Who is going to win the Republican civil war?


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Previously I thought it was clear the moderate reasonable Republicans would win, now I am wondering if the Tea Party wins.

It seems to me if the Tea Party wins the war, the Republicans will be resigned to 25 years of minority status and life without the presidency. If the Moderate Republicans win, we will continue with a balanced two party system.

I don't think the next election is as cut and dry as you'd like to think. I think the repubs have a good shot. But that's just my opinion.
I don't think the next election is as cut and dry as you'd like to think. I think the repubs have a good shot. But that's just my opinion.

I don't think its very cut and dry, but if the Government gets shut down for any real length of time, I think it will become cut and dry. Again, I think it depends on who comes out with control of the Republican party.
Moderate reasonable Republicans don't exist in the House of Representatives. If they did, they'd have signed a discharge petition already.
Moderate reasonable Republicans don't exist in the House of Representatives. If they did, they'd have signed a discharge petition already.

There are some, but they are few and far in-between, a straight up or down vote on funding the government reportedly has the votes to pass.
It all depends on where fox goes in this one.

which lies will they back?

that will determine which faction wins.

neither faction can compete with the dems on its own.

Hell together they have to CHEAT people out of their votes to win.

The republican party has failed the wealthy.

they cant LIE to the people and get away with it like they used to .

Thank you that series of tubes called the internets
It all depends on where fox goes in this one.

which lies will they back?

that will determine which faction wins.

neither faction can compete with the dems on its own.

Hell together they have to CHEAT people out of their votes to win.

The republican party has failed the wealthy.

they cant LIE to the people and get away with it like they used to .

Thank you that series of tubes called the internets

Fox has been backing the moderates.
I'm certain that the GOP welcomes the far left's concerns regarding its future, they share those concerns.

Not so sure that conservatives care much though:


Americans are more conservative than they have been in decades
By Larry Bartels, Updated: September 30 at 2:23 am

James Stimson knows as much about public opinion as anyone in America. He has been tracking the nation’s policy preferences for more than 20 years using a “policy mood” index derived from responses to a wide variety of opinion surveys involving hundreds of specific policy questions on topics ranging from taxes and spending to environmental regulation to gun control.

The latest update of Stimson’s policy mood series suggests that the American public in 2012 was more conservative than at any point since 1952. (Actually, since mood in each year is estimated with some error, it seems safer to say that the current level of conservatism roughly equals the previous highs recorded in 1980 and 1952.) While the slight increase in conservatism from 2011 to 2012 is too small to be significant, it continues a marked trend that began as soon as Barack Obama moved into the White House.
Conservative Policy Mood, 1952-2012 (Graph by Larry Bartels)

Conservative Policy Mood, 1952-2012
(Graph by Larry Bartels)

Stimson ’s book, Public Opinion in America: Moods, Cycles, and Swings, provides a detailed description and discussion of his approach. (Stimson tracks liberal policy mood, but I have reversed his index in order to highlight the striking current level of conservatism.) Measuring public opinion by tracking common trends in a wide variety of specific policy questions is a marked improvement over the more usual approach of simply asking people to identify themselves as conservatives or liberals. Many people don’t think in such abstract ideological terms, and even those who do sometimes use the conventional labels in unconventional ways.

Political pundits often suppose that presidential election outcomes reflect the current and future ideological mood of the country. For example, Obama’s election in 2008 was hailed as the advent of “The New Liberal Order” and cited as evidence that “liberal views have re-emerged with a vengeance.” His reelection in 2012 was even more improbably described as “the most decisive mandate for an assertive, progressive governing model in well over a generation.” In reality, Stimson’s data show, the public was already more conservative than usual in 2008, and a good deal more conservative by 2012.

The ups and downs in Stimson’s measure over the past 60 years suggest that partisan turnover in presidential elections is more often a cause of opinion change than a consequence of opinion change. The marked conservative shift under Democrat Barack Obama is by no means unusual; the country also moved sharply to the right under Bill Clinton (before the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994) and Jimmy Carter. Conversely, public opinion moved sharply to the left under Republican presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. Indeed, from the standpoint of public opinion, the “Reagan era” had already passed its high water mark by the time its namesake was inaugurated.

As Christopher Wlezien (gated) nicely put it, the public tends to act as a “thermostat,” shifting to the left when the political climate in Washington shifts to the right and to the right when policy shifts to the left. In the past four years, the thermostat has been trending significantly rightward.
Ask Bohner

Discharge petition has nothing to do with Boehner. The "moderate Republicans," if they exist, can group with the Democrats, sign a dischage petition, get a clean CR to the floor, and vote on it if they want. All it takes is 218 signatures.
Republicans are fucking INSANE.

They seem to have no sense of history and no concern for the American people.

I oppose Obamacare, but this is absolutely the wrong way to do it.
Republicans are fucking INSANE.

They seem to have no sense of history and no concern for the American people.

I oppose Obamacare, but this is absolutely the wrong way to do it.

I agree with you on that. Then again, never understood how they failed to come up with a true reform plan years ago. Most Americans regardless of politics, income, etc., were always concerned about the same issues regarding healthcare:

1. costs-how to reduce, hold or at least slow down
2. pre-existing conditions
3. losing coverage when sick
4. portability

Reasonable minds should have come up with much less intrusion into the economy, including such gems as taxing the manufactures of medical devices...
The thing is that everytime the Democrats tried they failed, every time the Republicans got in office they failed to try.
I agree with you on that. Then again, never understood how they failed to come up with a true reform plan years ago. Most Americans regardless of politics, income, etc., were always concerned about the same issues regarding healthcare:

1. costs-how to reduce, hold or at least slow down
2. pre-existing conditions
3. losing coverage when sick
4. portability

Reasonable minds should have come up with much less intrusion into the economy, including such gems as taxing the manufactures of medical devices...

taxing medical device makers will make health care more affordable... oh wait... no... it will have the exact opposite effect.

I wonder why Dems want to keep the poor from affording the newest devices?
I agree with you on that. Then again, never understood how they failed to come up with a true reform plan years ago. Most Americans regardless of politics, income, etc., were always concerned about the same issues regarding healthcare:

1. costs-how to reduce, hold or at least slow down
2. pre-existing conditions
3. losing coverage when sick
4. portability

Reasonable minds should have come up with much less intrusion into the economy, including such gems as taxing the manufactures of medical devices...

As you know, I don't disagree with any of that. However, this is just insane. Shutting down the government is the absolute wrong thing to oppose anything, AND, it will only make Obamacare MORE entrenched, not less.

What is even more incredible about all of this is the fact that Obamacare is a republican plan.

It's insane.
As you know, I don't disagree with any of that. However, this is just insane. Shutting down the government is the absolute wrong thing to oppose anything, AND, it will only make Obamacare MORE entrenched, not less.

What is even more incredible about all of this is the fact that Obamacare is a republican plan.

It's insane.

Two issues have clarified in my mind that there's little difference between the two parties:

1. Healthcare as a power over the people
2. No real plan ro address immigration reform

Both parties have failed on both issues.
Two issues have clarified in my mind that there's little difference between the two parties:

1. Healthcare as a power over the people
2. No real plan ro address immigration reform

Both parties have failed on both issues.

The difference between the two is democrats are weak as shit .. and republicans are fucking INSANE.