Who was the greatest Political Philosopher

Jesus....despised the rich, the power hungry and the self righteous. Held a special place in his heart for the poor, the meek, the merciful and the poor in spirit.
Jesus....despised the rich, the power hungry and the self righteous.

That leaves Hillary, Obama, Harry Reed, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, John Kerry, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, 99% of thje Washington politicians, all the leftist bastards on MSNBC and many of the bastards on Fox and you shit out of luck then, huh?
I'd go with Locke. He answered Hobbes, who IMO was the greatest reactionary to hard times of all time. Hobbes cried for all powerful Prince, Locke went with just ruler, paving the way for just rule.
Caesar contributed nothing - it was Augustus who reinvented the Roman political establishment, while Caesar merely destroyed the previous one.

Also, I would say that among the Jeffersonian crowd of Founding Fathers, it is Madison who should be credited as the great philosophical mind.
Caesar contributed nothing - it was Augustus who reinvented the Roman political establishment, while Caesar merely destroyed the previous one.

Also, I would say that among the Jeffersonian crowd of Founding Fathers, it is Madison who should be credited as the great philosophical mind.

Ceasar Augustus had a hand in killing Julius Caesar. Ceasar killing ceasar? Troubling times, indeed.
Caesar contributed nothing - it was Augustus who reinvented the Roman political establishment, while Caesar merely destroyed the previous one.

Also, I would say that among the Jeffersonian crowd of Founding Fathers, it is Madison who should be credited as the great philosophical mind.

I said Jefferson solely to piss you off.

But I disagree about Caeser. He was about as good an autocrat as one could ask for, and was not a fan of democracy either.
I said Jefferson solely to piss you off.

But I disagree about Caeser. He was about as good an autocrat as one could ask for, and was not a fan of democracy either.

Caesar demogogued and played to the masses. I hate people who do that. Worse, Caesar's goal had only ever been to take his noble family's diminished state of affairs and rebuild it to the rich and powerful status it had enjoyed several generations back. He was a patrician who ultimately destroyed patrician rule and the institution which most fully represented it - the Senate. And again, not out of love for the masses, but just because his house had fallen in status.
You don't have anything to say about the topic so you clown around and chose yourself......someone who has proven to be unable to think.

I’ve had plenty to say on your absurd topic. I revealed yet again that your entire agenda in your every topic is simply to bemoan Fox News. You are a totally obsessed leftist moron.