fateful day, how does anyone know that Martin would still be alive today? He might have gotten hit by a bus. He might have died from a drug overdose or gang violence or hit by a meteor or have gone to the Boston Marathon. Any number of things could have happened. So to say he would still be a alive isn't really accurate.
But, would he have been been shot that night? Well true, if Zimmerman had not been there their paths would not have crossed. However, that presupposes that there was only one person that could have made an alternate decision that evening.
We know it was raining. Why didn't Trayvon go right home from the 7-11? Why, when he saw Zimmerman did he call his girlfriend if he was scared and not call the cops? Why, most importantly did he not just go to his dads girlfriends house?
Why does nobody ask WHY Trayvon couldn't have done something different?
Here is a nice timeline of the events of that night. As you can see. Trayvon had plenty of time to get from 7-11 to his house. Had he gone straight home, he "might still be alive today". Had he "run right home" after he saw Zimmerman he "might still be alive today". He chose to confront Zimmerman and the left with their wonderful cognitive dissonance want us to believe that it is a normal reaction for a teenager to confront a strange man when in fear for ones safety. Really? I guess if you suspend disbelief long enough, you can believe that.
We could also ask the question. If Trayvon hadn't been suspended from high school he wouldn't have had to go to that development and even been there in the first place, thus "he might still be alive today"