who were they


Verified User
They called for censored free speech

Called for the death of their political opponents

Wanted to put people in re education camps

wanted their political opponents label as traitors

called for confiscation of guns

called for ethnic cleansing

they wanted their political opponents property taken and to kill them

They rioted in the streets for months

they claimed to be socialist

believed in raising taxes

called for more government control

attacked others religious beliefs

called for the military to seek revenge on their political rivals

called for harassment of of political opponents and boycotting their business

called for deportation of political rivals
Need go any further, "censored free speech," the GOP, one day after voting their conscience the Senators voting guilty are all censored by their own State parties, thanks
They called for censored free speech

Called for the death of their political opponents

Wanted to put people in re education camps

wanted their political opponents label as traitors

called for confiscation of guns

called for ethnic cleansing

they wanted their political opponents property taken and to kill them

They rioted in the streets for months

they claimed to be socialist

believed in raising taxes

called for more government control

attacked others religious beliefs

called for the military to seek revenge on their political rivals

called for harassment of of political opponents and boycotting their business

called for deportation of political rivals

Trump and his supporters- Thanks
They called for censored free speech

Called for the death of their political opponents

Wanted to put people in re education camps

wanted their political opponents label as traitors

called for confiscation of guns

called for ethnic cleansing

they wanted their political opponents property taken and to kill them

They rioted in the streets for months

they claimed to be socialist

believed in raising taxes

called for more government control

attacked others religious beliefs

called for the military to seek revenge on their political rivals

called for harassment of of political opponents and boycotting their business

called for deportation of political rivals

Well you poor helpless little thing YOU!

Is this all you have to cry about?

all of the things listed are things the Nazis did and that democrat have called for in either public or congress or on this forum or face book , you have democrats like Florida fan who know he lying and blamed trump supporters but also knows democrats are doing theses things .

As I have said many times on here democrats dont like the truth
They simply don't care about the truth.

They know full well what they are like and they agree with it which 8s why they just post stupid animations but never refute it.

They actually believe that being like Nazi's is the best way to deal with conservatives and Christians.

They wouldn't even bat an eye if the stoves were fired up for us, they would actually smile.

That is how deep their hatred is.
They simply don't care about the truth.

They know full well what they are like and they agree with it which 8s why they just post stupid animations but never refute it.

They actually believe that being like Nazi's is the best way to deal with conservatives and Christians.

They wouldn't even bat an eye if the stoves were fired up for us, they would actually smile.

That is how deep their hatred is.

kinda sad how they dont see themselves as they really are
you know they were nazis Im not crying you also know its things democrats are calling for

That may be funny Bullet Bob, but stop letting your politics jade you! You are just flying off the handle to accuse Democrats for all of your frustrations.

Most of America's problems are not political but common to both parties. You know it too.

So do you have some non-political answers to these problems you speak of?

Try to be of help- and stop the blame game OK?
They called for censored free speech

Called for the death of their political opponents

Wanted to put people in re education camps

wanted their political opponents label as traitors

called for confiscation of guns

called for ethnic cleansing

they wanted their political opponents property taken and to kill them

They rioted in the streets for months

they claimed to be socialist

believed in raising taxes

called for more government control

attacked others religious beliefs

called for the military to seek revenge on their political rivals

called for harassment of of political opponents and boycotting their business

called for deportation of political rivals

Sure sounds like the Republican Nazis.
Sure sounds like the Republican Nazis.

you would like that if it was true but its all things that the democrat congress has called for or congress members that are democrat or members of this forum that are democrats and democrats in the news or Facebook . you know it to be true but are in denial just like the German people were till it was to late .
be a man for a change lefty you call yourself a proud lefty then wear the suit your kind have painted
you would like that if it was true but its all things that the democrat congress has called for or congress members that are democrat or members of this forum that are democrats and democrats in the news or Facebook . you know it to be true but are in denial just like the German people were till it was to late .
be a man for a change lefty you call yourself a proud lefty then wear the suit your kind have painted

People calling me a Lefty is a badge of honor. Every time I disagree with a Trump supporter, I get called many names.
That may be funny Bullet Bob, but stop letting your politics jade you! You are just flying off the handle to accuse Democrats for all of your frustrations.

Most of America's problems are not political but common to both parties. You know it too.

So do you have some non-political answers to these problems you speak of?

Try to be of help- and stop the blame game OK?

and your letting your political delusions deny the facts , every thing I posted are things democrats have called for , by bring it to attention I am helping by hoping dumb bastards like you will see the truth and sy to your self gee hes right and think about standing up like a man and be less tolerant of your political party's radicals . answers to the problems I speak of ,lol they are problems you democrats are creating by encouraging such behavior and that's the problem dumb ass. Stop being tolerant of people who call for such actions in your democrat party is the answer
and your letting your political delusions deny the facts , every thing I posted are things democrats have called for , by bring it to attention I am helping by hoping dumb bastards like you will see the truth and sy to your self gee hes right and think about standing up like a man and be less tolerant of your political party's radicals . answers to the problems I speak of ,lol they are problems you democrats are creating by encouraging such behavior and that's the problem dumb ass. Stop being tolerant of people who call for such actions in your democrat party is the answer

That is just weak rhetoric Bullet Bob! You are shouting the same old lame Republican Rhetoric we are used to hearing every time you REPUBLICANS LOOSE A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TO A DEMOCRAT!

Cry all you want, because we intend to give people like you something to really cry about for a change!


We already know when people like you cry- WE MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT! HA HA!
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That is just weak rhetoric Bullet Bob! You are shouting the same old lame Republican Rhetoric we are used to hearing every time you REPUBLICANS LOOSE A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TO A DEMOCRAT!

Cry all you want, because we intend to give people like you something to really cry about for a change!


We already know when people like you cry- WE MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT! HA HA!
no democrats are saying it and that's a fact if you don't like it then change it but stop trying to blame republicans for what democrats do and say it just showcases your stupidity and desperation
many things democrats want and call for are indeed reminders of the Nazis actions and rise to power, especially sense they won the election you see so many more calls to punish republicans put them in camps and even ethnic cleansing , what you don't see in these threads and actions are democrats standing up and saying this is wrong , much like the people in Germany didn't do.