White House Is Kissing a $15 Minimum Wage Goodbye


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Democrats in Congress have moved to pass the $1.9 trillion stimulus package without Republican support in the Senate using a parliamentary procedure known as reconciliation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Friday that the lower chamber aims to pass the fiscal relief package within two weeks.

Under the rules of reconciliation, only measures that have an impact on the budget can be passed. Biden indicated in the interview that those rules likely wouldn’t allow the inclusion of a minimum wage provision in the final bill.

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (D-VT), however, said he is working to include the minimum wage in the bill because it has budget implications.

“I put it in but I don’t think its going to survive,” Biden told CBS’ Norah O’Donnell. “My guess is it will not be in [the final stimulus bill].”
Nope, the $15 minimum wage will be back, it just won't be part of the relief Bill and I agree with that. We need to raise the minimum wage and we need to implement a regular increase to go along with the cost of living, anything helps over time.
We need to raise the minimum wage and we need to implement a regular increase to go along with the cost of living, anything helps over time.

Won't government mandated higher wages tend to raise the cost of good and services accordingly?

Or are you advocating for government regulated price controls, too?
Nope, the $15 minimum wage will be back, it just won't be part of the relief Bill and I agree with that. We need to raise the minimum wage and we need to implement a regular increase to go along with the cost of living, anything helps over time.

100%. Biden and Sanders are not going to give up on the $15 minimum wage anytime during the next two years. This just isn't the bill for it.
100%. Biden and Sanders are not going to give up on the $15 minimum wage anytime during the next two years. This just isn't the bill for it.

you mean because the majority of people in Congress won't vote for it, even in the Covid relief bill?.......
and they are under reconciliation because they couldn't get the votes.......

Democrats in Congress finally figured out they would have to pay all their illegal nannies, gardners, etc. that wage. Amazing how they change their tune when they actually have to pay something out of their own pocket huh?
Amazing how they change their tune when they actually have to pay something out of their own pocket huh?

Don't you think they will give themselves a loophole when they force everyone else to pay more for the same service, Skipper?
Don't you think they will give themselves a loophole when they force everyone else to pay more for the same service, Skipper?

I think they are running scared a bit here Legion. They know they are being watched. Though it would not surprise me if they tried to hide in a bill someplace.
I think they are running scared a bit here Legion. They know they are being watched. Though it would not surprise me if they tried to hide in a bill someplace.

I cannot concur, Skipper.

The right is powerless now.

The DEMOCRATS have nothing to fear from their followers who are demonstrably incurious, uncaring, and/or ignorant about what their leaders do, and they can obviously rely on their media allies to make any potential embarrassments disappear.
correct. damn the torpedoes ; full speed ahead

Please don't sully a naval hero by suggesting that DEMOCRATS have the courage to say what he did while he was engaged in crushing their deadly insurrection.

The circumstances are entirely different. Today's DEMOCRATS face no appreciable danger and are an arrogant and dismissive elite.
I cannot concur, Skipper.

The right is powerless now.

The DEMOCRATS have nothing to fear from their followers who are demonstrably incurious, uncaring, and/or ignorant about what their leaders do, and they can obviously rely on their media allies to make any potential embarrassments disappear.

The right as far as politicians maybe temporarily down trodden. The right through out this country are going no where. I think you would agree.
The right as far as politicians maybe temporarily down trodden. The right through out this country are going no where. I think you would agree.

I wish I could.

They are criminalizing dissent, witch-hunting elected officials, purging the government and the military, doxxing, deplatforming and demonetizing any opposition.

Did you ever see "Enemy of the State"?

It's playing out in real time, in real life, and on scale never before seen in the USA.
I wish I could.

They are criminalizing dissent, witch-hunting elected officials, purging the government and the military, doxxing, deplatforming and demonetizing any opposition.

Did you ever see "Enemy of the State"?

It's playing out in real time, in real life, and on scale never before seen in the USA.

No I have not seen that movie. Will Smith is a good actor though. They can try and purge all they want Legion. There comes a tipping point.
No I have not seen that movie. Will Smith is a good actor though.

I recommend that you see it, not as entertainment, but as a cautionary exercise, Skipper.

The parallels will be obvious to you.

They can try and purge all they want Legion. There comes a tipping point.

The tipping point didn't come for the Soviets for 70 years.

Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, and Red China all have the kind of society DEMOCRATS have dreamt of for years and are now building.
I recommend that you see it, not as entertainment, but as a cautionary exercise, Skipper.

The parallels will be obvious to you.

The tipping point didn't come for the Soviets for 70 years.

Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, and Red China all have the kind of society DEMOCRATS have dreamt of for years and are now building.

In all fairness we should know more about it than all those countries. When the government comes for the left also (and they will) only then will Americans band together.