White Woman Lies: Black Man Arrested

Another thread with the sole purpose of promoting racism. You fucking pigs need to hang your dirty laundry where decent people can't see it.
anyone that fabricates a story that results in the violent assault and theft of anothers liberty should never be allowed in public again

Isn't funny that here we are all on the side of the poor black guy, what will the race baiters have to say about that? Evince is pleading for compassion to be shown to the woman but if it was a man she would be calling for his head.
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Another thread with the sole purpose of promoting racism. You fucking pigs need to hang your dirty laundry where decent people can't see it.

You need to fuck off, you serve no useful purpose. My friend lives in Canada, Vancouver to be precise, and he wants to come back to England as he thinks Canadians are ignorant jerks.
face it dudes she is obviously mentally ill to do what she did

Face it dear, you missed the point. The purpose of the thread is to point out white on black violence for the racism cause. Keep that in mind until Obama's second term is over because that's the issue right now.
You need to fuck off, you serve no useful purpose. My friend lives in Canada, Vancouver to be precise, and he wants to come back to England as he thinks Canadians are ignorant jerks.

Interesting! In Canada we don't think that any group of immigrants are ignorant jerks but we do see a trend with English people being rather backward in many ways. And they 'do' show racist tendencies against East Indian, Pakistanis, and blacks which usually doesn't fit in all that well with Canadians. Not to mention that they are quick to condemn Muslims.

Oh, and Vancouver has lots of Chinese immigrants so I wouldn't be surpised if that's what your friend can't tolerate about Canada. Is it? Tell us why he wants to go back truthfully now.
Interesting! In Canada we don't think that any group of immigrants are ignorant jerks but we do see a trend with English people being rather backward in many ways. And they 'do' show racist tendencies against East Indian, Pakistanis, and blacks which usually doesn't fit in all that well with Canadians. Not to mention that they are quick to condemn Muslims.

Oh, and Vancouver has lots of Chinese immigrants so I wouldn't be surpised if that's what your friend can't tolerate about Canada. Is it? Tell us why he wants to go back truthfully now.

His wife was a Canadian Indian who came from Vancouver Island and he has three grown up children from that relationship. She died a couple of years ago and his children have all moved to the mainland. He just despairs at how little Canadians seem to be interested in the rest of the world. He has a Thai girlfriend now so that is another theory shot down.
His wife was a Canadian Indian who came from Vancouver Island and he has three grown up children from that relationship. She died a couple of years ago and his children have all moved to the mainland. He just despairs at how little Canadians seem to be interested in the rest of the world. He has a Thai girlfriend now so that is another theory shot down.

Coincidentally, I'm on Vancouver Island too fwiw.

But it's interesting to hear that your frined has married 'again' outside his race. I wonder why. Why has he been out looking for a companion of another race? Was it just coincidental?

I think his excuse that he has given you for wanting to go back to England is very weak. So weak that I can't accept it without further explanation. You shouldn't have either if in fact it's the truth that is his reason. I won't suggest that Canadians are more worldly that other nationalities but I certainly wouldn't place ourselves below the average. I do have a few reservations about people from the UK though. Especially the Irish in general being bigoted and hateful as regards their religious beliefs. The English in general being rather crude in what they see as humour.
Coincidentally, I'm on Vancouver Island too fwiw.

But it's interesting to hear that your frined has married 'again' outside his race. I wonder why. Why has he been out looking for a companion of another race? Was it just coincidental?

I think his excuse that he has given you for wanting to go back to England is very weak. So weak that I can't accept it without further explanation. You shouldn't have either if in fact it's the truth that is his reason. I won't suggest that Canadians are more worldly that other nationalities but I certainly wouldn't place ourselves below the average. I do have a few reservations about people from the UK though. Especially the Irish in general being bigoted and hateful as regards their religious beliefs. The English in general being rather crude in what they see as humour.

He hasn't married again, I said he has a Thai girlfriend who I introduced him to by the way. His mother died recently and his father is poorly so he will wait until he goes. He has a brother there as well and he has no intention of coming back. I think what he misses most is British TV and humour, he finds Canadians to be a bit slow and humourless, at least for his tastes. He has lived there for over 25 years so I assume he knows what he is talking about. He also lived on Vancouver Island and said that crack is rampant amongst those Indian settlements.