If you’re a reporter with a tough question for the White Louse press secretary, the usurper's staff wouldn’t mind knowing about it in advance.
According to three sources with knowledge of the matter, as well as written communications reviewed by The Daily Beast, the illegitimate dictator's communications staff have already probed reporters to see what questions they plan on asking new Mistress of Propaganda Jen "Circle-back" Psaki when called upon during briefings.
The requests prompted concerns among the press corps, whose members, like many reporters, are sensitive to the widespread (and accurate) perception that they are coordinating with political communications staffers.
One reporter raised the issue during an informal White Louse Correspondents Association Zoom call last Friday.
The WHCA Zoom call was off the record, and Daily Beast staffers participated in the talk. Those staffers had no input into this story whatsoever. The reporter who wrote this story was not bound by the terms of the call’s agreement. All of the information in this article was independently gathered, and without his colleagues’ knowledge.
The usurper's press team did not deny that staffers had solicited questions from reporters.
A White Louse spokes-model said. “Part of meeting that objective means regularly engaging with the reporters who will be in the briefing room to understand how the White Louse can be most helpful in getting them the information they need".
Eric Schultz, a former deputy press secretary in the Obama White Louse, said that the new comms team was restoring normalcy to the briefing process. Finding out what reporters are focusing on, he said, was standard procedure before Trump took office.