Why Black Women Do Not Respect Black Men

cancel2 2022


Is this woman being racist or just telling it like it is?


by CRYSTAL EVANS in Men, August 28, 2009

If you asked a black man why he decided to be with a Caucasian woman as opposed to a woman of his own ethnicity; these are the likely responses that you will receive. Black women are bossy, quarrelsome, nagging, disrespectful, ungrateful and conceited…And the list goes on and on and on…

But what is the real rationale behind the contempt with which black women regard their men? It is simply that black men before and during our time have eroded any iota of reverence that women had for them. Some men claim that black women are disrespectful to their men! Another perspective asserted that black women are not as domesticated and docile as white women and that black women do not know how to treat their men. One writer states that black women have gargantuan desires, expectations and wishes of their men and when their anticipations are not met, they make their spouses lives miserable.

The denigration of the black man’s image and relevance dates back to the socialization of the black I can remember as a child that my mother told my sisters and i to avoid relationships with black men because such unions would bring irreparable, emotional damage to my life. She asserted that they would impregnate, abuse, ill treat and abandon me. My mother contended that black men were irresponsible fathers, substandard caregivers, cheap breadwinners (if any at all), lousy husbands and mates. She contended that they were the worst communicators and lacked the capacity to compromise, reason without violence and to be civil.

Ha ha! Tough luck!

To be frank with you, my mother has been proven right thus far. I have been with two black men and they were complete disappointments. Some people say that i am associating with the wrong type of black men. But my exes were mature (in its sociological and physiological sense), successful, college graduates and drove Mercedes. They were not ebony black. They had the phenotype of Chris Brown (befitting analogy). They were the creme de la creme of the black population and that their education would have engendered some changes in their thought processes and general behaviors but obviously not.

It is difficult for any woman to respect black men when most (I said most not all my detractors) are not standing up to their responsibilities. I do not respect or regard a man who does not take care of his family or exhibits conduct that are worthy of emulations by my children. A man who refuses to take care of his children or even to acknowledge paternity for his offspring should be ostracized.

Conclusively, the reason why women do not respect black men is because they do not respect themselves. They possess little knowledge and understanding of what their roles are within a family. They do not understand that when they conceive a child, that it does not end there and that they should be part of its upbringing and maintenance. Most black men are in part sperm donors and bed room racklers. They brag about the scores of children that they have dispersed with several women under the misguided notion that such acts denotes good fatherhood. Black men treat their women like therapy valves made for venting their inadequacies and insecurities in the form of loud arguments and abusive statements.

Our men have disappointed us. To be honest the only reason why we even cohort with them is because of our primal mammalian need to have sex and our instinctual desire for companionship. We do not have many viable recourse since a good black man is hard to find. Who wants to risked being alone? We settle for these substandard behavior and men get the impression that it is OK to behave like that. The theory has always been simple, silent means consent. When Women do not disavow misdeeds, men perpetrate those relational faux in our society. When women embraced those standards,Men believe that they are acceptable.

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How do you guys like this? This is the guy who posted rape apology after rape apology, and other than the ones he posted written by himself, they were all from women. That's what he excels at. Hardly anyone said anything to this woman hating piece of shit.

Now he's moved on to racism.

But some of my liberal friends like Mott and others will actually entertain this filth as if he is any better than ILA or Bravo.

He's not.

That's why I told off Grind. If you hate women? If you celebrate rape culture? If you are a racist? If you repeat and defned racists and their arguments? If you celebrate the death of a 17 teenager in an early and eternal grave while you get to live? Fuck you. I don't care who you are.

Because keeping my mouth shut to get along will never be me.
How do you guys like this? This is the guy who posted rape apology after rape apology, and other than the ones he posted written by himself, they were all from women. That's what he excels at. Hardly anyone said anything to this woman hating piece of shit.

Now he's moved on to racism.

But some of my liberal friends like Mott and others will actually entertain this filth as if he is any better than ILA or Bravo.

He's not.

That's why I told off Grind. If you hate women? If you celebrate rape culture? If you are a racist? If you repeat and defned racists and their arguments? If you celebrate the death of a 17 teenager in an early and eternal grave while you get to live? Fuck you. I don't care who you are.

Because keeping my mouth shut to get along will never be me.

How is it Racist if the author of the Article he is quoting is an African American?
I agree that Tom posts these controversial articles far too often. I think on their own, they can have merit, and be discussed openly, but he seems to post them with too great a frequency.
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It's really amazing the stupid questions I get asked here. Brent, if you want to "cite" go cite yourself. It's easy enough to find, and anyone not in a coma knows Tom's history on rape here. One of the articles he posted was an interview with Helen Mirren where she admitted to being raped numerous times but went on to say there's really nothing you can do about it, ou can't prove it. Tom loved it. Tom has a boner for Mirrne because Tom loves a bitch who knows her place and knows that if she's raped, that's what she had coming and what are you going to do.

The other moron on here, it's racist for the exact reason your moronic thread about Bill Cosby is racist. That is a debate going on within the African American community since W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T Washington. It's none of your goddamned business. You know what kind of white people dig up Crosby quotes to say "even Bill Crosby (or insert any random black dude's name here) says...?

Yep. Racists.

What kind of piece of shit digs up this disgusting article the day after the Zimmerman verdict after spending all day on another thread minimizing the murder of a black teenager? A fucking monster. That is Tom.

But he's got company, if that's your point.
I agree that Tom posts these controversial articles far to often. I think on their own, they can have merit, and be discussed openly, but he seems to post them with too great a frequency.

Yet they never are, because most people are terrified of being labelled as racist or sexist. So are we to only post sanguine, innocuous articles so as not to upset 'she who must be obeyed'.
How do you guys like this? This is the guy who posted rape apology after rape apology, and other than the ones he posted written by himself, they were all from women. That's what he excels at. Hardly anyone said anything to this woman hating piece of shit.

Now he's moved on to racism.

But some of my liberal friends like Mott and others will actually entertain this filth as if he is any better than ILA or Bravo.

He's not.

That's why I told off Grind. If you hate women? If you celebrate rape culture? If you are a racist? If you repeat and defned racists and their arguments? If you celebrate the death of a 17 teenager in an early and eternal grave while you get to live? Fuck you. I don't care who you are.

Because keeping my mouth shut to get along will never be me.

you are an idiot
It's really amazing the stupid questions I get asked here. Brent, if you want to "cite" go cite yourself. It's easy enough to find, and anyone not in a coma knows Tom's history on rape here. One of the articles he posted was an interview with Helen Mirren where she admitted to being raped numerous times but went on to say there's really nothing you can do about it, ou can't prove it. Tom loved it. Tom has a boner for Mirrne because Tom loves a bitch who knows her place and knows that if she's raped, that's what she had coming and what are you going to do.

The other moron on here, it's racist for the exact reason your moronic thread about Bill Cosby is racist. That is a debate going on within the African American community since W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T Washington. It's none of your goddamned business. You know what kind of white people dig up Crosby quotes to say "even Bill Crosby (or insert any random black dude's name here) says...?

Yep. Racists.

What kind of piece of shit digs up this disgusting article the day after the Zimmerman verdict after spending all day on another thread minimizing the murder of a black teenager? A fucking monster. That is Tom.

But he's got company, if that's your point.

you liberals are OCD with the racial shit.
It's racist because only BAC or Poet can speak on behalf of Negroes and sexist because only Darla can speak on behalf of women.
A white man posting an article by a black woman that beats up on black men.

And we're supposed to believe Tom wanted a serious discussion of this?


I think the some white women could have written the same article about white men. Wonder if Tom would have posted that?

I would have said the woman is being sexist; there are wonderful men out there. She's had some bad experiences and has generalized that to all men.

But guess that wouldn't have fit in with Tom's meme where he's trying to make black people look bad. Or whatever he's trying to do with this post.
A white man posting an article by a black woman that beats up on black men.

And we're supposed to believe Tom wanted a serious discussion of this?


I think the some white women could have written the same article about white men. Wonder if Tom would have posted that?

I would have said the woman is being sexist; there are wonderful men out there. She's had some bad experiences and has generalized that to all men.

But guess that wouldn't have fit in with Tom's meme where he's trying to make black people look bad. Or whatever he's trying to do with this post.

Yes of course you don't understand why would you? It might have something to do with the lack of positive role models and fathers which cause black youths to go into gangs and follow gangsta culture.
