Who is more responsible for the National Debt? Libertarians or Republicans?


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
The Left is responsible with taxation and raises taxes when needed, so if you were going there then quit.

"I hate taxation and I'll vote for the person that taxes me less." The false theory for decades...........also, "Everyone wants something for nothing"..that is fact.

So should Republicans keep taxing less than they spend in an attempt to convince voters that they are "Conservative"? I recently noticed Rand Paul taxes much less than he pays into Federal making him look like a "Conservative".

I've also noticed other "Conservatives" that signed the Grover Norquist "No New Taxes" pledge who raised spending and stuck to the pledge which raises debt. Note that Grover Norquist is Libertarian.., not Republican.

Look Right Wingers.....If the People, the Democracy, want something then let us pay for it and reap the results. Then you can scorn us on the results if it is a wrong choice. But filibustering everything the Left wants to do to fix the Country after Bush makes you look like you are scared the Left will succeed after a horrible president. Filibustering some is ok, but all is just coward.
The Left is responsible with taxation and raises taxes when needed, so if you were going there then quit.

"I hate taxation and I'll vote for the person that taxes me less." The false theory for decades...........also, "Everyone wants something for nothing"..that is fact.

So should Republicans keep taxing less than they spend in an attempt to convince voters that they are "Conservative"? I recently noticed Rand Paul taxes much less than he pays into Federal making him look like a "Conservative".

I've also noticed other "Conservatives" that signed the Grover Norquist "No New Taxes" pledge who raised spending and stuck to the pledge which raises debt. Note that Grover Norquist is Libertarian.., not Republican.

Look Right Wingers.....If the People, the Democracy, want something then let us pay for it and reap the results. Then you can scorn us on the results if it is a wrong choice. But filibustering everything the Left wants to do to fix the Country after Bush makes you look like you are scared the Left will succeed after a horrible president. Filibustering some is ok, but all is just coward.

You are really trying to still blame Bush? Not working. He left office at his low point. Personally, I don't care where his numbers are today, I'd assume by his silence he cares even less. Obama? His numbers aren't so good today. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html while better than the last few days, the trend is clear, he's at lower than 50% and falling.

It's not racism, he was elected by more than the 12% and he was re-elected, by again more than the 12%. Those are facts, and no screaming of 'stolen' on the right can change that. No demands for 'birth certificates,' and other moot reasonings can either. He was elected fairly. His current approval/disapproval ratings are also earned, on his own.
You are really trying to still blame Bush? Not working. He left office at his low point. Personally, I don't care where his numbers are today, I'd assume by his silence he cares even less. Obama? His numbers aren't so good today. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html while better than the last few days, the trend is clear, he's at lower than 50% and falling.

It's not racism, he was elected by more than the 12% and he was re-elected, by again more than the 12%. Those are facts, and no screaming of 'stolen' on the right can change that. No demands for 'birth certificates,' and other moot reasonings can either. He was elected fairly. His current approval/disapproval ratings are also earned, on his own.

Actually kid, Obama has had the least government spending of any President since the 50's. The spending you criticize was passed onto him. Or maybe you can tell me what Obama spent all this money on specifically and directly...............heh.............you cant with numbers kid.

(Note that this bone head is a fox news junkie because he/she said "its not racist" when I said nothing about race. Fox is teaching that if you question them, the Left will call it racist. Basic Corporate sheeple)
So we have one political newb that blames Obama. Let's see the others blame Obama and explain directly what Obama did to cause this. Was it the Obamaphone? Was it the Obama bailouts? Name it and own it.
Actually kid, Obama has had the least government spending of any President since the 50's. The spending you criticize was passed onto him. Or maybe you can tell me what Obama spent all this money on specifically and directly...............heh.............you cant with numbers kid.

(Note that this bone head is a fox news junkie because he/she said "its not racist" when I said nothing a

bout race. Fox is teaching that if you question them, the Left will call it racist. Basic Corporate sheeple)

This 'bone head', which you really don't know, is responding not just to your immediate posts, but to the myriad that have come before at THIS site. Not you, but the majority trend.

So yes, defensive.
This 'bone head', which you really don't know, is responding not just to your immediate posts, but to the myriad that have come before at THIS site. Not you, but the majority trend.

So yes, defensive.

I've seen you on other sites as well and it's still the same. You don't have anything to say about the topic. Address it or give up. Who cares who I am, just address the topic!
I'm going to bed. The Right Will never address taxing less than spending even after Chris Christie exposed Rand Paul for doing this.
Christie is a loud-mouthed blimp. He's also an anti-second amendment progressive bastard north eastern neo-con Republican and a tax raising Democrat ass kissing pig. His pals are Steven Sweeney, BIG time union boss and now Democrat President of the NJ Senate, the neo-con bastard John fucking McCain and his main love the fucking neo-communist prick and incompetent asshole Barrack Obama.

Easy to see why you're a Christie kinda guy.

Further more numb-nuts Rand Paul is simply one person in the Senate and has no sole power to tax or spend.
Actually kid, Obama has had the least government spending of any President since the 50's. The spending you criticize was passed onto him. Or maybe you can tell me what Obama spent all this money on specifically and directly...............heh.............you cant with numbers kid.

(Note that this bone head is a fox news junkie because he/she said "its not racist" when I said nothing about race. Fox is teaching that if you question them, the Left will call it racist. Basic Corporate sheeple)

Actually toddler, Obama has spent more than anyone.
We should be focusing on the deficit, not the debt. Because that's more reflective of spending and taxation than is the debt. In any case, largely due to unemployment, the deficit and debt have increased greatly since '08.