Which is Better?

Big Money

New member



Rant? What rant?

I apologize if it wasn't you that created a thread on Tesla cheating on the "above 5 star rating" thing....I thought it was you.

For a personal opinion? There are only a few cars that have the combination of price point and fuel economy that I feel comfortable buying. The Prius and the Volkswagon diesels. I refuse to pay more than the high 20's for a vehicle. I don't give a shit about luxuries....if it has AC, power windows and a decent sound system with an iPod hookup....I'm a happy camper.

I will say that if the Chevy Volt would come down to mid line Prius levels, I'd buy one. A mid level Prius costs around $26k....the high end with all the bells and whistles around $30k.

Personally....when GM came begging for taxpayer dollars to fix GMAC? I would have put a condition on it. Make the Volt your flagship car, even if you have to sell ot at a loss and make up the difference with raising the price on the gas guzzlers. I would even offer an exemption to small business owners who actually need a big van or truck for the running of that business....think.Plumbers, Carpenters, road Construction, etc.
It was me. How is a factual report a rant?

So it was you.....the Tesla was the safest car ever tested....even beating out cars that are famous for their ratings....like the Volvos.

I know.....5stars is the best they give out. However a Cat 5 hurricane is the highest rating they give out....a EF5 tornado is the highest they give out. Bit yet you hear every so often that it is the most powerful hurricane/tornado ever on record....even though it's still a CAT 5 or an EF5.

Superstorm Sandy was only a Cat 1 or 2 when it hit the Atlantic seaboard...but it caused major devastation because of it's sheer size and sustained abuse. That doesn't mean a fast moving CAT 5 Is more devastating than a slow moving huge Cat 1 or 2 hurricane.

It's a matter or perspective and cost....not of wind speed.
How is most electricity in the US generated?

Fossil fuels....because of idiots like you who nod their heads and drool over anything their lobbies tell you.

You know almost 40 years ago...Carter installed solar panels at the White House and made renewable energy a priority to be invested.in. when he was defeated by Reagan....Ronnie had 'em torn down.

Imagine if we had 40 years of R&D on green energy as a National Priority....it's quite possible that we wouldn't have the debt woes we have, it's possible that 9/11 never would have happened.
Fossil fuels....because of idiots like you who nod their heads and drool over anything their lobbies tell you.

You know almost 40 years ago...Carter installed solar panels at the White House and made renewable energy a priority to be invested.in. when he was defeated by Reagan....Ronnie had 'em torn down.

Imagine if we had 40 years of R&D on green energy as a National Priority....it's quite possible that we wouldn't have the debt woes we have, it's possible that 9/11 never would have happened.


While natural gas can be considered a fossil fuel, it contributes very little pollution, in fact releasing unburned methane (the primary component of natural gas) is far more harmful to the environment and a powerful greenhouse gas (24 times as potent as CO2). Since it leaks out of the earth anyway, burns extremely cleanly and isn't necessarily fossil (it is readily produced from decaying organic matter, Methane doesn't have to be more than a few weeks old), there is nothing wrong with burning it for energy, especially at this time of imminent and critical transition.
Even if your electric car is powered by coal though, it still uses the least amount of energy and requires no foreign
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While natural gas can be considered a fossil fuel, it contributes very little pollution, in fact releasing unburned methane (the primary component of natural gas is far more harmful to the environment and a powerful greenhouse gas (24 times as potent as CO2). Since it leaks out of the earth anyway, burns extremely cleanly and isn't necessarily fossil (it is readily produced from decaying organic matter, Methane doesn't have to be more than a few weeks old), there is nothing wrong with burning it for energy, especially at this time of imminent and critical transition.
Even if your electric car is powered by coal though, it still uses the least amount of energy and requires no foreign

Holy crap, I am worried now you are actually starting to make sense.