White guy wins after leading voters to believe he’s black


HOUSTON -- Dave Wilson chuckles as he talks about his unorthodox political campaign. "I'd always said it was a long shot," Wilson says. "No, I didn't expect to win."

Still, he figured he'd have fun running, because he was fed up with what he called "all the shenanigans" at the Houston Community College System. As a conservative white Republican running in a district whose voters are overwhelmingly black Democrats, the odds seemed overwhelmingly against him.

Then he came up with an idea, an advertising strategy that his opponent found "disgusting." If a white guy didn't have a chance in a mostly African-American district, Wilson would lead voters to think he's black.

And it apparently worked. In one of the biggest political upsets in Houston politics this election season, Wilson -- an anti-gay activist and former fringe candidate for mayor -- emerged as the surprise winner over 24-year incumbent Bruce Austin. His razor thin margin of victory, only 26 votes, was almost certainly influenced by his racially tinged campaign.

"Every time a politician talks, he's out there deceiving voters," he says. Wilson, a gleeful political troublemaker, printed direct mail pieces strongly implying that he's black. His fliers were decorated with photographs of smiling African-American faces -- which he readily admits he just lifted off websites -- and captioned with the words "Please vote for our friend and neighbor Dave Wilson."

One of his mailers said he was "Endorsed by Ron Wilson," which longtime Houston voters might easily interpret as a statement of support from a former state representative of the same name who's also African-American. Fine print beneath the headline says "Ron Wilson and Dave Wilson are cousins," a reference to one of Wilson's relatives living in Iowa.

"He's a nice cousin," Wilson says, suppressing a laugh. "We played baseball in high school together. And he's endorsed me."

Austin tried to answer the mailer with his own fliers showing Wilson's face, calling him a "right-wing hate monger" and saying he "advocated bringing back chain gangs to clean highways." But the campaign clearly caught him off guard.

"I don't think it's good," he said. "I don't think it's good for both democracy and the whole concept of fair play. But that was not his intent, apparently."

Just how much a role Wilson's mailers played in the campaign is unclear. Other incumbents running for re-election were forced into runoffs, perhaps because the community college system has come under intense criticism for insider business deals and spending money on overseas initiatives. And after 24 years in office, Austin's name should have been somewhat familiar to his constituents.

"I suspect it's more than just race," says Bob Stein, the Rice University political scientist and KHOU analyst. "The Houston Community College was under some criticism for bad performance. And others on the board also had very serious challenges."

Austin has said he plans to ask for a recount. But in an era of electronic voting, political analysts said Wilson's victory will probably hold and send him into office for a six-year term.


they voted for him because they thought he was indorsed by a local leader.

thank you for proving the only way republicans can get elected is by cheating and lying

Wilson, D-Houston, was a colorful and often controversial state representative from 1977 to 2004. Democrats targeted him for defeat after he helped Republicans push through a congressional redistricting bill that added an African-American seat in Houston but gave the GOP a majority of the state's congressional delegation statewide

Now realize what this scum did .

He tool a local hero who got Houston ungerrymandered.

They LOVE him there.

He worked with Rs and the people knew that .

This man lied to his voters.

you think hes great?
they voted for him because they thought he was indorsed by a local leader. thank you for proving the only way republicans can get elected is by cheating and lying

He never said he was endorsed by a local leader, did he?

Guess those Black racists are pretty gullible.

Maybe you should go spit in their faces.
it was a fucking lie.

He knew damned well everyone would think it was this guy.

The fact that you defend this tactic proves you have no morals
it was a fucking lie. He knew damned well everyone would think it was this guy. The fact that you defend this tactic proves you have no morals

He never said he was Black, did he? And he never said the endorsement was from a Black politician, did he?

The fact that you voted for Obama twice (that I know of) proves you have no brains...after all. he led voters to believe he is Black, didn't he?
Last week, a federal judge in New Jersey rejected an attempt by the Republican National Committee (RNC) to dissolve a 27-year-old court order that is intended to prevent the intimidation of minority voters.

Stemming from a lawsuit brought forth by the Democratic National Committee in 1982, a consent decree was agreed upon which forced the RNC to gain court approval to use certain election tactics, including the creation of voter challenge lists, photographing voters at the polls and posting off-duty police at voting locations in minority neighborhoods, according to The New York Times.

Republicans argued that the consent decree was hampering efforts to combat voter fraud, which had escalated over the previous few years, according to RNC lawyers

I laughed when I saw he was endorsed by his cousin, who had the same name. Its funny they can be so easily manipulated over a few glossy photos.
This isactually scary to know that people so apparently ignorant and gullible will vot for someone simply based on race.
This is actually scary to know that people so apparently ignorant and gullible will vot for someone simply based on race.

Why do you think they love Obama?

Or Hillary?

It's all about race/gender with liberals.

Can anyone list their accomplishments?

Besides being half-Black or a woman?
I laughed when I saw he was endorsed by his cousin, who had the same name. Its funny they can be so easily manipulated over a few glossy photos.

The truth of the matter is Repubs cannot win without cheating. That is a sad legacy.
The truth of the matter is Repubs cannot win without cheating. That is a sad legacy.

Wrong again dimwit; what it proves is that a majority of black voters really are THAT stupid.

You're a constant reminder of just how stupid and repugnant some black voters can be.
Just like the voter ID thing, it's about voter responsibility. If it's important to you, do your homework.
The truth of the matter is Repubs cannot win without cheating. That is a sad legacy.

Here is an old man that put a few glossy pictures of blacks on the pamphlets, said he was endorsed by Ron Wilson, his cousin, and all the the Obamabots assumed he was one of them.
Please tell us Poet, exactly how many times did you vote for the white guy or was it even worse? Did you go door to door campaigning for him?

You sheep are so easy to control.
