Why aren't Americans screaming about our cozy partnership with Al Qaeda?


The Force is With Me
First, Obama uses Al Qaeda to attack and destroy Libya. Libya is now the headquarters for Al Qaeda, and Libya is in total chaos.

Now, he using Al Qaeda once again in Syria.

How is this possible without outrage from the American people.

After all, you're the ones who believes that Al Qaeda .. which the CIA created from the Afghanistan Mujahideen .. was behind the events of 9/11. You're the ones who believed that bullshit .. why aren't you wondering how they became to be our allies in a war .. against them?

Veterans Today: The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon


Don't look now, but the entire 'war on terror' has been a fraud from top to bottom.
because we don't think like this -We look at 'Gaddafi the evil dictator' - simplistic thought -"Gaddafi must Go" out he goes (by our assassination),
well beyond the UN mandate, then we FORGET ABOUT IT -even as Libya weapons were/are smuggled into Syria -
even as east Africa is now a haven for terrorists.

On to Afganistan: when was the last time ANY reporting was done about that war???
I have to go hear to find out ANYTHING, because it's not covered http://warnewstoday.blogspot.com/

We don't know who the Taliban/Haqquani are, we just know they are " bad guys" - this after 12 freaking years of war there.

Then the CIA drones in Paki; this from just a couple days ago: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/01/w...lls-suspected-militants-in-pakistan.html?_r=0

Did we know we're STILL droning Paki? I doubt it. How about Paki almost becoming a full partner in China's SCO?

Do we know what the SCO is? thew significance of Paki joining the Chinese sphere for "security", now that the US is on the way out?


Aziz, who would be representing Pakistan at the SCO summit in Bishkek next month’s 13th, said that political observers were looking towards the SCO for its role in Afghanistan after the US withdrawal when there would be a political and security vacuum in that country.

Ok fine - so why are we still trying to partner with Paki?? paki will suck up any money/aid, but is not interested in a partnership with the US/west

Then the CIA strikes in Warizistan ...

Drone attacks in Pakistan are counterproductive, says report
US academics' report says drones kill large numbers of civilians and increase recruitment by militant groups

Very similar to the Yemen signature strikes -where fighters "switch sides like cell phone carriers" ( Yemenese viliager)

It goes On and On, we FAIL to learn from our "dizzying pace of interventionism" so we so the SAME SHIT over and over.

Why Syria is acceptable, because we have no understanding - not even the basics of the US War machine.
then why did the right back blindly the attack on Sadam?

that was the shit cork in the bottle.

why did you want the bottle uncorked if you refuse to deal with the consequences it created?
she did not say we created them.

she said we used their support to win against Russia.

"Let's go recruit these Mujahideen .. and lets go get some from Saudi Arabia and other places, importing their Wahabbi brand of Islam" -- Hillary Clinton.

You are lost to the dark side sister .. you can't even be truthful anymore.

You don't know what you're talking about.
same fucking mindset that is Syria, except Clinton/Kerry/Obama/Rice/Power/et all

don't find this storyline convenient, so we say "well the AQ affilitiaes there are not a problem" "we can support the moderates"
what did you think would happen in the middle east when Bush took the shit cork out of the bottle of bees?
This is NOT a lie.

These people are dead.

some of the first responders died too just by treating people.

this happened and no matter how much you lie about it you cant make is disapear
Al-Qaeda-linked rebels assault Syrian Christian village
September 4, 2013


A Turkish fighter of the jihadist group Al-Nusra Front, bearing the flag of al Qaeda on his jacket (C-back), holds position with fellow comrades on April 4, 2013, in the Syrian village of Aziza, on the southern outskirts of Aleppo.

Al-Qaeda-linked rebels launched an assault on a regime-held Christian mountain village in the densely populated west of Syria and new clashes erupted near the capital, Damascus, on Wednesday - part of a brutal battle of attrition each side believes it can win despite more than two years of deadlock.

In the attack on the village of Maaloula, rebels commandeered a mountaintop hotel and nearby caves and shelled the community below, said a nun, speaking by phone from a convent in the village. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.


Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West

In the more than two years this civil war has carried on, a large part of the Syrian opposition has formed a loose command structure that has found support from several Arab nations, and, to a more limited degree, the West. Other elements of the opposition have assumed an extremist cast, and openly allied with Al Qaeda.

Across much of Syria, where rebels with Western support live and fight, areas outside of government influence have evolved into a complex guerrilla and criminal landscape.

That has raised the prospect that American military action could inadvertently strengthen Islamic extremists and criminals.
then why did the right back blindly the attack on Sadam?

that was the shit cork in the bottle.

why did you want the bottle uncorked if you refuse to deal with the consequences it created?

Saddam was gassing the Kurds ?

Why go into Syria ?....because of 'gassing' ????

Do you ever agree with yourself, hypocrite ?
Saddam was gassing the Kurds ?

Why go into Syria ?....because of 'gassing' ????

Do you ever agree with yourself, hypocrite ?

why did you wait 20 years to be mad about it and why did you support Ronny Rayguns selling the weapons to Sadam and then just laughing when Sadam gassed Iranians and Kurds?